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To: Corporate Australia

Stuff your International Women's Day Cupcakes

Women in Australia are tired of brands pink-washing their reputations on International Women's Day. No more morning teas, no more girl-boss platitudes, no more pink logos.

We demand that Corporate Australia get serious about ending gender inequality.

Why is this important?

This International Women's Day, we demand action from Corporate Australia:
* Disclose whether human resources and management have received training in implementing the new universal entitlement to paid family violence leave
* Pledge to stop using "non-disclosure agreements" that silence women who experience workplace sexual harassment. Stop covering-up workplace hazards!
* Close the superannuation gap by paying super on parental leave so we can have safe and dignified retirements!
* Open your books and publish your gender wage gap data. Show us what your gender pay gap really is and fix it.
* Commit to secure jobs, improved flexible work and working-from-home policies that support women workers who shoulder caring responsibilities
* Back programs that support women from historically marginalised and excluded communities get into good work
* Respect us and be transparent about the reproductive health leave you offer staff
* Support your workers to attend International Women's Day rallies around Australia!

How it will be delivered

As women workers we demand real change in our workplaces - and we refuse to let International Women's Day be continually co-opted by brands that offer only platitudes while women on their staff experience violence, workplace harassment, discrimination and inequality. Qantas, Telstra, Woolies, BHP, the Commonwealth Bank and all big business - if you're corporate leaders then step up and lead!

We sign this petition to demand more from Australian business.



2024-02-13 16:53:00 +1100

1,000 signatures reached

2024-01-29 10:37:37 +1100

500 signatures reached

2024-01-27 10:54:15 +1100

100 signatures reached

2024-01-27 10:31:14 +1100

50 signatures reached

2024-01-27 10:24:18 +1100

25 signatures reached

2024-01-27 10:18:25 +1100

10 signatures reached