• Protect Jobs in Lismore
    We need your support to protect local jobs! Please sign this important petition today!
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by United Services Union - USU
  • Footpaths For Teven Road
    Children, people walking dogs, people on mobility scooters and pedestrian in general are being put to at risk as they are forced to walk on this busy major road, in many instances around parked cars into the line of traffic.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leonie Price Picture
  • DOJ Must Investigate TPS Training
    In 2020 TPS Management disregarded the training Memorandum of Understanding with TasTAFE, changing the recruit training course, delivering it in an inappropriate setting and removing key content from the course. TPS Training Staff repeatedly raised valid, substantiated concerns, but it took Union members threatening industrial action and issuing safety improvement notices for TPS to listen. These decisions by TPS deprived recruits of appropriate training and qualifications, resulting in 36 recruits requiring retraining so they could deliver correctional services safely for staff and inmates, in line with community standards. The result of sending recruits back to training has • Cost TPS millions of dollars in over-time • Resulted in catastrophic short staffing and • Irreparably damaged the faith that employees and the community have in the accountability and integrity at TPS. Through this training saga, members were gobsmacked that the Minister and the Department of Justice were determined to ignore the truth and avoid accepting their mistakes. The current lockdowns and the damning report from the Custodial Inspectorate could have been prevented by listening to the trainers’ expert advice from the beginning. TPS vision statement says, “We act with integrity respect and accountability. Our workplaces are inclusive and collaborative”. As part of the demands members made to resolve the issues, we called for an independent investigation into the matter and the failure of the decision makers to act on the information presented to them by employees and this is yet to commence. The State Service Code of Conduct outlines appropriate behaviours expected of all state employees. TPS must urgently investigate this matter as a matter of integrity and public interest.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Vinnie B
  • सामाजिक सुरक्षा योजनामा सुधारका लागि FIEUN को अपिल
    योगदानमा आधारित सामाजिक सुरक्षा ऐन, नियमावली र कार्यविधि तथा श्रम ऐन र नियमावलीमा रहेका थुप्रै अमिल्दा व्यवस्थाहरु सरकारी, निजी संगठीत तथा असंगठीत तमाम श्रमिकका लागि प्रतिकूल छन् । श्रमिकले आफ्नो सेवाकालभरीमा योगदान गरेको रकमको पूर्ण प्रतिफल पाउंन नसक्ने र योगदान रकमको सुरक्षाको अभाव देखिन्छ । त्यसैले नेपालका सरकारी, निजी, संगठीत तथा असंगठीत सम्पूर्ण श्रमिकहरुको सर्वाङ्गीण हित रक्षाको लागि हामीले न्यायको आवाज उठाएका हांै । नेपालको बैक, बीमा तथा वित्तीय क्षेत्रको नेतृत्वकर्ता एकमात्र व्यवसायिक कर्मचारी युनियन भएको नाताले समग्र बैंक, बीमा तथा वित्तीय संस्थाहरुमा कार्यरत सम्पूर्ण कर्मचारीहरुको खाईपाई आएको सेवासुविधा तथा सेवाशर्तको रक्षाको लागि अपरिहार्य अभियान नै अहिलेको विरोधको कार्यक्रम हो ।
    389 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Financial Institute Employees Union of Nepal (FIEUN)
  • NSW: Strengthen the Lockdown, Increase Support Payments!
    The Covid-19 situation in NSW is extremely concerning. Once again, the failure to build proper, dedicated quarantine facilities has resulted in a serious local outbreak, this time of the incredibly contagious Delta strain. Vaccination rates remain woefully low. The NSW Government has acted far too slowly and half-heartedly in relation to the current outbreak. Nobody enjoys lockdowns, but the failure to enact a serious lockdown soon enough has let this outbreak grow, and now means that the lockdown must be extended and strengthened. Allowing the virus to spread would be a health disaster, not just for NSW but for all Australia.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joshua Lees
  • Paid Vaccination Leave for All Workers
    The latest plan from the Morrison Government predicts 2 million jabs per week from September. But too many employers are not allowing workers to take the necessary time off to get the job. Those at the greatest risk include casuals and low paid essential workers. No worker should have to choose between getting vaccinated and paying the bills. Last year workers in their unions won paid-pandemic leave and Job Keeper. This year, together, we can win paid vaccination leave. We need a strong voice to demand nationwide paid vaccination leave to give workers paid time off to get the jab and recover from any side effects.
