• Support Council workers being stood down with no pay
    The Australian Services Union believes all workers need to be supported, there is moral argument that these workers should be paid whilst the restrictions are in place and the cost to Council is minimal when you take into consideration both libraries and School Crossing are funded.The Mayors and CEO's at these Councils - Casey City Council, Stonnington City Council, Boroondara City Council, City of Port Phillip, Glen Eira City Council and Frankston City Council. should make the decision to continue to pay these workers. The ASU have written to each of these Councils, including the Councillors and CEO's , they refuse to budge. We believe these workers deserve a fair go and need their employer to show compassion. The only way we can get these 6 Councils to change their stance is by putting pressure on the Mayor and CEO's asking them to pay their workers with full pay. We value our Library workers and School Crossing Supervisors and we know you do too! Sign the petition today and ask your friends and family to sign too. Thank you!
    363 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Jackson
  • Rates decrease/review by Mitchell Shire Council
    It is even more important because the pandemic has impacted the earnings of households. Unemployment due to COVID has increased in our community and this means working families are more in need than ever before to meet their basic needs like putting food on the table and cannot afford their escalating rate bills.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vasalia Govender
  • Stop Cuts to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
    In 2018, the University's annual revenue was $2.53 billion. Vice Chancellor Michael Spence has a yearly salary of $1.53 million. Sydney University is one of Australia's wealthiest institutions. Tutors, lecturers and professional staff are essential to the learning experience for students, and a 30% reduction will mean larger tutorials, overworked tutors, and less responsive student services. Students are already facing the prospect of massively increased university fees, with humanities degrees set to more than double in price, to $14,500 per year. For staff, the threat of unemployment means the possibility of being forced onto the already insufficient JobSeeker payment, due to be reduced to only $810 a fortnight from September. It is unconscionable that staff and students should bear the brunt of the University's funding crisis. We demand No Cuts!
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Upitis
  • Cumberland City Council In-House Bid
    It is important because we want an in-house bid. Please sign the petition on the right-hand side of this page.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by United Services Union - USU Picture
  • Save our Childcare at Cumberland City Council
    It is important because we want Childcare Services to continue to be operated by council. Please sign the petition on the right-hand side of this page. By signing this petition, we are calling on Council Management and Councillors to continue to provide vital community services.
    1,357 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by United Services Union - USU Picture
  • Support LGBTIQ+ kids, stop Mark Latham's Bill!
    Mark Latham's Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020 is a dangerous attack to LGBTIQ+ kids and staff. If passed, the Bill will: -prohibit trans and gender diverse content being taught in health and physical education classes. - prohibit teachers from mentioning the existence of LGBTI+ characters, people or events in other subjects like English or History. - prohibit counsellors from giving advice to students on the subject of gender fluidity. - force teachers to refuse to call students by their preferred pronouns. - teachers who do not comply could lose their accreditation and their jobs. - allow parents and guardians to remove their child from any course that mentions sexuality. - force schools to consult with parents and guardians at the start of each year about any course which mentions sexuality (and change the courses accordingly). - legitimise the stigmatization of intersex students. This Bill goes further even than the Religious Discrimination Bill that the Morrison government has waiting in the shadows - which itself would legalise discrimination towards LGBTI+ people in Australia. Latham's Bill goes further as a calculated attempt to erase the very existence of LGBTI+ people and force kids and staff back into the closet. Please share this petition to keep up the fight!
    3,923 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by CARR (Community Action for Rainbow Rights)
  • Extend the COVID19 Eviction Moratorium
    Thousands of us are still being stalled in negotiating a rent reduction, and are facing eviction in coming weeks. At the end of September the much needed Jobseeker and JobKeeper payments will be slashed. At the same time, the COVID19 Omnibus eviction moratorium is set to end. For those of us who were already struggling to stay afloat we will be expected to live on $3 a week. While we’re expected to stay home, we need to make sure we have a secure home to stay in. The COVID19 pandemic demands long term solutions. Deferring the problem only exacerbates the crisis. Time is running out. #ExtendTheMoratorium #RentReliefNow #Nooneleftbehind
    522 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Renters And Housing Union VIC
  • Spotless: Give your laundry workers paid pandemic leave
    Spotless Group Holdings is an integrated services company that also provides laundry management to hospitals and the broader health care system. Spotless laundry workers handle COVID linen from health care providers. Paid pandemic leave will give workers the peace of mind to take leave when they feel sick, even if they are casuals. It means no worker has to choose between their health and paying the bills; or worry about their next pay check when self isolating. For the good of the community, the workers and the company, Spotless must give workers paid pandemic leave now.
    216 of 300 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • I, Jane Fuchsbichler, and the undersigned, ask the Tier 3 Railways in WA be RE-OPENED and UPGRADED
    Reinstating the use and the upgrading of Tier 3 lines will: • Provide a much-needed sustainable path to port • Help to ensure WA's export industries remain competitive internationally • Help with revitalising rural towns and the WA economy • Reduce freight costs to port • Reduce road repair and maintenance costs • Improve road safety Reduces traffic congestion in the city with fewer trucks making their way to port • Reduce the carbon footprint of the State of WA, as well as that of individuals in the following groups: consumers, transporters, farmers, producers and exporters As: Closure of rail has increased freight costs which are passed on to the rest of the community in other ways This campaign has the support of the WA branch of the Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union and the WA branch of the Rail, Tram and Bus Union
    216 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jane Fuchsbichler
  • Protect healthcare workers with paid pandemic leave
    Health, aged care, and disability support workers cannot socially distance from the people they work with and are at higher risk of contracting COVID-19. Many of these frontline heroes are in low paid and insecure work and cannot afford to take time off. Saying no to a shift can mean the difference between putting food on the table or going hungry. Paid pandemic leave for health, aged care and disability support workers is not just the right thing to do, it is a critical public health measure. We see the growing evidence coming from Victoria. As at 23rd July: - The Victorian Government figures state there are 447 COVID cases linked to 35 aged care sites. - 529 healthcare workers have been infected so far. - 80% of COVID transmissions in Victoria have been in workplaces. - Of 3,810 cases between 7-21 July, nearly 90% (3,400) did not isolate between feeling sick and getting a test. And the rest of Australia is not immune. We cannot have Australian workers going to work with a runny nose or mild symptoms because they are worried about how they will pay for the groceries at week’s end. We cannot wait until the situation gets worse. Stop stalling - fund paid pandemic leave for health, aged care, and disability support workers.
    776 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Health Services Union Picture
  • 4 Ways International Students are calling on Flinders University for more support
    International Students alongside domestic students at Flinders University matter as we continue contributing to enriching the cultural environment, academic fields and economic development of Australia and the world. By supporting International students and standing in solidarity with us, Flinders University not only demonstrates to the State, the country and the world its pioneer and leading responsibility for International communities, but the university will also continue sustaining academically and socially its reputation as the most desirable destination for international students in the world. As an International Students Collective, we need immediate actions to support our fellows and we can do it!
    550 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Son Le Picture
  • Reopen Patterson Lakes Community Centre
    Our people need this Centre reopened. We need skills and lifestyle programs and social engagement opportunities for our diverse group of residents. I am asking for your support by signing this petition to Kingston Council to get Patterson Lakes Community Centre reopened.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Tilley