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Campaigns (19)

  • Fair Pay for Fitness Workers!
    Some of us have been paid the same rate of $42.50 per class for 15 years service in the brand. While fees for club members and company profits go up, our pay remains the same. Cost of living is at an all-time high and we are struggling to make ends meet. GFIs are educators, community leaders and athletes who are deeply passionate about the work they do. It is time FLG recognised this and commits to a wage structure that is fair and sustainable. Union members are asking their community to stand with them and sign and share this petition.
    3,633 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • Secure the Futures of BHP and Whitehaven Workers: Protect Minimum Entitlements
    The joint decision by Whitehaven & BHP to undermine workers entitlements at retirement is a major risk to all workers in the mining industry. Industry Awards reflects decades of agreed upon conditions of employment for workers, and are designed to provide the minimum foundations of any workplace arrangement. Without the foundation of the Award, workers that sign over as part of this deal will lose the right to basic fairness. Specifically, they will no longer be able to challenge shift changes, changes to working hours or have the right to seek assistance from the independent umpire. These common agreed upon conditions and significant retirement outcomes can be lost at a stroke of a pen by exploiting the loopholes in the Fair Work Act. A worker should not have their minimum foundation entitlements stripped away from them under the threat of unemployment just so major mining companies can save a few dollars. Accrued entitlements are entitlements owed to a worker, they are not bargaining chips to be used by executives in backroom deals. If major employers like Whitehaven and BHP utilised these provisions to undermine Award conditions, there will be significant impacts on the retirements of workers in the mining sector.
    408 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Collieries' Staff & Officials Association Picture
  • I support dairy workers!
    The dairy industry is currently facing a crisis. From fluctuating milk prices and environmental challenges, the industry is at a crossroads. As they face these challenges, workers, who are on the frontline, must be given a seat at the table. Their insights, experiences, and dedication are invaluable in shaping the future of the dairy sector. The plummeting levels of milk production in Australia to a 30-year low is not just a crisis for the dairy industry, but a pressing issue for the working class and the nation at large. Skyrocketing prices for dairy products disproportionately affect everyday Australians, especially those on fixed or lower incomes. Moreover, the dwindling milk supply has a direct impact on job security for union members who are dairy workers—both farmers and those employed in processing plants. If the industry falters, it's the workers who'll bear the brunt, facing lay-offs and financial instability, further undermining already vulnerable regional communities where many of our members live and work. This dire situation demands that union voices be front and centre in shaping any solutions. State and federal governments must consult with union representatives to invest urgently in the industry's future. The challenges of climate change, which affect both supply and worker conditions, and the unfair pricing dictated by supermarket duopolies like Coles and Woolworths, require a united, collective response. Now, more than ever, we need to mobilise to secure fair pay, conditions, and job security for our members. Our union is committed to fighting for these rights, and we urge all stakeholders to act before the industry reaches a point of no return.
    2,049 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • Save teachers' jobs!
    Visiting teachers play a crucial role in supporting students, staff, and families. Cutting many of these roles will directly affect students’ learning and wellbeing. Premier Andrews and Minister Hutchins must stop these cuts and instead invest in teachers and students. Visiting Teachers are highly trained experts who work directly with students with disability and complex needs. They support students who are vision and hearing impaired, have physical disabilities, autism, and health impairments. Visiting teachers also work alongside classroom teachers providing advice and support, and model best practice. In addition, they provide direct support to families so their children can access school and thrive. Premier Andrews - you said that you would not cut frontline jobs but by sacking teachers that is exactly what you and your government are planning to do. By adding your name to the petition together we can tell the Premier and Education Minister to reverse this decision immediately.
    6,691 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by AEU Victoria
  • We need the right to clock off and switch off!
    Balancing work and home life is essential for everyone. We all want to work hard and feel rewarded in our jobs, but we also need to spend quality time with family and friends, care for our loved ones, enjoy hobbies, exercise, and rest. For too many people, the work-life balance is off. Unpaid overtime, contact after hours, excessive workloads and understaffing are systemic issues for many workers. With constant email and phone notifications, an expectation to always be switched on, and blurring boundaries between work and home life, finding the work-life balance is harder than ever. • 70% of workers in Australia are often working outside of their scheduled hours • 64% of workers have been contacted in relation to work whilst on leave – including sick leave carers leave, annual leave, or long service leave • Workers are completing an average of 4.6 hours of unpaid overtime each week – or over a full day’s work each fortnight. That’s $460 of unpaid overtime a fortnight! It is vital that workers can switch off from work and be properly paid for their hours worked – that includes being paid to be available to respond to work-related calls and emails. We need the right to clock off and switch off. • The right to disconnect is becoming a reality across the world – in countries from France to Spain, Canada, Argentina, and Ireland. • 78% of workers support the Federal Government legislating for the right to disconnect. It’s time for Australia to act. Join our campaign for the right to clock off and switch off, so we can enjoy time with our family, loved ones and friends!
    810 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union
  • Paid placements for all pre-service teachers
    Financial stress means many aspiring teachers struggle to manage their living expenses while undertaking unpaid teaching placements. Some ask family and friends for financial assistance, and others take on personal loans. The impact of unpaid placements is particularly severe for those with families or caring responsibilities, regional and rural students, and students from marginalised communities. Too many pre-service teachers are unable to complete their studies, making Victoria's teacher shortage even worse. Without enough teachers in our schools and kindergartens, students are denied access to the full range of learning and support programs they need.
    13,788 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Education Union - VIC Branch
  • It’s time for a pay rise. Workers are feeling the crunch.
    We are in a cost-of-living crisis. Big businesses are making record profits while wages continue to flat-line. Everyday essentials like groceries, petrol, and bills are going up but our wages are not. Every worker should be able to rely on their job to provide wages that will keep up with the cost of living and allow them to save for the future. This year the Australian Services Union is campaigning for a wage increase that keeps up with the cost of living. The Annual Wage Review is the ONLY guaranteed wage increase in the economy. Your pay rise only comes about from union members getting together to win what we need and deserve. The Australian Services Union is your voice for a pay rise. Without a real pay rise delivered now, wages will continue to go backwards. Sign the petition for a 7% pay rise now!
    3,088 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union Picture
  • Pay up before profit!
    Working people are absorbing price increases on everything they buy and spending more of their wages on bills. Meanwhile, company gross operating profits rose 10.6% seasonally adjusted for Dec 2022. The Reserve Bank continues to increase interest rates to tackle inflation, but excess corporate profits account for 69% of additional inflation beyond the RBA’s target. Rising unit labour costs account for just 18% of that inflation. It's time that struggling Australians got their fair share of these massive corporate profits. Pay UP!
    267 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Victorian Trades Hall Council
  • West Footscray
    Pampas/Goodman Fielder: We want job security and fair wages for your workers now!
    Workers at Pampas have been languishing on labour-hire contracts, working full time, for 10, 15 and up to 20 years whilst being overlooked for permanent positions. Migrant workers like those at Pampas are the backbone of our food manufacturing industry. Workers across Australia are doing it tough, they need fair wages and secure jobs to survive. Pampas needs to come to the table and offer these workers a fair deal now.
    2,009 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • Karen’s Diner is an Unsafe Workplace
    Every employer has a duty to eliminate occupational health and safety risks as far as is practically possible. Karen’s Diner have done the exact opposite, they have created an unsafe workplace and actively encouraged hazards as part of their business model. That’s why we’re calling on WorkSafe Victoria to investigate Karen’s Diner.
    1,399 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kali and Molly