50 signatures reached
Let AMWU members endorse their Log Of Claims

We the under signed;
We respectfully request that Simplot facilitate a combined day, afternoon and night group meeting. As is standard practice for NCA log of claims endorsements.
We respectfully request that Simplot facilitate a combined day, afternoon and night group meeting. As is standard practice for NCA log of claims endorsements.
Why is this important?
It has been standard practice for AMWU members to meet and endorse their log of claims.
This has been an opportunity for members to unite in a space where they can openly share their workplace experiences and decide on what their future is with a company.
Currently AMWU members working for Simplot are all being treated differently across their various sites. The HR manager at the Kelso & Bathurst plants is breaking standard practice of members' mass meetings (SHIFTS TOGETHER)
Members simply will not stand for this.
Sign the petition below if you support the right for Union Members to associate and their right to endorse a Log Of Claims TOGETHER.
In Unity
This has been an opportunity for members to unite in a space where they can openly share their workplace experiences and decide on what their future is with a company.
Currently AMWU members working for Simplot are all being treated differently across their various sites. The HR manager at the Kelso & Bathurst plants is breaking standard practice of members' mass meetings (SHIFTS TOGETHER)
Members simply will not stand for this.
Sign the petition below if you support the right for Union Members to associate and their right to endorse a Log Of Claims TOGETHER.
In Unity