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To: The Hon. Danny Pearson, Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC, Parliament of Victoria

Keep WorkCover working


As of March 31st, changes have been made to WorkCover regarding the types of mental injury-related claims that can be made, and the way payments may or may not be continued beyond 130 weeks.

We hosted a live show with our sponsors Slater & Gordon, during which we heard from WorkCover experts Audrey Gunn and Marc Temminghoff about how these changes affect workers.

A recording of the webinar along with the slides and factsheets from Slater & Gordon are now on our website.

Abandon the proposed changes to WorkCover.

The Victorian Government should respect the expert advice given at the Legislative Council Committee Inquiry and follow the recommendations of the Legislative Council Report. No Labor MP should vote for these changes to WorkCover.

Why is this important?

I was a formwork carpenter working in the building industry when an injury to my foot landed me 5 days in the ICU and nearly 8 weeks in hospital.

Over the next 6 years I had a further 8 operations. After 130 weeks on WorkCover I was still limping around and waiting anxiously for operations to relieve my pain.

I don’t know about you, but I know I certainly didn’t have enough of my own savings to support my family through all that time. Without WorkCover and the building industry’s entitlement scheme, I would have lost everything.

Recently I learned that the Victorian Labor Government is proposing huge changes to WorkCover – cutting injured workers off the scheme at 130 weeks and rejecting all stress and burnout claims.

Please, use the email tool here to tell Minister Danny Pearson to abandon the proposed changes. We have strength in numbers.

Victoria, Australia

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