Petition is successful with 6,677 signatures
To: Steven Cain, Coles CEO
Coles: End this cruel lock out and respect your long serving essential workers!
Members have now endorsed the new EA with 71% approval. The new agreement will:
- Lock in that all members receive 4 weeks per year of service capped at 80 weeks from 1 July 2021, and not just at "Full Site Closure"; (Members made redundant who are over 45 also retain the additional 1 week per year of service up to 10 weeks (still within the 80 week cap), plus the pay out of all accrued personal leave and other entitlements)
- Secured a minimum number of 50 Voluntary Redundancies, which can go up to 80.
- An 80/20 ratio of permanents to casual, thereby creating many permanent jobs;
- Outplacement Services placed in the EA;
- Ensuring members cannot be disciplined over pick rates;
- Ensuring Coles uses all permanent team members first when applying job rotation or higher duties (including perms on OT), before using labour hire agency workers;
- Ensuring that all members go back work without the threat of any disciplinary action;
- A $1000 sign on bonus each
- An ability to take a redundancy at their own initiative, not the company's.
Thank you for your support and solidarity for these hardworking members!