• Stop Clive Palmer's Open Borders to Coronavirus
    Clive Palmer wants to overturn state border restrictions that have helped prevent the spread of coronavirus. This is the same billionaire who's mining company went insolvent and left hundreds of workers without jobs or entitlements. This is the same billionaire who spent $60 million during the last federal election trying to buy the outcome he wanted. He must be stopped and the Prime Minister and Australia's Attorney General should use all powers available to stop him.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW Picture
  • Paid Pandemic Leave for Workers in Meat and Associated Industries in Newcastle and Northern Area
    We have already seen in Victoria and the United States that Meat Processing Facilities and related industries can be extremely vulnerable to COVID-19 outbreak. Our working environments are fast paced, indoors and require close contact with other workers, placing us at high risk. As Essential Workers we must continue to do this work in order to provide food to the people of Australia. We need YOUR SUPPORT to lobby our Employers and the Government to provide paid pandemic leave NOW.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Oscar Jenkins
  • Andrew Bolt is a public health menace.
    Bolt writes one of the widest distributed columns in the nation. He always uses this platform to promote his anti-science agenda. Maybe you can argue that is free speech. But when he is blatantly pedalling falsehoods on public health during a pandemic he must be refused a platform. Mr Weir needs to pull Bolt into line before people die.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Antony Moore
  • Bus Driver Safety Screens must be fitted to every TransLink urban bus
    The issue of bus driver assaults is not new, it has been going on for years. In Queensland for the past 10 years the issue has been researched, debated and reviewed and the need for public transport buses to be fitted with bus driver safety screens clearly identified in the 2017 Bus Driver Safety Review. Queensland public transport is administered by the government department of Transport and Main Roads under the TransLink banner. TMR/TransLink awards contracts to bus operators and it fully funds the cost of providing these services and provides funds for the purchase of buses used in these contracts. The Bus Driver Safety Review identified the need for bus driver safety screens to be fitted to urban buses under the TransLink banner. All new buses purchased by TransLink contractors must be fitted with bus driver safety screens. It will take another 21 years for the entire fleet of buses under the TransLink banner to be replaced with buses fitted with driver safety screens. Therefore, for another 21 years bus drivers working for contractors under the TransLink banner will be at risk of assault because they will be driving a bus that is not fitted with a driver safety screen. I am asking for your assistance to petition the Queensland Government to fully fund the cost of retrofitting the entire TransLink branded bus fleet.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greg Eaves
  • LANTITE Campaign
    Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Education Students [LANTITE] and the administration of LANTITE. We can understand your frustration given Education and the COVID-19 pandemic; We believe you can understand and appreciate our frustration in regard to the LANTITE and our inability to graduate. As a result, we implore you for your support in removing the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Education Students (LANTITE) administered by ACER as a graduate requirement. These students have successfully completed the units in their degrees, as well as professional practise in the form of placements. Throughout degrees and placements, the importance of literacy and numeracy is highlighted. We implore you to support the removal of LANTITE as a graduation requirement. In doing so, you will be contributing and assisting Australia’s economic return through this pandemic.
    1,527 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by LANTITE 4REGISTRATION Picture
  • All risk no incentive? Pay rise for essential service workers
    The recent Covid 19 income support package has resulted in an imbalance. A hospital cleaner working full time is earning around $1000 per week before tax, and usually takes home around $750. The worker must meet all personal expenses including housing, transport, food, childcare, education and medical costs. The essential services workforce is being severely affected by the current crisis as many workers are having to stay home to care for families. We are not going to be able to recruit new workers to replace those who are unable to work. Potential employees would be better off on Centrelink benefits, safer and wealthier.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susie Wallis
    As everyone is racing the grocery store and panic buying - we are getting abused, things thrown at us and not being treated with respect. We are risking our lives/our families because we don’t know if anyone we are coming into contact with has the virus. Hundreds of people visit supermarkets per day and the rate for people being tested positive is doubling everyday. It’s not right - we’re not being protected enough. Woolworths should be giving both salary and EBA team members a bonus to support their staff. We, retail workers, and our families matter too.
    1,168 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lor Brown
  • Contain the virus and support the vulnerable
    There is nothing normal about the COVID-19 outbreak or the devastating economic impact it will have / is having on the most vulnerable. Some estimate that up to 60% of the population may be affected, and a catastrophic overburdening of the health system seems inevitable. Moreover, countless workers, artists, and students will have to deal with devastating economic conditions on top of these biological worries. With the Reserve Bank of Australia announcing that it is commencing Quantitative Easing (QE), and the treasury preparing another stimulus package, it is essential that the government embrace policies and programs which will actually address the source of the problem and which will secure a basic standard of living / survival for those who have neither the incomes nor savings to sustain themselves. By honouring the demands above, and sparing no expense in their pursuit of a best-practice response, the government has a genuine chance at minimising the economic and biological damage of the COVID-19 outbreak. A failure to institute any of the above demands, however, would amount to gross negligence: anything short of a significant economic response, which supports casual wage earners and the vulnerable, will lead to increased transmission rates or, worse, a serious and perhaps fatal deterioration in people's quality of life as they lack the liquidity and income to secure accommodation and acquire essential goods. Moreover, without social distancing and rapid investment in health provisions the number of cases will start increasing exponential. If implemented these demands will not only "flatten the curve", but raise the system's overall capacity, saving many lives. Honouring these demands (among others) will minimise damage to the largest degree, and is ultimately the only way the government can truly protect its citizens. Anything less is negligence.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by University of Sydney Students' Representative Council
  • Declare a Climate Emergency at Macquarie University
    1. OUR HEALTH MATTERS: This is important because climate change is affecting our health and wellbeing. 2. OUR TECHNOLOGY CAN HELP: Universities have a major role to play in the science and technology necessary to deal with the consequences of climate change on human societies and the ecosystem. 3. OUR EDUCATION CHANGES LIVES: Universities educate our community, workers, and future leaders about science, public policy, and the threats of climate change.
    477 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Nick Harrigan & Shaun Wilson
  • 128 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joel O
  • Improve ALVA Campus Conditions
    Mould and leaking roofs in studio/learning spaces, windows soo filthy they can hardly be seen through, and general poor conditions on campus don't incite positive learning conditions. For students who spend significant amounts of time at university, some clean work spaces are not just desired, they are required!
    108 of 200 Signatures
  • Footpaths for Kids - Warnervale P.S.
    Children living in estates at the south eastern end of Warnervale road, bounded by Sparks Road, Old Pacific Highway, and the Wyong Hospital, do not have access to safe footpaths to walk to school. Nor is there a safe place for children to cross Warnervale Road to the fully completed footpath on the northern side of Warnervale road. With all of the development occurring in the area, there are fully laden trucks, including B Doubles, using Warnervale road in addition to the local traffic. It is just not safe for our children to get to school on their own. We want Central Coast Council to make the safety of our children a priority and complete the footpath.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Narelle Rich