25 signatures reached
To: Gregory Hoy, Terminal Manager
Renovate the clerical kitchen

Qantas is currently renovating at Freight and has failed to properly consult with workers. As a result, areas which obviously need to be refurbished such as the clerical kitchen and the front counter area have been omitted from the building plan. Kitchens used by contractors are going to be renovated, why does Qantas think its own workers should be left out of the budget?
Why is this important?
We think workers deserve better than a breakroom that has maggot infestations, rat droppings and tripped circuit breakers. We know that getting time off work is near impossible due to under-resourcing and lack of transparency about rostering; if Qantas doesn't think you deserve proper time away from work, they can upgrade your kitchen so that you are able to eat under sanitary conditions.