To: Mayor Trenton Brown, Deputy Mayor Daniel Han and Councillors Katie O’Reilly, Sarkis Yedelian OAM, Shweta Deshpande, Penelope Pedersen, Jordan Lane, Roy Maggio, Sophie Lara-Watson, Charles Song and Justin Li

City of Ryde Council - No Job Security and Constant Restructures, Council Workers Deserve Better!

We, the undersigned, are asking Council to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Services Union to:
- End Forced Redundancy
- Improve Job Security
- Stop the Relentless Restructures

Why is this important?

Local Council jobs need protecting!

In the past, job seekers looked for council jobs because they knew they were secure. People pursued careers in Local Government for career enhancement, working conditions and the job security. Now it seems like a never-ending cycle of Reviews, Restructures and Retrenchments.

Councils lose expertise, service delivery suffers, staff become disillusioned, and high vacancy rates make the problem worse.

Local Government Jobs, Worth Fighting For!
New South Wales, Australia

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