• Make Parking Accessible @ Monash Health!
    We, members of VAHPA the union for Allied Health Professionals, believe that Monash Health's propsed PAYG model fails to provide adequate parking for staff nor promotes more sustainable transport options. We want a model that is affordable and restricted to reserved staff use only to ensure we can all find a park that is safe and with minimal inconvenience. As a reminder, Monash Health's parking fee proposal is as follows: • $3 for first 4 hours, then 35c per half hour blocks up to 24 hours • No charge if user leaves car park within 15 minutes • Employees will not be disadvantaged if they leave and come back in the 24 hour period or if they travel between sites. • Employees and the general public will also have the option of paying directly via their credit card.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association (VAHPA)
  • Scrap obscene government executive pay rises and pay essential workers more
    Executives at iCare, the NSW Government agency responsible for supporting injured workers, will each be awarded an average $30,000 pay rise with the CEO receiving a $246,508 pay rise to put his salary at over $1 million. This is the reward executives at one of the worst performing government agencies in history get after underpaying 53,000 injured workers a total of $38 million and leaking the private details of almost 200,000 workers. Meanwhile, the Perrottet Government is capping the wages of essential workers below the cost of living after supporting our state through the COVID pandemic. Under the NSW Government, executives and politicians continue to enjoy massive pay rises over and above exhausted essential workers. Essential Workers Deserve Better. Add your name to tell the Perrottet Government to scrap the obscene wage increase and pay essential workers what they’re worth.
    2,658 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW
  • Fighting for Fair Visa Processing Times
    There are thousands of people nationwide whose lives are stuck in limbo while they await a visa decision from the Department of Home Affairs. Many have been waiting for years with no response from government. Key points on the 887 visa: · The 887 visa is a pathway to permanent residency for temporary visa holders who have lived and worked in areas of regional Australia. · These temporary visas leave migrants vulnerable to employment, housing, family and financial instability. · 887 visa applicants are forced to live in limbo while they experience endless visa processing delays and backlogs. · The average wait time for the 887 visa is now over two years
    1,690 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Migrant Workers Centre
  • I will #BinBega until dairy workers get a fair deal!
    While Bega bosses cry poor and claim an increase in wages would be untenable, they are out lining the pockets of wealthy shareholders, increasing dividends to shareholders by 10 per cent last financial year. The CEO Paul van Heerwaarden’s salary saw an 18 per cent increase last year, despite not meeting his performance targets. Bega is not struggling. It recorded profits of well over $20 million last year even though it spent a lot of money on its continuing expansion. We are not only striking for workers at the Bega, we are fighting for the next generation and doing our bit to ensure workers in WA get a fair share of corporate profits.
    1,941 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Bega Workers
  • Give Curtin Uni Staff a Pay Rise!
    Students should support Curtin staff fighting for better pay and conditions because: 1. Workers deserve a decent wage that goes up with inflation, at the very least.✊ 2. Because they are also fighting to improve the education quality they can provide for us too!🎓 Our staff are overworked, understaffed and increasingly facing unstable employment with casualisation on the rise. We know that staff teaching conditions impact student learning conditions. But we also think it's completely unfair for the staff who make our university run to be struggling with a cost of living crisis while university executives are making $300,000+ per year and the university is in surplus.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline Blackburn
  • A fair deal for Knorr-Bremse workers
    Knorr-Bremse’s Sustainability Report (2021) states that employees are one of the central pillars of the firm’s corporate responsibility strategy. It states that it is the firm’s “aspiration to protect employees’ rights and ensure fair and appropriate pay”. It cannot be reasonably argued that the firm’s current offer in this round of enterprise bargaining, which represents a real pay cut on projected inflation figures and a decrease in the employment security of the workforce, meets this standard.
