• Calling for a vote of no confidence in the Morrison government.
    I created the petition based on the myriad of scandals the Morrison government is embroiled in. The prime minister isn’t honestly dealing with allegations of corruption and rorting. He isn’t taking climate action seriously and the political/financial interference of the fossil fuel industry is likely behind that. He’s hell bent on rolling out of the Indue card despite evidence of how it disadvantages the most vulnerable people. And there’s an overall lack of accountability, transparency and integrity. Where is a Federal ICAC? The list goes on. I could also include the unwillingness to implement recommendations from Royal Commissions, the poor response to the bushfire crisis, and the rise of right wing extremism, and claiming a surplus from the NDIS underspend while splashing money around dodgy contracts with Indue, Paladin and others with links to the LNP. I truly believe that if enough ordinary people stand up we can let politicians know that democracy belongs to us and not to them. They should serve the public good and not just be in it for themselves, and the power that comes with their elected positions. When they make bad decisions, they need to take responsibility and be answerable to us. I’m sure there’s enough of us who want to give the prime minister the message: Scotty from marketing - we’re not buying what you’re selling.
    1,352 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Sinclair
  • We want fairer parking fees at Monash University!
    The National Tertiary Education Union and the Monash Student Association, call upon Monash University to work with our student and staff communities to understand the link between campus accessibility, sustainable transport and affordable options for low income earners. We demand: Monash University articulates transparently how parking parking permit money is spent. Monash University invests in sustainable transport options such as an expanded free inter campus shuttle bus service Monash University proactively advocate for an improved bus service offering from transport hubs and the city to Monash campuses Capped permits for staff in line with their pay level Reduced costs of permits for those who study/work part-time Day parking permits be reduced to no more than $10 a day
    1,055 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Adam Fernandes Picture
  • Tell UTAS to Properly Fund the TUU
    The Tasmanian University Union is a core part of student life at UTAS. The TUU runs student initiatives, events, provides leadership opportunities, advocates for students on campus and is an employer to many staff who work tirelessly for students. In 2019, UTAS slashed funding of the TUU to $430,000, down from $900,000 in 2018. This is a whopping 52% funding cut. This massive cut to TUU funding comes just 12 months out from the funding agreement end between UTAS and the TUU. It is clear that UTAS is using this cut as a steppingstone to cease funding the TUU and thus close down the student union. The TUU is negotiating a particularly difficult time as it undergoes a transformative program, experience revenue loss from the closure of the Co-Op Bookstore, and suffers the cuts imposed on it by the university. TUU staff redundancies were being considered as part of the transformation program, but with these cuts, the redundancies go from being potential to inevitable. To protect students, to protect workers, and to ensure that the TUU can keep serving students and providing student community culture on campus we, as students of the University of Tasmania, are calling upon the Vice-Chancellor Rufus Black and UTAS to reinstate full funding of the TUU to 2018 levels and to commit to funding the student union past 2021.
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ben Dudman Picture
  • WA Truck Drivers Deserve Better
    Long distance truck drivers in WA are made to endure third world working conditions in Australia in 2020. Truck drivers shouldn't have to squat behind a truck, or in the bush, when they need to go to the toilet, or go several days without having access to clean showers. It is double standards when the Government is regulating and legislating around fatigue management yet truck drivers have to skip rest breaks because the truck rest area is taken up by holiday makers. These improvements are not only extremely important for truck drivers’ safety and mental wellbeing but also for the Western Australian economy, and for the future of the transport industry. Truck drivers should be treated with respect, and afforded the dignity to do their work in appropriate conditions.
    495 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Transport Workers Union WA Picture
  • Crown, Pay Dinner By Heston Workers
    Crown is now trying to distance itself from Dinner By Heston, but it’s clear they’ve been in partnership with Dinner By Heston from the very beginning. A report by insolvency administrators BRI Ferrier shows: Crown gets just ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR in rent from Dinner By Heston. Crown has backed Dinner By Heston with an interest free loan of $750,000. Crown pays Dinner By Heston almost TWO MILLION dollars each year in licensing fees. Crown also provides Dinner by Heston with a wine cellar stocked with $500,000 worth of wine. Restaurant sales go into a Crown bank account and Crown manages all restaurant bookings. In fact the report also states that Crown created the “blueprint” for jobs at Dinner By Heston, and this was “applied over several years and resulted in the underpayment of employee wages”. The facts are clear: Dinner By Heston is not just a tenant at Crown. It’s a joint venture with Crown, and that means Crown was complicit in the wage theft. It’s time for Crown to step up and take responsibility by ensuring that Hospo Voice members get their stolen wages and entitlements and that members on temporary visas are sponsored.
