50 signatures reached
To: Bellingen Shire Council
Accessible Playground for Urunga

• We, the undersigned, support the following unanimous resolution of Bellingen Shire Council :
‘That Council considers making provision in the Long Term Financial Plan, budget and in the Operational Plan for 2018/2019, to develop a strategic plan for marketing and developing Urunga primarily, with other parts of the Shire secondarily, as an inclusive tourism destination, to include partnerships, Council’s role, funding options, infrastructure development, existing and potential future mechanisms and possible stages for development and roll out.’ (28 March 2018)
• We, the undersigned, request that Bellingen Shire Council considers including an Accessible Playground at Urunga as part of this initiative.
‘That Council considers making provision in the Long Term Financial Plan, budget and in the Operational Plan for 2018/2019, to develop a strategic plan for marketing and developing Urunga primarily, with other parts of the Shire secondarily, as an inclusive tourism destination, to include partnerships, Council’s role, funding options, infrastructure development, existing and potential future mechanisms and possible stages for development and roll out.’ (28 March 2018)
• We, the undersigned, request that Bellingen Shire Council considers including an Accessible Playground at Urunga as part of this initiative.
Why is this important?
Inclusive Playgrounds are important for all to enjoy. Bellingen prides itself on being an inclusive community and it's the right thing to do to extend this to the children in our Shire and beyond. We support playgrounds for all. Increasingly playgrounds across the state and country are being updated to include accessible elements. We believe that Bellingen Shire Council, our State and Federal Governments should support extending this initiative to Urunga.