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To: Jacinta Allan MP – Minister for Transport. Jaala Pulford MP – Minister for Roads

Listen to VicRoads Technical Professionals

Respect the voice of technical professionals

Maintain EA8 for VicRoads employees transferring to Department of Transport

Negotiate replacement agreement with same coverage following expiry of EA8

Why is this important?

Technical professionals at VicRoads design and maintain the roads that Victorians rely on.

We have a proud history of negotiating our pay and conditions and sorting out disputes with VicRoads.

We know that the promises to maintain our pay and conditions aren’t worth the paper they are written on and aren’t enforceable in the Fair Work Commission. If they were serious the government would just transition our enterprise agreement.

We are proud to serve the public of Victoria and want to keep that tradition of service alive when we join with our Department of Transport colleagues.

We won’t let the government tell us we don’t get a voice.



2019-07-01 13:02:29 +1000

PA has lodged the dispute with the Fair Work Commission. It is listed for conference on Thursday 4th July. Delegates will meet via zoom on Tuesday 9th July and a members webinar will be held on Thursday 11th July. Make sure your membership details are up to date to receive your invite

2019-06-27 14:12:51 +1000

100 signatures reached

2019-06-27 11:13:29 +1000

50 signatures reached

2019-06-27 10:22:06 +1000

25 signatures reached

2019-06-27 10:09:34 +1000

Jacki Baulch, our Principal Industrial Officer, is working on lodging our dispute with the Fair Work Commission right now.

2019-06-27 10:00:28 +1000

10 signatures reached