• Act Now: UTS Response to ICJ's Verdict on Israel's Illegal Actions in Palestine
    UTS staff and students are urged to sign this petition to uphold our commitment to social justice and human rights. The International Court of Justice's recent finding highlights Israel's illegal practices in the occupied Palestinian territory. As a leading institution dedicated to ethical principles, UTS must take a stand against these violations. By signing this petition, you join a collective call for the University to reassess its relationships with entities connected to Israel, condemn the illegal occupation, and support the rights of the Palestinian people. Your signature is a powerful statement of solidarity and a call for UTS to lead by example in advocating for justice and upholding of international law.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by UTS Staff for Palestine
  • Safe Arts and Entertainment For ALL
    We’re urgently calling on our Arts and Entertainment industry to make shows safe and accessible for everyone.  Getting infected with Covid can have dire and incurable consequences for anyone, but especially for the most vulnerable in our communities.  As an industry whose work predominantly occurs indoors and in crowded spaces, accessing Arts and Entertainment is currently a high risk activity.  This has seen many people decrease the amount of shows they attend or stop attending shows altogether. Alongside this, the constant circulation of Covid and other respiratory viruses has seen a rise in audiences buying tickets last minute because they’re not sure if they’ll be well enough to attend on the day.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  Having a good night out at a show shouldn’t have to happen at the risk of our health and, for many, our lives.  Keeping the industry open shouldn’t have to happen at the risk of the industry’s sustainability and security.  We have the tools to provide communities with safe and accessible Arts and Entertainment.  These tools include, but are not limited to: • Effective air filtration at venues • Mask mandatory performances • Ticket exchange flexibility where appropriate • Better communication regarding keeping each other safe and; • Continuing commitment to online programming We ask that producers and venues meet with us to discuss how we can use these tools and others to ensure the industry is accessible and safe for everyone so that it can flourish in a secure and sustainable way.
    297 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jenna Schroder
  • Respect Our Skills: Community & Disability Workers Deserve Better!
    Community and disability workers provide critical support and care to people in some of the most vulnerable situations in our communities. We make a difference every day and deserve to be paid fairly for the work we do. We are advocates, support workers, carers, counsellors, case workers and so much more to the clients and communities we work with.   Recent groundbreaking ASU/UNSW research found that: • Two-thirds (67%) of community and disability workers are under-classified.  • Many are required to perform tasks beyond their pay grade and face limited career progression.  • Financial pressures are severe, with 1 in 3 needing help from family or friends to meet living costs.   For too long, community and disability workers have been overworked, undervalued and underpaid.   ASU members are standing together to ensure that community and disability workers are valued, and respected, with fair pay and secure careers. We need everyone, and all governments to stand with us. Sign the petition today!
    2,136 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union
  • Portable Long Service Leave for Tasmanian workers
    A PLSL scheme means that a worker's LSL entitlements follow them between different employers within the same sector, rather than an employee having to start from zero every time they move employment. Unions have been campaigning a PLSLS for workers in certain industries for a long time. Before the State Election, we reached out to most political parties and independents, urging them to support a PLSLS. Excitingly, a majority of those elected have already pledged their support for the scheme. They include the Labor Party with 10 members, the Greens with 5 members, the Jacqui Lambie Party with 3 members, and independents David O'Byrne and Kristie Johnston. That totals 20 votes out of 35.  Now, we need to rally the support of workers and the community for the scheme so we can hold the elected representatives to account and ensure the Legislative Council passes it, turning it into a reality for workers. So please sign the petition, share it on socials and encourage your colleagues, family members and friends to sign it too. 
    453 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Health and Community Services Union TAS (HACSU)
  • Save our UQ Community
    Since 1961, the UQ Union Complex has served as the heart of UQ's campus community at St Lucia. Over the decades, its activities have profoundly influenced Queensland's culture and politics and hold significant historical importance. Therefore, it has always been in the community's interest to preserve and maintain the space with interior refurbishments rather than a complete transformation, which has been repeatedly proposed. Regrettably, when such repair and maintenance requests have been submitted by the UQ Union, UQ has been slow to respond or ignore the request, resulting in the exacerbation of building damage. When they do take place, they take an unacceptably long time to fix the problem (for example, the Schonell theatre). So, it is no surprise that since 2018, UQ's agenda has focused more on its interest in redeveloping the Union Complex primarily to enhance its aesthetics. Their initial attempt, likened to building a 'shopping mall' on campus, was widely criticised in 2022, leading to an announcement that they would return to 'first principles'. However, their new proposal has not undergone a comprehensive consultation process with the community. There has been a complete lack of transparency regarding the final design and the redevelopment process. Meanwhile, UQ seeks to finalise agreements through the UQ Union, insisting on maintaining confidentiality without engaging in broader consultation with the UQ and Brisbane community. What we know: UQ has been dictating space allocation within the Union Complex, which will reduce the amount of space given to our community-owned outlets. This will have a detrimental effect on the vibrant campus culture these establishments help maintain. The finalized redevelopment plans could potentially disrupt or even lead to the discontinuation of beloved establishments such as Reddo Bar, the Food Co-op shop, On a Roll bakery, and the Main Course. Furthermore, there is no provision for a full commercial kitchen to allow Kampus Kitchen to continue at its current capacity. Again, these decisions have been made without consulting the broader community, further underscoring the need for transparency and inclusive consultation. It is evident that UQ has a new vision for the future of the student commons and Union complex that appears to exclude any input from the community. Their vision risks erasing the culture and legacy of the original complex and disregarding aspects that symbolise the freedom of student expression. Moreover, it threatens to dismantle what remains of the Union Complex's role as a central hub for cultural and arts activities, including previously housing a radio station that once made it the heart of the University of Queensland.
