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To: Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, The Hon Andrew Giles MP

Stand up for our neighbours, friends and local communities

We are calling on the Federal Government to:

1. Provide everyone with a valid visa with work, travel and study rights.

2. Expand the Status Resolution Support Services (SRSS) eligibility criteria and simplify the application process so that people in need can access health care, disability, housing support and other essential services.

3. Ensure an independent, timely and fair application and merits review process for all humanitarian applications.

4. Provide people who have received a negative refugee determination under the ‘Fast Track’ system with a fair review process.

5. Continue to invest resources to urgently clear the backlog of asylum applications and appeals.

6. Abolish temporary visas and replace them with permanent protection visas and pathways to citizenship for all humanitarian arrivals.

Why is this important?

Right now, Australia continues to deny a fast and fair process to people who are seeking asylum in our country. Many have been in limbo for over a decade.

This prevents people from gaining the stability that refugee status provides. The result is vulnerable people living on the edge for years.

Many people seeking asylum and living in the community are also denied access to basic support, including healthcare, housing, education, emergency relief and disability support.

This leaves individuals and families with nothing to survive on, except for unfunded support from charities and local governments who are stepping in to help.

The Federal Government has a responsibility to support people meet basic needs and live safely in Australia until their status is resolved.

Australians support each other in hard times and we are asking the Federal Government to play its part in creating a community where we are all respected.

We must act now in support of our neighbours, friends and local community members who urgently need certainty, stability and support to build their lives.

Join our campaign at

Thank you for your compassion and support.

Back Your Neighbour is a coalition of Australian local councils, community services, unions and individuals who support people seeking asylum and refugees. It is auspiced by the Local Government Mayoral Taskforce Supporting People Seeking Asylum.

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500 signatures reached

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