1,000 signatures reached
To: Australian Private Hospitals Industrial Association
Stop Pharmacy Bosses From Blocking Our Award Pay Rise!
We demand that the Australian Private Hospitals Industrial Association (APHA), representing owners such as Ramsay Health Care, Healthscope, and Catholic Health Australia support a wage increase for hard-working pharmacists in community and hospital pharmacies as part of the Fair Work Commission Pharmacy Industry Award review currently underway.
Why is this important?
Employee pharmacists are Australia’s lowest-paid health professionals and are leaving the industry in droves. Professional Pharmacists Australia (PPA), the union for employee pharmacists and technicians, has submitted a comprehensive case to the Fair Work Commission calling for a long-overdue minimum Award wage increase for pharmacists of $188.30 per week and a 14% increase for Interns, Pharmacists In Charge and Pharmacy Managers.
But the Australian Private Hospitals Industrial Association (APHA) is calling on the Fair Work Commission to block all proposed pay increases. Pharmacists deserve better and are calling on APHA to acknowledge the vital role of pharmacists by amending their submission to the Fair Work Commission to support a fair pay increase.
Sign this petition to demand that APHA stop blocking a pay increase to the minimum award rate. Let’s show APHA that their stance isn’t just unsustainable – it’s deeply unpopular.
Pharmacists deserve better, and with your signature, pharmacists can put pressure on APHA to change their position.
Pharmacists deserve better, and with your signature, pharmacists can put pressure on APHA to change their position.
Together, we can demand change. Support Australia’s pharmacists today:
- Sign the petition to show your support for fair wages for pharmacists.
- Share this petition with everyone you know – pharmacists, healthcare professionals, and community members who rely on and value pharmacists’ expertise.