• Get Rid Of Stupid Stuff in Victorian Healthcare
    Help cut the waste and refocus on care! Victorian healthcare professionals are working tirelessly under increasing pressure. It is time to support them by cutting out the "stupid stuff" that wastes time, money, and energy.  Sign this petition and join us in calling on the Victorian Government to champion GROSS for a healthier, more efficient future for all Victorians.
    459 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jill Tomlinson Picture
  • Pledge For Higher Standards in VIC Public Mental Health.
    To deliver the highest standard of care, the Victorian Public Mental Health system requires the work and skills of many different disciplines. HACSU members recognise that to be successful and achieve our goals, we must all stand united.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Health and Community Services Union
  • Stop Pharmacy Bosses From Blocking Our Award Pay Rise!
    Employee pharmacists are Australia’s lowest-paid health professionals and are leaving the industry in droves. Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA), the union for employee pharmacists and technicians, has submitted a comprehensive case to the Fair Work Commission calling for a long-overdue minimum Award wage increase for pharmacists of $188.30 per week and a 14% increase for Interns, Pharmacists In Charge and Pharmacy Managers. But the Australian Private Hospitals Industrial Association (APHA) is calling on the Fair Work Commission to block all proposed pay increases. Pharmacists deserve better and are calling on APHA to acknowledge the vital role of pharmacists by amending their submission to the Fair Work Commission to support a fair pay increase.  Sign this petition to demand that APHA stop blocking a pay increase to the minimum award rate. Let’s show APHA that their stance isn’t just unsustainable – it’s deeply unpopular.  Pharmacists deserve better, and with your signature, pharmacists can put pressure on APHA to change their position.  Together, we can demand change. Support Australia’s pharmacists today: 1. Sign the petition to show your support for fair wages for pharmacists. 2. Share this petition with everyone you know – pharmacists, healthcare professionals, and community members who rely on and value pharmacists’ expertise.
    1,518 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Professional Pharmacists Australia Union
  • Protect Queensland's Abortion Laws
    Access to abortion is at risk in Queensland.   If the LNP get into power this October, Queensland women’s rights will be taken back to the dark ages.   It has come out this week that the Katter Party is seeking a “clean repeal” of the 2018 abortion decriminalisation bill as soon as possible – and multiple LNP members have recently reaffirmed their support to wind back abortion laws in Queensland.   The Katter Party have committed to introducing a private members bill to repeal the decriminalisation of abortion as soon as possible. That leaves the door wide open for the LNP to vote to make abortion a crime under a conscience vote.  Day after day, David Crisafulli refuses to answer questions about whether or not he would allow a conscience vote. Last time the LNP had a conscience vote on abortion, 36 out of 39 voted for abortion to be a crime. Since then, they have continued to vote against access to abortion for regional & rural Queensland women and have hand-picked extreme anti-abortion candidates, like Amanda Stoker, to run in this election.
    9,448 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Reproductive Rights Queensland
  • Sacked for helping a mate
    At 1:30 am on 27 June 2024, an ambulance rolled in Myrtleford trapping paramedic Jim Avard. Patient Transport Ambo, Andrew Bishop responded to the scene and cut Jim free, helped him exit the ambulance safely and into the care of other paramedics.  As an active union delegate and safety rep, Andrew later took a picture of the rolled ambulance and sent it to the union and his employer National Patient Transport. That picture went viral and highlighted the risk of fatigue faced by paramedics and ambulance workers across Victoria.  Within a few hours of the story going public, National Patient Transport stood Andrew down from duty. He has since had his employment terminated from National Patient Transport.  Andrew has worked as a fire fighter, a first aider and in the safety industry for over 40 years. He did his best to use his skills and experience to rescue a workmate and get him to care safely. He also helped expose the serious risks faced by ambulance workers across Victoria. Sacking an ambo for trying to do the right thing is unfair, harsh, and unreasonable and this decision should be reversed.   Have a heart NPT. Give Andrew his job back.
    6,633 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Victorian Ambulance Union
  • Stand up for reproductive rights!
