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To: James Merlino, Victorian Minister for Mental Health

Support Mental Health Workers

This campaign has ended.

June 30th marked 12 months since the Victorian Public Sector Mental Health EBA expired.

We're calling on Minister Merlino, and the Andrews Labor Government, to intervene in bargaining. Public mental health is the Government's responsibility — and it's their responsibility to ensure a fair EBA is passed.

Victorians went through an unprecedented mental health crisis last year during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the impacts are still being felt today by both mental health workers and Victorians generally. We cannot have a world-class mental health system if our mental workforce are overworked, understaffed and not receiving the pay and conditions they need.

Why is this important?

June 30th marked 12 months since the Victorian Public Sector Mental Health EBA expired.

12 months during which the Andrews Government has failed to provide the pay and conditions Mental Health workers deserve.

12 months of a global pandemic, where these workers pushed themselves harder to ever to help Victorians.

12 months of dealing with safety issues, a staffing crisis and increasing workloads.

Send a message to James Merlino, the Mental Health Minister, telling him to fix the Mental Health EBA.
• Fix the staffing crisis in Mental Health,
• Make our hospitals safer,
• Treat essential workers fairly.

We need Minister Merlino to act now to Support Mental Health workers
Victoria, Australia

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2021-06-29 08:34:59 +1000

100 signatures reached