• Local Government Matters: Boost Federal Funding Now!
    Local governments across Australia are facing a severe funding crisis. This threatens the quality of local services and the livelihoods of over 200,000 local government workers.  Local government matters—more funding means better services and jobs. To continue delivering their important work, local governments need to be properly resourced. It’s crucial for the health of our communities and the well-being of our local government workforce.  It's time to support our local governments to build stronger, more resilient communities. The workers our communities rely on deserve good, secure jobs.  Take action now! Sign our petition to urge the Government to boost funding to local government. Together we can secure stronger communities for all Australians by ensuring our local services are properly funded and the critical workforce is properly paid and supported.  Join us in championing a fair funding model for local governments. Your signature can drive change and help sustain the vital services that keep our communities thriving. Sign the petition today! 
    463 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union
  • Stop the Privatisation of Citywide to Cleanaway!
    It is alarming that Council, comprised of progressive councillors, has initiated this sale. The sale like all privatisation decisions will put at risk workers, conditions and job security.  Citywide workers have told us the following reasons that we should all oppose privatisation of these services:  1. Job Security: Outsourcing threatens the job security of ASU members, who devoted their carers to providing quality services to the community. 2. Quality of Services: ASU members have the expertise and commitment to maintain high standards of work and services. Selling off our services to a private company will lead to a decline in quality. 3. Economic Impact: Keeping jobs within our community supports the local economy and ensures that ASU members can continue positively to it. 4. Accountability: Outsourced services to a private sector such as Cleanaway won’t improve working conditions including wages 
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ASUVicTas
  • Stop outsourcing City of Shepparton!
    We believe that maintaining in-house services is essential for preserving the integrity, reliability, and quality of the services we provide. We urge the council to reconsider any plans for outsourcing and to explore alternative solutions that protect our jobs and maintain service standards. We stand united in our commitment to the community and to the values of fair employment and quality service provision.
    193 of 200 Signatures
    Created by ASUVicTas
  • Raise the rate of Jobseeker & Rental support!
    We are working people - but there are times when any of us can be between jobs or in a tough spot financially. At those times, we need the support of our community. As working people we are proud to support our families, friends and neighbours who are doing it tough - and we are proud to have built Australia's social safety net. But right now Australia's safety net is failing. People on Jobseeker and Youth Allowance are being forced to skip meals and medication.  This has a devastating impact on people's mental and physical health when they are already in a tough spot.  We call on the Australian Government to raise the rate of Jobseeker, Youth Allowance and Rental support, and repair our social safety net.
    2,768 of 3,000 Signatures
  • Queenslanders reject "The Elizabeth Line"
    We respectfully ask that the Queensland LNP stop trying to dig up culture wars to divide us, and announce some policies that actually benefit Queensland communities.
    349 of 5,000 Signatures
  • Demand a Melbourne Airport Rail Link Now!
    Joining this campaign for the Melbourne Airport Rail Link is vital because it directly affects our daily lives and wallets. Every day without this link, thousands of workers and travellers like us face limited transport options and exorbitant parking fees, costing us time and money. For families, it means less time at home and more stress managing daily commutes. For our community, it stunts economic growth and accessibility, keeping us disconnected from the broader opportunities Melbourne has to offer. The airport and the government's delay in building this rail link is more than an inconvenience—it's a barrier to our well-being and progress. We need your voice to ensure they hear us loud and clear: we demand better infrastructure now for a more connected and affordable future. Join us in pushing for change that will benefit all.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Transport Workers' Union - Vic/Tas
  • Child Protection in Crisis
    Statutory Child Protection is in crisis. More children are at risk of harm for longer, more children are being put on orders and in out of home care. Most reports and complaints are not looked at and early intervention opportunities are missed until it is too late requiring more damaging interventions. Foster and Out of Home Care options are minimal with many jurisdictions relying on expensive private providers to house children in motels and offices with limited access to wrap around services, placing the development of children at risk. Our state child protection services are buckling due to not enough staffing and the inability to fill case workers and other positions with adequately trained social workers and psychologists. This problem lies across all jurisdictions and requires sustained national action.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Public Service Association
  • City of Ryde Council - No Job Security and Constant Restructures, Council Workers Deserve Better!
