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Don’t Close the Door – Save Homelessness Services!In the last year 290,500 Australians sought help from specialist homelessness services. These critical services support people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, including vulnerable groups such as women and children escaping domestic and family violence. If the Federal Government goes ahead with this $50m cut, critical services will be closed and jobs lost across Australia. Homelessness services were not meeting demand pre COVID-19 and are now under extreme pressure due to the impact of COVID-19 and economic recession. To rebuild out of this crisis and be able to support our most vulnerable Australians we cannot afford to lose hundreds of critical frontline homelessness workers. We call on the Morrison Government to ensure it continues and indexes its existing level of funding for these critical community services so workers are paid properly and able to continue to focus on supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our community. Don’t close the door on homelessness services!2,478 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Australian Services Union
Save Yarra Ranges Aged CareCouncil-run home care enables those in need to live independently at home for as long possible. Being able to retain a sense of independence is so important for mental and emotional health. Our ageing relatives, friends and neighbours deserve to retain the quality care they get from our highly trained Council workers317 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Jackson
End The Silence On Sexual ViolenceRape culture in parliament threatens our involvement in the political process. Parliament, in its current state, lacks representation of oppressed gender groups. First Nations women, trans and gender diverse people are particularly underrepresented in our legal system. The endemic sexual abuse that is perpetrated in parliament threatens the paltry representation that oppressed gender groups have ascertained thusfar and makes it difficult for those marginalised groups to speak up against gendered violence and support victim surviours for fear of receiving their own workplace bullying, relocation or loss of livelihood. For too long we have worked within the system and compromised with the state on our bodily autonomy, our rights and our safety. We say enough. It’s time to End the Silence on Sexual Violence.131 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Leah Ward
Have a heart for children in state careTHERE'S A CRISIS IN RESIDENTIAL CARE Every month hundreds of shifts are being covered by fatigued Youth Workers working excessive overtime. Many more are not covered at all. The staffing shortage has become so chronic that social workers are now being forced to care for children in offices because there aren't enough Residential Care staff to care for them. This puts vulnerable children and the staff that care for them at serious risk. Minister Sanderson has known about this for years, yet the problem is getting worse. The Public Service Association has calculated that we need at least 60 more full-time youth workers to ensure appropriate staffing in Residential Care. EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAMS MUST BE RESTORED In the last two State Budgets Minister Sanderson’s government has made significant cuts to successful early intervention programs. As a result we’re seeing more children coming into state care. We need these programs restored to ensure vulnerable children and families are supported to function independently. CUTS TO ABORIGINAL PROGRAMS MUST BE ABANDONED Many children in care are Aboriginal. Yet, Minister Sanderson’s government is planning to axe critical programs specifically designed to support Aboriginal children and their families.898 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Nev Kitchin
Keep Edinburgh Gardens For EveryoneYarra Council area is an open, accepting community. Edinburgh Gardens attracts a wide cross-section of our community, and on a sunny day is enjoyed by hundreds who picnic, play and walk through the gardens. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of public green space. Everyone should have access to green space where they can meet family and friends, host end of year catch ups and socialise in a COVID-safe way. The proposal to institute a blanket alcohol ban will unnecessarily impact on residents' use of our public park. Not all residents of Yarra have private backyards, or space to host friends and family in a safe way. Access to public parks is really important for social connections, but also broader community connectedness. An alcohol ban would also have a disproportionate impact on marginalised people. Yarra City Councillors should not bow to a vocal minority. Edinburgh Gardens is a park for our whole community, and should be able to be enjoyed by everyone.2,158 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Harriet Leadbetter
Stuart Robert - Save Centrelink Jobs!The Australian Services Union represents processing and telephony employees at Serco. These employees are the backbone of the Services Australia system, and have worked tirelessly to support Australians during bushfires, Covid-19 and a major recession. These essential workers in the processing team are classified as Casual, so after years of services helping vulnerable Australians, they will be left with nothing. We need the Government to intervene and help save these jobs and help support Services Australia.845 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by ASU Private Sector
Save the Manly FerriesNSW Liberal Transport Minister Andrew Constance says time is up for Sydney's world-renowned Freshwater ferries – immortalised by Australian Crawl's song Reckless – that ply the Manly to Circular Quay route. The first of the four ferries is set to be removed from service next year, while the others are likely to be retired as early as 2022. Internationally recognisable, these doubled-ended “Manly ferries” are the iconic jewel in the crown for Sydney Harbour and an Australian institution. The proposed successor Emerald-class ferry will see passenger capacity reduced from 1100 passengers down to 400 passengers per trip. There is no doubt that this will have a major impact on the levels of tourism to Manly, particularly through school holidays and the warmer months. Of course, the Emerald Class will simply not be able to handle the seas across the Heads and operate to the 5m swell limit like the Freshwater-class does. To remove these vessels would be the same as pulling the Staten Island ferries out of New York, the Star Ferries out of Hong Kong or the Cable Cars out of San Francisco. All iconic in their own nature. This announcement is simply the wrong decision.1,860 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Maritime Union of Australia
Support essential public sector workers now!When faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, workers offered to roll over their current Enterprise Agreement so that everyone could focus on supporting South Australians through the public health crisis. The Marshall Liberal Government rejected this, and now after months of negotiations, they are still shamefully in favour of attacking workers’ conditions, including their job security, leaving workers and the community concerned that the Government has an intention to privatise further services. We call on the Treasurer and the Marshall Liberal Government to support these workers by agreeing to stop the attacks on their conditions and commit to secure jobs for essential workers. Sign the petition now! Send the Marshall Liberal Government a clear message that the community supports these essential workers6,606 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by United Workers Union SA
Approve the 9 day fortnight at Alexandria Child Care CentreIt is important that the team at Alexandria Child Care Centre have equitable conditions that meet the needs of staff and the community using the service. It is important to all City Staff that there is a clear process for applying for the 9 day fortnight and that outcomes are fair, transparent and appropriately communicated.162 of 200 SignaturesCreated by United Services Union - USU
Reverse the music course cuts at Monash UniversityEthnomusicology and Musicology are core discipline areas that teach students wide ranging skills to think critically and deeply about the nature and sustainability of music, music industries, and music cultures from across the globe. The University's decision has been made without disciplinary consultation and is, we understand, grounded in inaccurate enrolment data. Ethnomusicology and musicology courses are viable. Abolishing them would not only be likely of no positive economic benefit, it would significantly diminish the School of Music's capacity to offer its students a comprehensive academic foundation, as well as diminish the academic standing of the University as a whole.3,329 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Peter Tregear
Parkdale Library needs a new playgroundThe Petition of citizens and residents in the City of Kingston draws to the attention of the Kingston City Council that: 1. The Parkdale community between Como Pde East and Nepean Hwy do not have a local playground and our young families must travel via car to go to the nearest playground. 2. That the land adjoining Parkdale Library would be suitable, due to its proximity to local families, the library, train station and local shopping strips. 3. We acknowledge that the City of Kingston already owns the land next to the Library and currently has no plans for this space to benefit our local community.69 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dylan Styles
No more waitlist for home care!We want to live in a country where everyone has the care they need, when and where they need it, and where care work is valued. 28,000 people have died in the past 2 years while waiting for home care packages. Over 100,000 people are STILL waiting for care. The interim report from the Royal Commission labelled the home care system unfair, discriminatory, and cruel. And home care workers struggle daily - their wages are low, they aren't given enough time to provide care, and they're being pressured onto zero-hour contracts while making themselves available around the clock. As care workers, recipients of care, friends and family, we want better than this!1,682 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by United Workers Union members