    971 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by UQ Community
  • Child Protection in Crisis
    Statutory Child Protection is in crisis. More children are at risk of harm for longer, more children are being put on orders and in out of home care. Most reports and complaints are not looked at and early intervention opportunities are missed until it is too late requiring more damaging interventions. Foster and Out of Home Care options are minimal with many jurisdictions relying on expensive private providers to house children in motels and offices with limited access to wrap around services, placing the development of children at risk. Our state child protection services are buckling due to not enough staffing and the inability to fill case workers and other positions with adequately trained social workers and psychologists. This problem lies across all jurisdictions and requires sustained national action.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Public Service Association
  • Stop making UniSuper members complicit in Israel’s crimes!
    It is unethical for the funds of UniSuper members to be invested in any companies which: • provide products or services that contribute to violent acts against civilians, Israeli or Palestinian; • profit from, or are complicit in, human rights abuses in Palestine; • provide products or services that contribute to the maintenance of the Israeli military occupation of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem; • provide products or services that contribute to the maintenance and construction of the Separation Wall and/or maintenance and expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories; and/or • establish facilities or operations in Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
    802 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian University Staff in Support of Palestine
  • STOP Labor's attack on refugees - STOP the Migration Amendment Bill
    Hundreds of refugees are being threatened with a minimum of one year in prison if they refuse to cooperate with efforts to deport them, under a new bill introduced by Labor. This bill passing would mean refugees who don't cooperate with the government's attempt to deport them could be fined almost $100,000 and imprisoned. Labor have made this disgraceful move after the high court ruled it was illegal for the government to indefinitely detain refugees like this in Australia. If people on bridging visas, without visas, or in immigration detention fail to comply with a directions from the Immigration Minister to assist in their own deportation will be a criminal offence carrying a mandatory minimum of 12 months in prison, a maximum of five years, a $93,900 fine, or both imprisonment and a fine. One of the refugees currently at the centre of this case is known as ASF17 - a bisexual Iranian man who the government are currently attempting to deport back to Iran, where he will face certain persecution and fears for his life. ASF17 has been held in indefinite immigration detention in PNG since he fled Iran to Australia in 2013. The government justifies his detention on the basis that he has refused to cooperate with Iranian authorities to receive the necessary travel documents to be deported. Now, ASF17 is at the centre of a legal case which will be heard by the high court in April, arguing that refugees in his position should be covered by last year's high court ruling declaring indefinite immigrant detention unlawful. The response of the Labor government has been to brutally double down on their anti-refugee politics. This is a disgrace - everyone fleeing persecution and oppression in their home countries should be welcome here. We Demand: - STOP the Migration Amendment (removals and other measures) bill - Allow refugees in Australia without visas, or with any kind of temporary visa to have PERMANENT protection in Australia, without threat of deportation - END the racist cruelty of the Australian government toward refugees Petition Authored by the National Union of Students Queer/LGBTQIA+ Department, Monash Student Association Queer Officers, and the Tamil Refugee Council
    260 of 300 Signatures
    Created by NUS Queer/LGBTQIA+ Department Picture
  • Urgent Pokies Reform Now
    The NSW Crime Commission recently reported billions of dollars of dirty money are being laundered through NSW poker machines each year while pokies fuel a growing health crisis of addiction that is tearing families and communities apart. Working-class communities are the most heavily impacted by poker machine losses with adults in Canterbury-Bankstown, Fairfield and Cumberland LGAs in Western Sydney losing almost $3,000 each year to pokies. The gaming industry is relentlessly transferring wealth out of our communities and concentrating it into the hands of a few or sending it offshore through machines that are proven to be highly addictive. Add your name to send a clear message – NSW needs urgent pokies reform now.
