• Freight on Rail
    The ammonium nitrate explosion in Bororen, Central Queensland in September 2024 wasn’t the first but with your help it can be the last. Let's tell government it's time to make our communities safer. Join the campaign here to show your support.
    182 of 200 Signatures
    Created by RTBU QLD Branch
  • Keep Fares 50c
    50 cent fares on Queensland’s public transport, introduced by the Miles Labor Government, provides much-needed temporary relief for many Queenslanders managing the rising cost of living – now it’s time to make 50 cent fares permanent! Public transport is an integral part of any modern city. Getting cars off the road reduces traffic, increases productivity, and minimises climate impact. Cheaper transport allows people to access training, jobs and medical treatment. It also helps connect socially isolated people with their loved ones and attracts tourism, bringing money into Queensland. Sign the petition now calling on parties to keep 50 cent fares indefinitely to keep our cities moving! Authorised by J. King, Queensland Council of Unions, 16 Peel St South Brisbane QLD 4101
    23,050 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Queensland Unions
  • Demand a Melbourne Airport Rail Link Now!
    Joining this campaign for the Melbourne Airport Rail Link is vital because it directly affects our daily lives and wallets. Every day without this link, thousands of workers and travellers like us face limited transport options and exorbitant parking fees, costing us time and money. For families, it means less time at home and more stress managing daily commutes. For our community, it stunts economic growth and accessibility, keeping us disconnected from the broader opportunities Melbourne has to offer. The airport and the government's delay in building this rail link is more than an inconvenience—it's a barrier to our well-being and progress. We need your voice to ensure they hear us loud and clear: we demand better infrastructure now for a more connected and affordable future. Join us in pushing for change that will benefit all.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Transport Workers' Union - Vic/Tas
  • Student Public Transport Equity
    There are currently some misconceptions which surround how part-time and online student study. People choose to study online for a number of reasons but common reasons include; distance from campus, care responsibilities, looking after young kids, mental health barriers (e.g. severe anxiety), having access requirements because they are living with a disability and a range of other reasons. With the new University Accord just around the corner, the majority of the Federal Government's proposed suburban study hubs are in low-SES areas where many of the abovementioned barriers to education present a real challenge to students coming onto campus. This concession would largely affect these low-SES students and allow them to access such study hubs. Just because someone studies online does not mean they don’t leave the house, oftentimes these students will seek out study hubs, local libraries and other places with strong wifi, IT equipment and quiet spaces away from home. Unfairness also occurs where some students struggle and drop from a full-time to part-time load. This means they are no longer eligible for public transport concessions and must suffer as a result of taking a practical step to improve their grades and look after their mental and physical health. The public transport concession system should give concessions to all who forgo employment and income to seek a university education. We need a fairer public transport concession system for all students.
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by National Union of Students - SA Branch
  • Save Our Sleeper Trains
    The former Coalition State Government excluded sleeper carriages from the new Regional Rail Fleet - which will replace the ageing XPT, Endeavor and Xplorer train sets. This means sleeper compartments will no longer be available on overnight train services between Melbourne and Sydney, and Sydney and Brisbane, once the current trains are retired. Sleeper carriages: • perform a vital transport role for people in regional areas, enabling comfortable and affordable low-emission travel for people who cannot drive or access commercial aviation; and • contribute to regional tourism by offering niche travel experience. Let's save our sleepers and keep our regional rail services on track!
    2,267 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Stew Prins
  • Same Super for Brisbane City Council Casual & Trainee Bus Drivers
    Casual and trainee bus drivers are some of the lowest-paid Council employees and the current superannuation arrangements mean they get less retirement savings than others. They work just as hard as permanent employees and they deserve the same superannuation rates.
    233 of 300 Signatures
    Created by RTBU QLD Branch
  • SSAF is for Students!
    Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF) at the University of Tasmania sees 81% of its funding placed into University ran departments. The current allocation of SSAF funding into University departments does not reflect the notions of Student Services and Amenities fees, being controlled by those who pay for them. We therefore call on the University to ensure at least 51% of SSAF Funding is allocated to the student association as the association that represents all students at the University of Tasmania.
