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To: Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner, Cr Adam Allan and the Brisbane City Council

Reinstate the Community Assets in the Nudgee Recreational Reserve Sports Park Project

Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner and Councillor Adam Allan have broken their election promise to residents of Northgate Ward.
They have cut the BMX Track, Dog Off-Leash Area, Fitness Path and Playground from the current contract tender for the Nudgee Recreation Reserve District Sports Park Project. Residents therefore call for the immediate reinstatement of the BMX Track, Dog Off-Leash Area, Fitness Path and Playground in the current construction contract.

Why is this important?

The Lord Mayor has announced the project would now not include a BMX Track, Dog Park, Fitness Path and Playground in its first stage, after a budget blowout. These simple assets of local community benefit were promised to the residents as an LNP election commitment in 2020 and were already tendered out. The decision, with the full support of Cr Adam Allan, to negotiate these out of the current construction contract show poor community priorities while other items in the contract including irrigated sports fields, a leased clubhouse and a 200 space car park are unchanged.
Nudgee Recreation Reserve, 290 Elliott Rd, Nudgee QLD 4014, Australia

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2022-10-13 23:32:12 +1100

I just wanted to let you know about a community meeting happening this Sunday morning in support of the Nudgee Recreation Reserve original proposal being reinstated. Kids on bikes and dogs on leads very welcome!

There will be a sausage sizzle and an opportunity for anyone in the community to have their say.

I would love to see you there!

A link to the FB event is:

2022-01-26 13:11:01 +1100

500 signatures reached

2022-01-02 12:39:56 +1100

350 signatures and counting!
Great article in the paper this week:
(behind a paywall sorry) but link to screenshots can be found here:

2021-12-17 11:53:24 +1100

100 signatures reached

2021-12-16 21:49:46 +1100

50 signatures reached

2021-12-16 18:31:05 +1100

25 signatures reached

2021-12-16 17:07:39 +1100

10 signatures reached