To: Mr. ABC, Minister of Labour

Compensation to essential workers

Honourable ABC,
Minister of Labour
Government of NP,

We appreciate the efforts your ministry is making in tackling the threat caused by COVID 19 and subsequent measures to control the spread of the virus. On the one hand, the lockdown and other various restrictive measures have forced many people with jobs and income loss on the other the essential workers are forced to work risking their life. We all have been applauding their work by words of appreciation but they need reasonable compensation for their work. We are appealing to you for the compensation to be paid immediately to all the essential workers. We thank you for your urgent action.

Why is this important?

The essential workers are forced to work risking their life. We all have been applauding their work by words of appreciation but they need reasonable compensation for their work. It will keep them more encouraged to work that is important at this stage as they are saviours of the people.

Kathmandu 44600, Nepal

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