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To: Nick Duigan Minister for Energy and Renewables, Sean McGoldrick TasNetworks CEO

TasNetworks EBA - Same job, same pay

Tasmanian workers deserve the same pay for doing the same job as mainland workers.

TasNetworks have ignored workers claims for pay parity and workers have been left with no other option than to take industrial action.

I stand with these workers; their treatment is unfair and unjust. I call on the Minister for Energy and Renewables Nick Duigan, the TasNetworks Board and the TasNetworks CEO Sean McGoldrick to pay TasNetworks' workers fairly.

Same job, same pay! 

Why is this important?

Tasmanian workers shouldn't be left behind. They deserve to be paid the same as workers on the mainland who do the same job as them.

Help support wage justice for Tasmanian workers.
Tasmania, Australia

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