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To: Rail

Reopen the Eaglehawk to Inglewood Rail Line

For the last 12 or so years, the Eaglehawk to Inglewood freight rail line has been closed, with flood damaging part of the line in 2011.

This rail line was a major freight line and was used quite frequently. This being said, we believe that this line should be brought up to standards and repaired, and reopened to behind running freight trains again, particularly grain trains.

With a huge grain harvest predicted this year, this may very well be a huge boost for rail freight and also an extra route to particular grain areas.

This line is fairly well intact, level crossing in working order. There may also be the opportunity to run passenger services to Marong,and potentially even heritage rail tours to Bridgewater and beyond.

Why is this important?

This will be a huge boost for rail freight companies and the chance to run extra freight services during grain season. This will also take away extra heavy vehicles on the roads and potentially bring the road toll down.

Please take a good time to read this and listen to what the people have to say.


2020-10-28 06:46:20 +1100

10 signatures reached