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To: Dorevitch Pathology Management

Fair Bloody Go for Dorevitch Employees

Dear Dorevitch Patient,

The last Enterprise Bargaining Agreement Dorevitch had in place with its workforce was negotiated in 2003 and expired a decade ago in 2007. This has left Dorevitch Workers far behind the Industry Standard.

The Health Workers Union has started the process of negotiations and Dorevitch's position is NO pay increase and NO improved conditions.

Sign this petition to show Dorevitch Management that we will not stand for the poor treatment of their workers!

Why is this important?

Dorevitch workers are the lowest paid pathology staff in Victoria, earning thousands of dollars less per annum than their counterparts employed by other pathology providers, and exist in a culture of bullying and intimidation.

The Health Workers Union have been in negotiations for over 10 months and Dorevitch are demonstrating that they are not really serious about delivering reasonable pay and conditions for its workforce. Dorevitch’s starting point position is to offer no pay increases, reduce workers’ sick leave entitlements and refusing to budge on its out of date non-flexible work arrangements.

In fact, Dorevitch is refusing to negotiate on a whole range of key elements of a new agreement; conditions that are crucial to closing the gap between Dorevitch employees and other pathology staff in the health sector.

Dorevitch Employees feel undervalued and many of them have indicated that they are ready to leave the Pathology Sector altogether. Considering the important role that pathology workers play in the Health Industry, we believe that Dorevitch Workers deserve better. If you agree please show your support and sign this petition.




2017-08-11 17:23:43 +1000

1,000 signatures reached

2017-08-08 21:23:08 +1000

500 signatures reached

2017-07-31 17:55:39 +1000

100 signatures reached

2017-07-28 20:14:45 +1000

50 signatures reached

2017-07-28 10:49:36 +1000

25 signatures reached

2017-07-27 18:40:01 +1000

10 signatures reached