    214 of 300 Signatures
    Created by The AMWU Picture
  • Climate-proof our homes: Energy efficiency standards for rentals NOW
    We spend winters shivering inside beanies, jumpers, blankets, uggs and wooly socks. In Summer we sleep with ice packs. And we pay through the nose for the privilege. More and more renters in Australia are experiencing rental stress - paying more than 40 or 50% of our incomes for homes that barely keep out the weather. Rent is skyrocketing, as are our power bills. Yet renters can’t reduce our bills by installing solar panels, insulation, more efficient hot water systems or by removing gas appliances from our homes. We’re forced to run power hungry space heaters to stay warm only to get hit with enormous power bills. More and more renters are forced to make a choice between staying warm and buying groceries. It’s more important than ever to improve the standards of rentals as power prices soar and home ownership is put further out of reach for young people. Generation United is powered by the United Workers Union. We’re a strong voice for young workers and we’re coming together to tackle the big issues that affect us - at work, at home, in our community and in our environment. Renters are speaking out, our governments must listen and act. These are just some of the stories tenants have shared with us: “The upstairs of our town house would reach over 43 degrees in summer so I slept with ice packs strapped to my body.” - Vic renter “Our house is not at all insulated. The cold days are super cold and the hot days make the house stuffy for weeks” - Aus renter “I have been getting sick once or twice a month from how cold my room gets.” - Krishan, Vic renter “Extremely cold temp in the house in winter and almost unliveable in the summer due to heat.” - WA renter “Window has been stuck open ever since 2020, 8+ requests to close it with no outcome. My 3rd winter wfh now and I have to wear puffer 24/7!” - Aus renter “I have leaks in my ceiling I’ve been complaining about since 2018, which are only getting worse and still nothing done. Can’t use my lounge room at all.” - NSW renter
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by gen united
  • Every Victorian deserves sick pay
    The last few years during the pandemic have shown us what happens when Victorians don't have access to sick pay. Working as a casual in retail I couldn’t afford to cancel the few shifts I had. I’d often be forced to go in sick, because it was the difference between me paying my rent and not. This is why it's critical that the State Goverment ensures that all workers have access to sick pay and expand the industries covered by the guarantee.
    3,013 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Clare Elliot, casual worker
  • Get rid of CellOPark Curtin University
    Parking enforcers at Curtin University have a reputation for being highly efficient and predatory. If you don’t pay for parking, you will get fined—so why do people take the risk? The answer is they don’t. At the Bentley campus, the odds are stacked against you, and sometimes no matter what you do, you will get a fine. You’re invited to appeal them, but with a catch—if they reject the appeal they will reduce the amount of time you have to pay, leading to penalties being applied quicker. Is it worth the risk when few appeals are ever accepted? Curtin students pay thousands of dollars to study at this University, and it is often a requirement for their education that they come to campus. They are often getting by on Centrelink or working hard to stay above the poverty line. They are faced with a parking system that preys on them, takes every opportunity to make money off of them and refers them to debt collectors with the threat of further legal action, when they are struggling the most. Students are asking to be allowed to pay for parking, without the many barriers that the CellOPark app entails. 1. Phase out CellOPark. This app regularly charges users for premium service fees without permission, or logs them out of sessions, causing them to get fined. It is predatory and not user-friendly. 2. Reduce the cost of fines to $20. A $45 fine can be detrimental to students, especially when they are not at fault due to the CellOPark app. Curtin has absolute discretion over the cost of fines, and the deterrent does not need to be that high—Curtin University is using their captive audience, students, to raise as much revenue as possible. 3. Introduce a mixed PAYG/Permit system. A Pay As You Go system saves money for those who come to campus occasionally, but a permit system that discounts parking for purchasing for longer intervals is more equitable for students who need to attend campus more often, up to five days a week, for more intensive courses or as part of their studies
    7,841 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Curtin Student Guild
  • Tell Sydney Trains and Transport for NSW to Stop Targeting Our Delegate
    Our elected representatives need to have the ability to represent us, the members, free of harassment and the threat of disciplinary hanging over their heads like the hangman's noose. The actions displayed from Sydney Trains set a terrible precedent and will impede the movement's ability to bargain into the future due to workplace delegates being in fear of disciplinary action that can potentially impact their employment.
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Scarlett Bellette
  • Directly employ Victorian school cleaners!
    School cleaners have done everything asked of them during the pandemic to keep schools clean and healthy. But under the current contracting system they are underpaid and undervalued. In order to keep schools clean and safe cleaners need: • more time to do the job • decent equipment to do the job • a job they can count on • respect and fair pay This is why they should be directly employed by the State Government. Our children deserve Victorian Government cleaners.
    2,418 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • FRESHFOOD MANAGEMENT: Stop locking out your workers & give them a fair deal!
    Workers were only enacting overtime bans during the dispute in order to win a fair deal. But in response, the company took the extraordinary measure of locking workers out for multiple days without pay. When the company still didn’t address workers' concerns around personal leave, the workers took a day of strike action and now the company locked workers out again! We’re calling on the company to stop their unfair lockout immediately, allow workers to return to work, and address workers' concerns about personal leave - which they need to keep themselves and their families safe.
    2,399 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union Picture