The pandemic has hit all households one way or the other and all workers have suffered income loss ,loss of physical and mental health due to pandemic,lockdowns and consequent loack of business . COVID 19 patients need to be isolated fully for 14 days and some need a few more weeks to recover. It is unfair that the workers should suffer physical and mental stress alongwith financial distress due to loss of wages in COVID 19.Paid COVID leave will give part releif to the workers in these desparate times. We petition that all COVID 19 affected workers must be given paid leave during their COVID 19 illness.

Why is this important?

The governemnt has given relief packages and tax benefits to businesses to tide over this crisis period. Free food grains are distributed through public distribution systems and a small relief was given to people under poverty line in direct benefit transfer. But what about the workers? The workers in urban areas have no money to pay the rent or school fees for their children. Paid leave for COVID 19 affected workers will ensure that their families do not go hungry during the breadwinners illness. It is important to have proper nourishing food to recover from COVID 19. If the wages during the COVID 19 illness are not paid then not only the worker but his/her family members will be victims of the pandemic. It is to ensure food on the plates for the family that we demand Paid Leave for COVID 19 Affected Workers.

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