To: Ninjavan Head/Board Member

Fair Pay, Respect & Protection or Ninjavan Workers

There are thousands of gig economy workers in Indonesia who are over-worked (works seven days a week, 12-14 hours per day), underpaid and are barely keeping afloat in an economic situation with high fuel prices and increasing inflation.

The onset of COVID-19 impacted people’s health and quality of life and disrupted the national economy and supply chains all over the country. This led to a surge of app-based delivery services and many people relied on delivery agents for food and other necessary commodities. Yet, with a decline in tourists, the purchasing power of consumers declined and many people lost jobs or moved back to their birthplace, leaving the cities of Indonesia. The delivery companies on the other hand increased their functions to remote areas.

Indonesia’s minimum wage varies by province, district, and sector. In 2022, the Indonesian Government revised the minimum pay increasing minimum wage accordingly to cities but the approx. difference in Bekasi City is around IDR 4,782,935 (US$319) to IDR 4,816,921 32(US$321) per month for a 40-hour week.

Yet, the situation for gig workers is that they are working almost 400 hours per month for around minimum wage, as parcel delivery varies and so does their per-day – per-month salaries.

Join SPPD Union and lets’ collectively bargain for the welfare of thousand of gig workers and their families

Why is this important?

There are thousands of gig economy workers in Indonesia who are over-worked, underpaid and are barely keeping afloat in an economic situation with high fuel prices and increasing inflation.

By signing the petition we demand:

- Decent work hours and working conditions
- Social Security and insurance for workers
- Fixed Term Contracts
- Achievable Targets of deliveries
- Paid sick leaves

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL
