To: Jon Peach and Shane Rattenbury

Re-instate Visits

Re-instate visits for family and friends at the AMC correctional facility Canberra

Why is this important?

It is time for the visits to resume and the AMC, we haven’t seen our loved ones for nearly 4 months. The updates on the Corrective Services website was virtually non existent, the department also fell very short on updating the prisoners. Although prisoners are in there to be punished for crimes committed they should still have the basic right of contact with loved ones and the reverse is also true we have a right to see our loved ones.
Whilst I understand it was necessary to cancel visits at the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak, Since there have been no reported cases of COVID-19 in Canberra for 7 weeks I am at a loss to understand this as an excuse. Hiding behind this excuse is somewhat cowardly and not validated by the governments reported statistics or perhaps is it a case of the government simply not reporting them publicly. It seems the COVID virus has become the scapegoat for anyone not to fulfil their commitments and responsibilities this includes individuals, the corporate sector and the Government entities.
I simply cannot believe that the government did not have contingency plans in place for just these situations. Then to declare you have no idea when the visits will recommence is ridiculous and quite frankly treating us as idiots and unworthy of the truth. The government has had dates and updates for business reopening, and social activities to recommence. I am simply appalled, angered and extremely upset by your handling of this situation I believe my civil liberties and human rights are being violated along with those of the inmates.
Your duty of disclosure and transparency is non existent or are we so low on the Priority list you simply don’t care. May I remind you as a government department and elected member of the legislative assembly ultimately you are answerable to the people and this includes inmates and their loved ones.
The mental health of all involved is taking a battering I know mine is.