10 signatures reached
To: Michaelia Cash
Release Report into WFTD Death

Michaelia Cash, as the Minister for Employment, we need you to release the report into the tragic death of Josh Park-Fing at his Work for the Dole site in Toowoomba.
Its been 17 months since Josh died. There have been more than 10 parliamentary requests for the report.
The Park-Fing family, Josh's friends, and the general public are still waiting for the report into this tragedy to be released.
Michaelia, take responsibility. Release the report.
Its been 17 months since Josh died. There have been more than 10 parliamentary requests for the report.
The Park-Fing family, Josh's friends, and the general public are still waiting for the report into this tragedy to be released.
Michaelia, take responsibility. Release the report.
Why is this important?
By withholding this crucial information relating to the Work for the Dole tragedy, the Coalition is shamelessly trying to cover up Josh Park-Fing's death to protect the already damaged reputation of the Work for the Dole program.
This is a national disgrace.
Work for the Dole is dangerous - last year injuries sustained at Work for the Dole sites increased 5 times. According to a recent government commissioned report by Ernst and Young, 64% of Work For The Dole activities do not meet basic safety standards.
The government cannot guarantee the safety of unemployed workers forced to attend Work for the Dole programs it must be shut down.
Please sign this petition to demand Michaelia Cash release the report into Josh Park-Fing's death.
The Turnbull government must take the necessary steps to investigate this program and ensure the safety of all Work for the Dole participants before another serious injury or death occurs at Work for the Dole.
This is a national disgrace.
Work for the Dole is dangerous - last year injuries sustained at Work for the Dole sites increased 5 times. According to a recent government commissioned report by Ernst and Young, 64% of Work For The Dole activities do not meet basic safety standards.
The government cannot guarantee the safety of unemployed workers forced to attend Work for the Dole programs it must be shut down.
Please sign this petition to demand Michaelia Cash release the report into Josh Park-Fing's death.
The Turnbull government must take the necessary steps to investigate this program and ensure the safety of all Work for the Dole participants before another serious injury or death occurs at Work for the Dole.