5,000 signatures reached
To: Bupa Chairman Lord Leitch, the Bupa Board UK and Bupa Australia’s Executive Team
Be Fair Bupa: put resident care, staffing levels and nurses’ and carers’ wages before profits
This campaign has ended.

Bupa’s Victorian aged care nurses and carers are over stretched and undervalued.
Despite Bupa’s $585 million profit last year (about $30 million in aged care) we’re some of the state’s lowest paid aged care nurses and carers.
Please restart negotiations with our union, the ANMF (Vic Branch), and reach agreement on better staffing levels so we can improve resident care and wage increases that lift us out of the bottom 10 per cent and match your competitors.
Despite Bupa’s $585 million profit last year (about $30 million in aged care) we’re some of the state’s lowest paid aged care nurses and carers.
Please restart negotiations with our union, the ANMF (Vic Branch), and reach agreement on better staffing levels so we can improve resident care and wage increases that lift us out of the bottom 10 per cent and match your competitors.
Why is this important?
We are the nurses and carers who work in Bupa’s Victorian nursing homes.
Bupa is a multi-national company, making multi-million dollar profits, with 26 nursing homes across Victoria.
Bupa aged care nurses have made the difficult decision to take protected industrial action because we feel stretched and undervalued.
Australian nursing homes are given funding for staff and wages. Yet, we find ourselves fighting for both.
We’re asking Bupa for better staffing levels and skill mix (that’s the number of nurses and carers allocated to a number of residents each full shift) so we can improve resident care.
We love caring for people who can no longer live at home. Many residents have multiple conditions, diseases and comorbidities and have very high complex nursing needs. Some need palliative care. Most require help with personal care needs. It’s intense, intimate and rewarding work.
But it’s very hard to do our jobs well without enough staff.
We’re also paid thousands of dollars less each year than our colleagues doing the same work. We’re asking for a wage increase that reflects the rising cost of living and that matches Bupa’s competitor nursing home groups such as Arcare, BlueCross, Royal Freemasons and AGSAG.
Please sign our petition and tell Bupa to value, recognise and reward the people who care for elderly Victorians.
Authorised Paul Gilbert, Acting Secretary, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch), October 2017.
Bupa is a multi-national company, making multi-million dollar profits, with 26 nursing homes across Victoria.
Bupa aged care nurses have made the difficult decision to take protected industrial action because we feel stretched and undervalued.
Australian nursing homes are given funding for staff and wages. Yet, we find ourselves fighting for both.
We’re asking Bupa for better staffing levels and skill mix (that’s the number of nurses and carers allocated to a number of residents each full shift) so we can improve resident care.
We love caring for people who can no longer live at home. Many residents have multiple conditions, diseases and comorbidities and have very high complex nursing needs. Some need palliative care. Most require help with personal care needs. It’s intense, intimate and rewarding work.
But it’s very hard to do our jobs well without enough staff.
We’re also paid thousands of dollars less each year than our colleagues doing the same work. We’re asking for a wage increase that reflects the rising cost of living and that matches Bupa’s competitor nursing home groups such as Arcare, BlueCross, Royal Freemasons and AGSAG.
Please sign our petition and tell Bupa to value, recognise and reward the people who care for elderly Victorians.
Authorised Paul Gilbert, Acting Secretary, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch), October 2017.