    5,242 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Dinner By Heston Hospo Voice members
  • Stop Grill'd Canberra from using dodgy traineeships to screw young workers
    Grill’d has been caught out using government subsidised, low-paid "traineeships" to suppress the wages of their workers to below award rates. These traineeships allow Grill'd to pay their workers less than the minimum wage on the basis that they will get to spend 20% of their work time training, except research done by Canberra Students for Fair Work found that 95% of the staff they surveyed were not given any time for that training. Not only are they using their dodgy "traineeship" program to underpay their workers, but they've also removed all of their penalty rates in their enterprise agreement. Grill'd is doing everything they can to suppress the wages of their workers. It's even been reported that store managers have been given bonuses of up to $12,000 if they keep wages low enough to hit their 'wage targets'. Grill'd workers have had enough of the traineeship scam and the wage suppression. Sign this petition to fight back against Grill'd's dodgy business practices. If you're in Victoria you may be interested in signing Patrick's (Grill'd worker) petition too at the following link: https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/grilldunhealthywages-stop-using-dodgy-traineeships-to-screw-young-workers
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Young Workers Centre CBR Picture
  • Stop using dodgy traineeships to screw young workers
    Workers at Grill’d are sick of scraping by while our hugely successful employer is busy building a global empire. Grill’d employs about 4000 workers around the country across 140 stores, and aims to hit an annual turnover of $1 billion in the next few years. They've tried to build their image as an ethical, community-minded business. But they don’t even pay penalty rates for working on weekends or public holidays, and they're pressuring us to do dodgy traineeships so they can pay us even less. We demand Grill’d restore full Award penalty rates. We demand Grill’d stop using dodgy traineeships to screw its workers even more. And we want an independent audit to ensure Grill’d is not abusing the traineeship system. Grill’d must abide by the industry standard that trainees get a minimum of twenty percent of work time to complete the traineeship.
    10,408 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Stephenson, Hospo Voice member
  • Open Letter: Jane, don't sack your hardworking cleaners
    Cleaners at Queen Vic Market ensure that it remains clean and safe. Sacking three quarters of the cleaning workforce will mean a serious reduction in the cleanliness of the markets. These cleaners have worked here loyally for many years and have expert knowledge that cannot be easily replaced. Without these cleaners Queen Vic Market won't be the thriving hub it has been. We need Jane Fenton to act now.
    536 of 600 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • Lactalis: End this unfair wage disparity
    Lactalis is one of the biggest dairy companies in the world. They are making mega profits. Yet we are barely surviving on their poverty wages. We can only just afford to pay our rent, soon we won’t be able to even afford to put petrol in the car to get to work. Women at our site have had to get second jobs as cleaners and gardeners just to get by. In the packing department, where a majority of women work, we aren’t even able the higher classification levels. We deserve to be paid equally to other workers. It’s only fair.
    2,311 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Tammy, Maria and Sam, Jindi Cheese Workers Picture
  • Support Offshore Wind Farms and Put the Justice in Just Transition
    We cannot achieve a just transition to a new low-emissions economy without ensuring good union jobs in new low-emissions industries. More information is available in the report Putting the Justice in ‘Just Transition’: Tackling inequality in the new renewable economy, https://is.gd/rkLOJY
    871 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Justice for Airport Workers
    Imagine this, you work in the airport - it’s a good job, the job you used to tell people when they asked. However, the dreams of a good occupation is quickly hit down by the reality of the pay and conditions you have to deal with day in day out. Split shifts, insecure work, wages being driven down, and not enough hours working hours. That’s the reality in the airport! What’s worse is that airport management refuse to talk to (let alone address) workplace concerns - in fact, the management at the airport you primarily work from are now shutting out workers’ working under the airport roof. Yep they refuse to meet with airport workers working at the airport! These workers have asked for a meeting for months but Melbourne Airport continue to refuse. You have witnessed what the introduction of split shifts has meant that some of your co-workers have been forced to sleep at terminals or in and around tarmacs between shifts. You know that deliberate understaffing is causing injuries and poor working conditions which is resulting in a lack of experienced and trained staff members. And that’s just skimming the surface. On top of this, your wages demonstrate the harsh reality of trickle-down economics. The airports where you work in made over $2.2 billion in profits last year alone. This is the reality for airport workers at Melbourne Airport - yep, Victorian workers are facing these conditions right here in our own backyards.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Transport Worker Union VIC/TAS Branch
  • UniMelb must pay Arts tutors for Lecture Attendance
    Lecture attendance is crucial for university teaching. While 16 university management executives are making more than a combined $10 million and students are paying more than $50,000 for degrees, 4000 staff members are having to work 2-3 casual teaching jobs to make ends meet. This petition responds to the cessation of payment for lecture attendance in the School of Culture and Communication, but advocates for all staff and students in the Faculty of Arts. For the University of Melbourne to have a vibrant intellectual community, that community needs a place to meet and belong. The lecture theatre is one of the few fixed locations on campus where tutors carry out their work alongside lecturers and coordinators. Content isn’t merely disseminated downward from the lectern. The lecture theatre is a space where practitioners share knowledge before, during, and after the lecture itself. It is an important space for lecturers to receive feedback and contribute to ongoing discussions, and for senior tutors to mentor junior tutors. The integrity of the tutorial space is in question when lecture attendance is neither expected of tutors, nor paid. In order to appropriately model and support student engagement with course content, tutors need to attend lectures. Tutors provide the majority of face-to-face contact students have throughout their degrees. Students need assurance that the Faculty values best practice pedagogy, and that their tutors have a meaningful relationship to the campus they work on and the content they teach. We, the undersigned, petition the Faculty of Arts to recognise that staff working conditions are student learning conditions, that lecture attendance is vital pedagogical work, and that tutors must be paid for this work separately from and in addition to tutorial preparation.
    312 of 400 Signatures
    Created by NTEU UniMelb, ANU, UoN & UQ Casuals Picture