• Protect out Water
    Allow our farmers to grow and make food competitively whilst securing food security in Australia. And mining and cotton industries from stealing our Commonwealth water for private companies that gifted water rights. This directly affects our climate and has massive impact on climate change as we are drying and exploiting our water whilst rivers, small communities and our environment suffers. It's now time to stop water theft and return water rights to Australian citizens rather than transnational corporations.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Malcolm Jones
  • Protect Our Aged and Disability Services
    We can’t forget about our older community members. They deserve to be cared for and looked after. Some are not fortunate to have family or friends to advocate on their behalf. The aim of home and community care services like Meals on Wheels, assistance with showering, shopping and cleaning is to keep the older members of our community in their own home and out of aged care facilities. Many other councils throughout Victoria have privatise and outsource these services. And those who deliver these services are some of the lowest paid workers predominately female workers. We as a community cannot afford for these services to be privatised.
    396 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Penny Flynn
  • Declare a Climate Emergency at Macquarie University
    1. OUR HEALTH MATTERS: This is important because climate change is affecting our health and wellbeing. 2. OUR TECHNOLOGY CAN HELP: Universities have a major role to play in the science and technology necessary to deal with the consequences of climate change on human societies and the ecosystem. 3. OUR EDUCATION CHANGES LIVES: Universities educate our community, workers, and future leaders about science, public policy, and the threats of climate change.
    477 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Nick Harrigan & Shaun Wilson
  • 128 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joel O
  • Stop paying Politicians after they retire
    We have so much more needy projects that require assistance today than paying all the Politicians that are no longer doing anything. Also what other employment field in Australia continues to give their workers the fringe benefits after cessation of their duties. Government pushes for fairness and equality and maintains this by at times establishing royal commissions into the investigation of unfair and at times criminal practices. How then is having Politicians still on the Payroll and paying them millions of dollars annually in monetary value including other fringe benefits a fair and equitable practice. We certainly don’t get that and we have all worked hard in Australia. We all perform jobs do our tasks and one job is no more important than the other.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geoff Silva
  • Improve ALVA Campus Conditions
    Mould and leaking roofs in studio/learning spaces, windows soo filthy they can hardly be seen through, and general poor conditions on campus don't incite positive learning conditions. For students who spend significant amounts of time at university, some clean work spaces are not just desired, they are required!
    108 of 200 Signatures
  • Our Leave is not a KPI
    CBA have added a new KPI: To meet this KPI employees must reduce their annual and long service leave balances. Annual leave and long service leave are entitlements of employment, they're earned, and to link taking that leave to employee performance at the Bank is not appropriate or fair. CBA have plenty of options if they want to ask staff to reduce the amount of leave they’ve got saved up - to make this a KPI is not fair. What staff do with their leave is their business, their ability to meet their KPIs and get their bonuses should not be linked to getting their leave balance down!
    601 of 800 Signatures
    Created by FSU
  • Please Vote No to Attacks on Workers
    We know that Ms Lambie has a reputation for sticking up for ordinary working people, and has done so many times. We are asking her to support them now by voting against the government's Ensuring Integrity and Worker Benefits Bills. We believe that these bills are an attack on the rights of everyday workers including those in child and aged care, retail, nurses, teachers and tradies, and that they will make it harder for them to get a fair go at work. Yours sincerely, Donna MacKinnon (retired teacher) and the members of the Eastern Workers Collective.
    138 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Donna MacKinnon
  • Footpaths for Kids - Warnervale P.S.
    Children living in estates at the south eastern end of Warnervale road, bounded by Sparks Road, Old Pacific Highway, and the Wyong Hospital, do not have access to safe footpaths to walk to school. Nor is there a safe place for children to cross Warnervale Road to the fully completed footpath on the northern side of Warnervale road. With all of the development occurring in the area, there are fully laden trucks, including B Doubles, using Warnervale road in addition to the local traffic. It is just not safe for our children to get to school on their own. We want Central Coast Council to make the safety of our children a priority and complete the footpath.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Narelle Rich
  • UTS Climate Strike
    Transforming our destructive relationship with the environment requires the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs right across society. This includes, but also goes far beyond, rebuilding the electricity system for 100% renewable energy by 2030 under public ownership. We stand with Indigenous people in struggles to protect their lands and waters from impending expansion of fossil fuel projects. We stand with workers in fossil fuel industries and their communities facing insecure work and an uncertain future - there must be clear job guarantee from the government for all of these workers as the economy de-carbonises. We stand against the vested corporate and political interests placing profits above the future of the planet. They have made enormous riches from destroying the earth - they must pay for the climate action we urgently need. Here at UTS we have a particular responsibility and opportunity to play a leading role in the research, development and retraining that will be needed for the climate transition.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Bailey
  • Qantas: Respect Working Women
    Some Staff may be required to furnish a full marriage certificate that happened many years ago and has a divorce certificate to prove that indeed their birth name is the exact name that it has been since they started.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union ASU Picture
  • Minimum staffing levels for 000 workers now!
    Taking emergency calls for a living is already stressful enough. But due to understaffing, 000 workers can't even take a moment between calls to recover from what they've just heard. They're being called back from breaks and feel they're unable to take annual leave. However their greatest concern is for the community trying to call through in an emergency. These workers aren't asking for a pay rise or more holidays, they're simply calling for minimum staffing levels so that they can support Victorians in need.
    1,097 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ambulance Employees Australia Victoria