25 signatures reached
To: Rio Tinto Paraburdoo Mine
Paraburdoo Mine Workers Entitled to Safe Work Place
This campaign has ended.

In the shadow of the recent tragic death of our fellow mineworker and in relation to the deeply concerning series of past safety and operational incidents at the Paraburdoo mine, we the undersigned demand that Rio Tinto take all necessary steps to fulfil their duties required by the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 and as matter of urgency, call on Paraburdoo management to participate in a series of meetings with our nominated HSR’s, members of the Western Mineworkers Alliance Paraburdoo Site Committee and if requested, representatives of DMIRS
Why is this important?
The Western Mine Workers Alliance and its members are deeply concerned for the well being of all workers within Rio Tinto's Australian Pilbara mining operations.
How it will be delivered
Privacy and Conditions Statement: The petitions will not be tabled unless we have signatures of 75% of the workforce. The information gathered from this petition will be used solely for the purposes of improving safety at Rio Tinto Paraburdoo. Workers names will not be provided to Rio Tinto. By signing this petition, you may be contacted by the Union at a later date, if you do not wish for this to happen please note so.