To: James Merlino Minister for Education

Build a Secondary School for Lalor Northern School for Autism

Lalor Campus secondary school for autistic children (NSA) should have a purpose-built senior campus . Our children need
• adequate green spaces for play, sport and activities;
• basic spaces for specialist classrooms- currently no Library, no Gymnasium, no Science lab, no Music room or Performance spaces, no Therapy space which allows our OT and Speech Pathologists to work with students;
• access for a specialist area to run VCAL with specialised student training;
• a staffroom big enough to hold all the staff in one sitting;
• and the list goes on as its not there now

Why is this important?

Ensuring all children get equal access to education, funding, facilities and support. Last years budget committed to Peter Lalor campus (which are two campuses for senior school students and should be covering mainstream and NSA) is not addressing the gaps and substandard facilities available for our children. WHY?
Why will my child’s education be of a lesser value than that of Peter Lalor Voc. College

Lalor VIC 3075, Australia

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