    549 of 600 Signatures
    Created by TUSA State Council
  • Improve our bus network
    Bus drivers are currently working under immense pressure and poor conditions. They deserve decent conditions, fair pay and to return home safely to their families at the end of the day. Torrens Transit services over 80% of the bus network across Adelaide and the power they hold within the network is immense. Right now, Torrens Transit have a choice: will they be part of the solution and help turn our industry around? Or will they continue to drag their heels in the sand and hang their drivers out to dry? We need to get behind our hardworking bus drivers and let Torrens Transit know we support our drivers in their fight for a fair deal and a better bus industry! This is Our Public Transport Network. It's time to take a stand and turn it around. We must insist that it works for our community and for the people who keep the bus network running - our hardworking drivers.
    605 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Transport Workers Union - SA/NT Branch
  • Fair Go for Tasmania
    The public services we all rely on - schools, hospitals, health care services, courts, child protection, fire and rescue, community services and more - have now faced staffing shortages and under-resourcing for many years, leaving Tasmanians missing out. Record vacancies, and an inability to attract and retain workers threatens to deepen the crisis in our public sector. The workers that carried us through COVID and support us when we need it most are also suffering from the skyrocketing cost of living that is hurting all workers. At the same time, many of Tasmania's public sector workers including firefighters and child safety staff are some of the lowest paid in the country. But they're being insulted by a Premier who fails to recognise that with a fair pay rise. Stand with us to demand a fair go for Tasmania.
    213 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Munday Picture
  • Get rid of CellOPark Curtin University
    Parking enforcers at Curtin University have a reputation for being highly efficient and predatory. If you don’t pay for parking, you will get fined—so why do people take the risk? The answer is they don’t. At the Bentley campus, the odds are stacked against you, and sometimes no matter what you do, you will get a fine. You’re invited to appeal them, but with a catch—if they reject the appeal they will reduce the amount of time you have to pay, leading to penalties being applied quicker. Is it worth the risk when few appeals are ever accepted? Curtin students pay thousands of dollars to study at this University, and it is often a requirement for their education that they come to campus. They are often getting by on Centrelink or working hard to stay above the poverty line. They are faced with a parking system that preys on them, takes every opportunity to make money off of them and refers them to debt collectors with the threat of further legal action, when they are struggling the most. Students are asking to be allowed to pay for parking, without the many barriers that the CellOPark app entails. 1. Phase out CellOPark. This app regularly charges users for premium service fees without permission, or logs them out of sessions, causing them to get fined. It is predatory and not user-friendly. 2. Reduce the cost of fines to $20. A $45 fine can be detrimental to students, especially when they are not at fault due to the CellOPark app. Curtin has absolute discretion over the cost of fines, and the deterrent does not need to be that high—Curtin University is using their captive audience, students, to raise as much revenue as possible. 3. Introduce a mixed PAYG/Permit system. A Pay As You Go system saves money for those who come to campus occasionally, but a permit system that discounts parking for purchasing for longer intervals is more equitable for students who need to attend campus more often, up to five days a week, for more intensive courses or as part of their studies
    7,853 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Curtin Student Guild
  • Tell Sydney Trains and Transport for NSW to Stop Targeting Our Delegate
    Our elected representatives need to have the ability to represent us, the members, free of harassment and the threat of disciplinary hanging over their heads like the hangman's noose. The actions displayed from Sydney Trains set a terrible precedent and will impede the movement's ability to bargain into the future due to workplace delegates being in fear of disciplinary action that can potentially impact their employment.
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Scarlett Bellette
  • Stop the NSW Government fining striking workers
    Unions of nurses, teachers, paramedics, cleaners, transport workers, child protection workers and many more are saying their jobs and conditions are under immense stress. The NSW Government is ignoring their pleas for help. Workers have been left with little choice but to strike to force the government to listen. So the NSW Government has proposed fines of up to $110,000 for striking. It's unfair and undemocratic - workers will suffer in silence and their unions fined if they take action. But it can be stopped. The Liberals and National Government does not hold a majority in Parliament. If Labor, independents and just 3 minor parties team up they will have a majority to overturn the new fines. The vote is expected in early August - which means we have just a few weeks to act. Add your name to send a clear message to members of the NSW Parliament - you must use your vote to protect essential worker's rights.
    15,460 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW