To: Scott Morrison

We Need More Safety!

Women in Australia need better protection!
• On average, a woman is killed by a partner, ex-partner, or family member each week.
• Almost 40% of women have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace.

These are shocking facts, but sadly they are true for Australia.

These numbers could be anyone- you, your family members, friends, co-workers, or community members. We all try our best to support people in need. So why isn’t the government doing the same and taking action to help women’s safety?

And that's what we are asking!
1. Provide 10 days paid leave for family and domestic violence.
2. Amend the Sex Discrimination Act to increase the responsibility of the employer to respond.

Why is this important?

After an episode of abuse, it is challenging for the survivor to build their life back. Suppose they had access to paid family and domestic violence leave, they would have time to put their lives back together without suffering pay loss. This step also makes the situation better for their kids.

Sexual harassment is a real issue. Sadly, only 17% of women feel they can report this harassment. It is often easier for them to change jobs than to make a report. The Respect@Work report recommended greater responsibility for employers to act on this matter. In fact, employers must be proactive which should reduce the occurrence of such incidents. The government did not implement this recommendation, so we are demanding it.

The government can take steps today to make life better for women in Australia. Sign this petition to tell the government that women in Australia need more!

Click the links to view this petition in Hindi ( and Punjabi (

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