    3,542 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW
  • No Northrop Grumman at ANU
    Northorp Grumman has close ties with the Israeli military, supplying it with a plethora of weapons, including various missile systems, and key components for its fighter jets, missile ships, and trainer aircraft. Notably Northrop Grumman supplies Israel with key components of the F-35 fighter jet, which are currently being used to brutally massacre Palestinians. Education is meant to better the world, not destroy it, and it is absolutely unconscionable for higher education institutions to work with any weapons companies, let alone Northrop Grumman, who is deeply complicit in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
    698 of 800 Signatures
    Created by ANUSA Environment Collective Picture
  • Warning labels for Sky News
    Research into Sky Australia consistently shows that it's a global player in misinformation including conspiracy theories about covid, anti-transgender fearmongering, and climate denial. Murdoch-owned Sky exists to undermine trust in public institutions and spread American-style conspiracies and ideologies in Australia. Sky's disregard for basic journalistic standards make it a toxic hazard, and its content should be labelled as such.
    2,759 of 3,000 Signatures
  • Zim shipping out of our ports
    ZIM is the oldest and largest shipping company in Israel. The company played an integral role in the colonisation of Palestine. Since then, it has remained central to the operations of Israel’s war machine by transporting weapons for the Israeli military. As part of the global upsurge of protests in solidarity with the Palestinian people, trade unionists and Free Palestine campaigners here in Australia and across the world have targeted ZIM shipping. These actions build on years of activism in port cities, including actions taken against ZIM in solidarity with calls by Palestinian civil society for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel. ZIM is one of the most prominent Israeli businesses operating in Australia, running commercial cargo operations that visit major Australian ports. Stopping ZIM’s operations here would send a powerful message that Israel can not act with impunity. ------------------------ Initial signatories: David Glanz MEAA Melbourne/Naarm Tami Gadir NTEU (RMIT Branch) Naarm/Melbourne Lu MEAA Brunswick East Remy Bravery NTEU UniMelb branch Melbourne Ella Ryan ASU Melbourne Margaret McKenzie ASU Melbourne Max Smith ASU Delegate, Victorian Private Sector branch committee Melbourne, Victoria Tihtina Merid HACSU Victoria Ada Castle ASU Pascoe vale Shehzi Yusaf HSU Westmead Louise Dillon UWU WA Damian Dillon Professionals Australia WA Elham TAWFIQ Non Victoria Todd Morley Nteu Rivervale Yasi ASU Melbourne Rory Mullan National Tertiary Education Union Melbourne Elliot Dolan-Evans NTEU Melbourne Asmaa Anzar SDA WA Reed O'Loughlin HACSU Melbourne Wanjiku Mirie ANMF Ivanhoe, Vic Aryaa ANMF Naarm Hana NSWNMA Sydney Andrea Bortoli VAHPA Naarm/Melbourne Kendra Keller ASU Kulin Country Felix Clayton VAHPA Melbourne Jacqueline Kriz ANMF Geelong Hal Leigh United Workers Union Naarm Lee Baillie HACSU Naarm John abetz United workers union/ CPSU Hobart, Tasmania Zachary Doneu ANMF Victoria A HACSU Reservoir Liam UWU Victoria Rosalia Miller Australian Services Union nipaluna Scoutt Wintet ASU Nipaluna/Hobart Kelly Circosta QNMU Conondale Adrienne Harvey NTEU Brunswick Lachlan Marshall ASU Delegate Melbourne Kate Stodart NTEU Naarm/Melbourne Matt NTEU Melbourne Damian Anmf Melbourne Ruth Ellis SSTUWA/AEU Perth Brooke Williams ASU Melbourne Dara Campbell Health and Community Services Union Tasmania Nipaluna/Hobart, Lutruwita/Tasmania Mietta Van Dam ANMF Melbourne, VIC Yashna Seethiah NTEU VIC Laresa Kosloff NTEU Williamstown Corey Community services (cant remember name) Tasmania Frankie No Burnie Alexandra Nemaric AEU Point Leo Aiden Stalker Health and Community Services Union Tas Hobart Mark West HSU Brisbane Kisten McCandless Australian Services Union - Private Sector Branch Mount Waverley Leya Reid MEAA Sydney Milo Pace HACSU Naarm, Melbourne Erica VAHPA Ballarat Angela Carr ASU Delegate Geelong Tim gooden CFMEU Geelong Brenden CFMEU Geelong Zeta Henderson ANMF and AEU Geelong Nicole Toupin United Workers Union Workplace Delegate Naarm/Melbourne Adam M CPSU Canberra Cyn HACSU Vic Rufaro George Kanjere ASU, MEAA Melbourne Ross Smith MUA Geelong Nathalie Braunsberger SU Nipaluna Hobert
    2,465 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Unionists for Palestine