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To: Ballarat City Council

Ballarat residents need more time to have their say on Ballarat Council parking strategy.

Parking affects each and everyone of us, and we all deserve a chance to have our voices heard by our local Councillors.

A window of 72 hours from announcement to vote is not long enough period of time for the people of Ballarat to have their say.

Ballarat City Council must delay the vote on this exorbitant parking cash grab until there has been proper community consultation with businesses and residents who will be affected.

Why is this important?

Whether you're a nurse working at the Ballarat Base Hospital, a teacher at Dana Street Primary School, a waiter in Sturt Street, or an office worker in Mair Street you are now facing the prospect of having to pay $80 per week to go to work thanks to the Ballarat City Council.

After years of talk and no action, Amy Johnson and Samantha McIntosh moved and seconded a resolution to instigate new paid parking in residential streets.

Parking affects everyone and we all deserve a chance to have our voices heard by our local Councillors. A window of 72 hours from announcement to Council vote is not long enough period of time for the people of Ballarat to have their say.

What is Council trying to hide? Why are they avoiding scrutiny?

Sign this petition to call on the Ballarat City Council to stop a vote on this exorbitant parking cash grab until there has been proper community consultation and you have been able to make your views heard.



2018-05-31 11:51:09 +1000

1,000 signatures reached

2018-05-30 16:48:58 +1000

500 signatures reached

2018-05-29 20:42:02 +1000

100 signatures reached

2018-05-29 19:05:41 +1000

50 signatures reached

2018-05-29 18:25:58 +1000

25 signatures reached

2018-05-29 17:13:33 +1000

10 signatures reached