    18,230 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unions
    • ‘Spill and fill’ redundancy measures will only exacerbate the anxiety and stress experienced by staff. • The University has a responsibility to its staff and to do the right thing for them. • Redundancies may lead to important work being shifted onto remaining staff or outsourced to external agencies at a substantially higher cost than if performed by University staff. Your signature is important to demonstrate support for La Trobe staff and students and to ensure that the University uses our public resources to maintain high quality employment conditions, so that University staff can continue to deliver quality education and research across Victoria.
    1,224 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by La Trobe NTEU
  • Fair Wage Rises
    We want to come to work with certainty our wages will increase in line with our day to day living expenses. We have supported the Glenorchy community through a pandemic and continued to deliver high quality services. We want to continue to thrive and to support local businesses in Glenorchy and we can only do that when our wages don't go backwards. Will the Glenorchy General Manager stay true to his word? Will those on Council and running for election show us the respect we deserve? Council can come good an commit to an improved annual administrative increase and reintroduce the CPI safety net, ensuring that in the event CPI is higher than the fixed percentage wage rise, we as worker's aren't left battling to make ends meet.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samantha Batchelor
  • Save Newport Railway Workshops
    The Newport Workshops played a significant role in the industrial development of Victoria and of the Union movement. During it's history the Workshops employed upwards of 5,000 workers at any point in time. These workers built and fabricated anything and every thing needed for the running of rail in Victoria. At present the Workshops house three heritage rail operations that employ workers on a voluntary and directly employed basis, including apprentices. The Government through it's agency Victrack is seeking to remove these heritage operators from the workshops and the future of those workers and the Heritage listed Workshops is uncertain. We have to urgently act to save our industrial and union heritage. The Government must unequivocally commit to preserving our Heritage and the operators that keep it functional.
    1,864 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ray Crampton Picture
  • Award Mr Neale Daniher AO the Companion of the Order of Australia (AC)
    This is extremely important to all Australians as not only could Neale pass away at any moment but also because of the countless hours he puts into raising money, helping with research, hosting, organising and attending events as well as helping others despite raising over $50 million dollars for Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and suffering with it himself which is currently in the last and worse stage of the heart breaking condition not to mention the other stuff he has done outside of his campaigning and the football career he has had, therefore this man deserves no less than to be awarded the Companion of the order of Australia immediately.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lord Braden Hyde Picture
  • Stop more changes and cuts to Medicare!
    Medical experts have already warned these changes will increase out of pocket costs – this means patients could be left paying hundreds of dollars for some common procedures and up to $10,000 for rarer conditions. The Liberal Government has already cut billions in funding for Medicare and other health programs since 2014. What’s worse is that they froze the Medicare indexation rate, which undermines bulk-billing. And they’ve already bungled the vaccine roll-out, the most important public health program in a generation. Now we need to stop the Liberal Government from wrecking Medicare.
    114,844 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unions
  • Protect the Collingwood Community Garden!
    Operating since 1979, the Collingwood Community Gardens are under threat of being bulldozed. The destruction of this important cultural and community space was announced by Collingwood Children’s Farm Committee of Management on Thursday, 3 June. Citing ‘safety concerns’ such as uneven ground, the use of removable metal cladding and ‘piles of wood and sticks’ as the catalyst, the Committee of Management made the determination to indefinitely close the Gardens, situated on Crown land, without community consultation. There is no evidence that alternatives to the bulldozing of this important community space were considered, even after multiple volunteers offered to fix the issues cited in the report. For generations families have nurtured this space, using it as a place to share knowledge, connect with the earth and build community. Many Plotters (a warm term used by those that tend to the gardens) rely on these gardens for their food production, social activities, exercise and mental health. There are multiple stories of migrant families that have kept their culture and knowledge alive through the activities at the Gardens.
    3,240 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Giles Fielke Picture