    Queensland women, especially women living regionally, are at risk of losing their legal right to access abortion services as well as cuts to critical funding to provide the healthcare required across all regional hospital and health services. We know their voting record: • The LNP and conservatives voted against decriminalisation of abortion in 2018. • The LNP went to the 2020 state election pledging a review of the laws which gave Queensland women abortion rights. • In 2022, they refused to rule out future attempts to unpick them in the midst of the Roe v Wade publicity across the world. • And in 2024, they voted against the introduction of the MS2-Step abortion pill. Now David Crisafulli is hedging his bets saying it wouldn’t be on the first term agenda if he’s elected as Premier but will not rule out supporting a private member’s bill. Queensland women deserve respect and better healthcare rights than this.   We call on David Crisafulli, the Liberal National Party and all other conservative political parties to commit to protecting our hard-fought rights to access reproductive healthcare and abortions. So that wherever someone finds themselves in Queensland, they can access safe, funded and legal termination of pregnancy services. Authorised by J. King, Queensland Council of Unions, 16 Peel St South Brisbane.
    13,382 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Queensland Unions
  • Make Reproductive Health Leave a National Employment Standard
    Why Reproductive Health Leave is Essential • Promotes Health and Well-being: Ensures workers can manage their reproductive health without compromising their employment. • Fosters Inclusivity: Recognises the diverse health needs of all employees, promoting a fair and supportive workplace. • Encourages Preventative Care: Allows time for necessary health screenings and treatments, reducing long-term health risks. Take Action Now Sign this petition to advocate for the inclusion of reproductive health leave in the National Employment Standards. Your support is vital in creating workplace rights that values the health and well-being of every body.
    2,446 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by It's For Every Body
  • No Cuts to Allied Health: Save the Health Sciences Library!
    Medical librarians are highly skilled and specialized Allied Health Professionals who deserve to be treated with respect. The plan to transition the library to an infrastructure-only service (focused on e-resources, document delivery, and interlibrary loans) is short-sighted and disregards the valuable contributions of these dedicated workers. We, the undersigned, demand RMH reverses this decision and takes immediate steps to support Medical Librarians and all Victorian patients by committing to maintain the essential library service.
    2,279 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association
  • Stop HealthShare taking over our jobs
    Our hospitals rely on support services to keep running. If we don't have enough cleaners, infections in the hospital increase. If we don't have enough storepersons, the hospital runs out of medical supplies. If we don't have enough wardspersons, patients can't move around the hospital. Staffing levels are already dangerously low in Western Sydney. Allowing HealthShare to take over these jobs will only make things worse for our community.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by HSU NSW/ACT/QLD
  • SIGN: NSWA Withholds pay rise for Covid class.
    To help bring a fair pay upgrade to the covid class of 2020. 
    1,339 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by HSU NSW/ACT/QLD
  • Safe Arts and Entertainment For ALL
    We’re urgently calling on our Arts and Entertainment industry to make shows safe and accessible for everyone.  Getting infected with Covid can have dire and incurable consequences for anyone, but especially for the most vulnerable in our communities.  As an industry whose work predominantly occurs indoors and in crowded spaces, accessing Arts and Entertainment is currently a high risk activity.  This has seen many people decrease the amount of shows they attend or stop attending shows altogether. Alongside this, the constant circulation of Covid and other respiratory viruses has seen a rise in audiences buying tickets last minute because they’re not sure if they’ll be well enough to attend on the day.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  Having a good night out at a show shouldn’t have to happen at the risk of our health and, for many, our lives.  Keeping the industry open shouldn’t have to happen at the risk of the industry’s sustainability and security.  We have the tools to provide communities with safe and accessible Arts and Entertainment.  These tools include, but are not limited to: • Effective air filtration at venues • Mask mandatory performances • Ticket exchange flexibility where appropriate • Better communication regarding keeping each other safe and; • Continuing commitment to online programming We ask that producers and venues meet with us to discuss how we can use these tools and others to ensure the industry is accessible and safe for everyone so that it can flourish in a secure and sustainable way.
    899 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Jenna Schroder
  • Stop wasting GPs time with sick-certificates!
    Rather than spending time recovering from short-term illnesses, workers have to take time out of their day to book appoints with a GP to obtain a medical certificate just to justify their reason for taking sick leave. Often, appointments might not be available for days, and with bulk billing on the decline many workers essentially have to pay out of pocket to evidence their own sick leave. Rather than spending most of their time writing certificates for workers who already know they're ill, GPs should be tending to people who need it most.
    6,112 of 7,000 Signatures