    Local Council jobs need protecting! In the past, job seekers looked for council jobs because they knew they were secure. People pursued careers in Local Government for career enhancement, working conditions and the job security. Now it seems like a never-ending cycle of Reviews, Restructures and Retrenchments. Councils lose expertise, service delivery suffers, staff become disillusioned, and high vacancy rates make the problem worse. Local Government Jobs, Worth Fighting For!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by United Services Union - USU
  • Ambos DESERVE to have A LIFE TOO
    Paramedics are currently bargaining with Ambulance Victoria and the Jacinta Allan Government for a new enterprise agreement. We are asking for improvements to wages, conditions, valuing MICA, better rural resourcing, and incentivising longevity in the job. But for many members, the most important claim is simply the ability to get home after the shift ends. Our members are forced to work hours of involuntary overtime every day, either because they are ramped at a hospital, or dispatched to a case minutes before the end of shift and sometimes after their rostered finish time. That may seem reasonable in an emergency and any ambo you ask will tell you they expect to work overtime when a patient urgently needs their skills. But our call taking system categorises people who call 000 because they couldn’t afford a GP as an EMERGENCY. Ambulance Victoria have trumpeted that an ambo workplace is an inclusive, family friendly workplace. But our members work over 800 hours of forced overtime every single day. This means that picking up kids, getting to a sporting game or parent teacher interview is not a commitment any ambo can make. Members are ignored when simply requesting an on-time finish. One member was dispatched to a non-urgent patient in a health facility three minutes before the end of shift. The paramedic pleaded with Ambulance Victoria management that she had to pick up a child from daycare but was refused. Another colleague had to go to the childcare centre to take care of the baby until the paramedic finished over an hour late. Recently Swinburne and RMIT surveyed Victorian Ambulance Union members and the number of ambos looking at leaving the job in the next year has climbed to one in five. That’s already in a workforce where over half the paramedics have been in the job for less than five years. This is not sustainable for the workforce, but sadly, that’s what happens when ambos are asked to choose between their job and their family. Ambos are dedicated to saving lives. Please support us by signing this petition and help ambos have a life too.
    13,170 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Victorian Ambulance Union
  • Save Our Bowlo!
    The Club provides an affordable space for community participation and connection, essential during the current cost-of-living pressures, which we know increases the risk of isolation, leading to greater social issues. Both Federal and State governments have made financial contributions to the Club for infrastructure upgrades. It’s time Council got on board. We call on Council to join strong supporters, local MPs Ged Kearney and Sheena Watt, to invest in the Club by way of a long-term lease. We, the undersigned residents of Darebin, urge Council to – • Recognise the Preston Reservoir Bowls Club as a valued community asset • Spare community assets like the Club from falling victim to Council’s financial bottom line • Assure residents that the Club will not be sold for private development • Demonstrate its commitment to community assets by investing in the Club through a long-term lease. This is not a big ask. It is an opportunity for Council to demonstrate its commitment to residents of Darebin, and particularly the community of Reservoir. This petition is proposed by – Mr Stephen King, Preston Reservoir Bowls Club, 75 Leamington St Reservoir.
    964 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephen King
  • Save Our Sleeper Trains
    The former Coalition State Government excluded sleeper carriages from the new Regional Rail Fleet - which will replace the ageing XPT, Endeavor and Xplorer train sets. This means sleeper compartments will no longer be available on overnight train services between Melbourne and Sydney, and Sydney and Brisbane, once the current trains are retired. Sleeper carriages: • perform a vital transport role for people in regional areas, enabling comfortable and affordable low-emission travel for people who cannot drive or access commercial aviation; and • contribute to regional tourism by offering niche travel experience. Let's save our sleepers and keep our regional rail services on track!
    2,084 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Stew Prins
  • End the failed privatisation of NSW Government cleaning services
    • Cleaners live in every corner of the state – cleaning over 2000 public schools, TAFE campuses and thousands of other government buildings • They are paid fractionally more than the minimum wage • Cleaners' excessive workloads can equate to as little as 43 seconds to complete each of the hundreds of tasks they are required to each shift • School cleaners have one highest workers compensation premiums in the state! Keeping our class rooms clean shouldn’t be a dangerous job! • NSW tax-payers are expected to pay the contractors more than half-a-billion dollars in 2024. Every dollar from this that goes towards CEO bonuses, share buy-backs and shareholders’ profits, is a dollar that isn’t going into a cleaners pocket. • 2024 marks thirty years since the NSW Government outsourced the cleaning of schools and government buildings. Cleaners can’t continue to wait for safe and secure jobs. All workers deserve a fair wage and to go home in one piece. The best way to ensure this is by bringing school cleaners back in house once again.
    676 of 800 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union