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To: Residents and business owners of Mordialloc and surrounds

Register your support for mural on railway bridge coming into Mordy!

Mordialloc Trader Association are applying to various rail bodies to get permission to get a mural up on the railway bridge you pass under on Nepean Highway, driving towards Mordy.

We want to get an artwork on this bridge as it is currently covered in graffiti (and getting worse) and is very unsightly.

Part of the application process is showing widespread support for the placing of a mural on this bridge, which is the reason for this petition. If you too would like to see artwork on this railway bridge, in place of the graffiti - please sign!

Note: artwork has not been determined as yet but it will represent Mordialloc and the surrounding areas - past and present.

Why is this important?

This mural will be important for recognition of the area and the people and places that shape/d it. It will also create a much lovelier feeling when driving on Nepean Highway and into Mordialloc.
Mordialloc VIC 3195, Australia

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2022-06-03 10:42:57 +1000

500 signatures reached

2022-05-27 08:08:26 +1000

100 signatures reached

2022-05-26 21:47:48 +1000

50 signatures reached

2022-05-26 19:26:37 +1000

25 signatures reached

2022-05-26 16:27:38 +1000

10 signatures reached