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To: Yarra City Council

Yarra for All: Support Social and Affordable Housing for the Collingwood Town Hall

Yarra City Council have walked away from a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build social housing at the Collingwood Town Hall precinct.

Together, we can get this crucial proposal back onto the agenda.

Why is this important?

Yarra City Council have walked away from a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build social housing at the Collingwood Town Hall.

Last month, Yarra City Council voted against a proposal to revitalise vacant council owned land at the Collingwood Town Hall with social and affordable housing. This had been years in the making yet at the last minute the Council walked away from delivering - despite the Victorian Government committing to funding the project through the $5.3 billion Big Housing Build program.

The rejected proposal would have included a minimum of 100 new social and affordable housing units and over 1,000 square metres of new community space.

Instead, the council have proposed to build a 'community hub' which would cost about $21 million and was unlikely to attract a funding partner or grant. Giving up funding certainty in the face of a housing crisis for a half-baked idea like this doesn't make sense.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take advantage of state government funding – like many Victorian councils are doing right now – and build homes for people who desperately need them in the inner-city where rent is increasingly unaffordable for most.

The City of Yarra need to prioritise housing and start living up to their word to make Yarra inclusive for all, not just those who can afford to live here.

How can I help?

• Sign this petition to let Yarra City Council know that the community want social housing to be built at Collingwood Town Hall.

• Get involved in the community consultation for the council’s ‘alternative proposal’ and make it clear that the community want social housing to be prioritised.

• Write to your Councillors to let them know how you feel about their decision and let’s get Council to support the original proposal.
Collingwood VIC 3066, Australia

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2021-05-13 08:30:33 +1000

100 signatures reached

2021-05-06 10:20:44 +1000

50 signatures reached

2021-05-04 21:22:59 +1000

25 signatures reached

2021-05-03 12:52:00 +1000

10 signatures reached