• HungryPanda stop punishing your workers!
    HungryPanda is punishing Zhuoying for speaking up about delivery rider conditions. Now she is unable to afford rent and is relying on food from her housemates. The company thought punishing Zhuoying would silence her - they were wrong. Zhuoying is determined to continue the fight for herself and other workers in the gig economy. Undeterred by HungryPanda's relaliation, she continues to organise and plans to protest in the coming weeks. We can't let HungryPanda's patterns of exploiting riders continue.
    4,002 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Transport Workers' Union
  • First Responder Superannuation
    We all rely on Firefighters and Paramedics to turn up in our greatest time of need. The current system punishes their dedication and service, and punishes their families, by undermining their financial security in retirement.
    342 of 400 Signatures
    Created by UFUA Tasmania & HACSU Tasmania
  • I support dairy workers!
    The dairy industry is currently facing a crisis. From fluctuating milk prices and environmental challenges, the industry is at a crossroads. As they face these challenges, workers, who are on the frontline, must be given a seat at the table. Their insights, experiences, and dedication are invaluable in shaping the future of the dairy sector. The plummeting levels of milk production in Australia to a 30-year low is not just a crisis for the dairy industry, but a pressing issue for the working class and the nation at large. Skyrocketing prices for dairy products disproportionately affect everyday Australians, especially those on fixed or lower incomes. Moreover, the dwindling milk supply has a direct impact on job security for union members who are dairy workers—both farmers and those employed in processing plants. If the industry falters, it's the workers who'll bear the brunt, facing lay-offs and financial instability, further undermining already vulnerable regional communities where many of our members live and work. This dire situation demands that union voices be front and centre in shaping any solutions. State and federal governments must consult with union representatives to invest urgently in the industry's future. The challenges of climate change, which affect both supply and worker conditions, and the unfair pricing dictated by supermarket duopolies like Coles and Woolworths, require a united, collective response. Now, more than ever, we need to mobilise to secure fair pay, conditions, and job security for our members. Our union is committed to fighting for these rights, and we urge all stakeholders to act before the industry reaches a point of no return.
    2,049 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • Fighting Against Accommodation Fee Hikes!
    In June this year, the ANU decided on the increase in accommodation fees for on-campus residences for 2024 as follows: Bruce: $500 → $528 Burton & Garran: $260 → $287 Fenner: $330 → $357 Toad Hall: $265 → $282 Wamburun: $330 → $342 Wright: $470 → $497 Yukeembruk: $369 → $382 This comes in the face of years of massive hikes to accommodation fees at residences. In 2020 Fenner Hall was $295 and will be $357 in 2024. This isn’t to mention the large number of fees residents are slapped with during their time at college. Res com fees, room changeover fees, cleaning fees, bonds, and more. Residents are also faced with horrible conditions at colleges. Rat infestations, wasp nests, not enough cooking and storage space, consistently broken washing machines, just to name a few. Meanwhile, the positive experiences that residents have while in a res hall are conjured almost entirely by extremely underpaid student representatives. In 2016, the ANU sold off on-campus accommodation to an investment company, AMP Capital for 30 years and now AMP Capital are in charge and decides how much money to charge students while they are living and studying on campus. This has led to tariff increases (yes, residents pay ‘tariffs’ not rent) that are consistently above inflation. To top it all off, residents are forced to sign an ‘occupancy agreement’ when they move into their residence. This agreement restricts the rights residents have (such as being unable to terminate their contract fairly) and prescribes extremely punitive punishments for even the smallest of actions. Residents are extremely exploited and it's shameful the lack of duty of care the ANU has shown to students. It’s important for students to mobilise and fight back against the ANU in this regard. With consultation with the Housing Action Collective, presidents of residential committees at halls, and ordinary students, a petition has been created to mobilise students with the following demands: An immediate freeze on accommodation tariffs for 2024. A commitment from the ANU to stop privatising on-campus accommodation in perpetuity. Establishing a new occupancy agreement in consultation with students that affords students basic rights. Increase consultation with students regarding the functions of residential colleges and increase transparency about how the university manages residential colleges. These demands came out of the experiences of students unable to afford to live, who felt insecure about whether or not they could remain on campus, and who have received no information or transparency about how the colleges are run.
    147 of 200 Signatures
    Created by ANU Students' Association
  • Affordable housing now! Increase tax on vacant properties.
    Renters shouldn't be left at the mercy of landlords gouging them when lease renewal time comes up. The Victorian government must take further steps to ensure tenants aren't subjected to unfair rent increases, and that renters have the power to exercise their tenancy rights. Owning property is not a service to the community and it's not a job. Renters don't owe landlords a profit on their investment - but we are owed reasonable standards for the rent we pay! Landlords must stop treating renters like a cash piñata. We deserve affordable, quality housing.
    615 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Lilly, Melbourne renter
  • I'm Voting YES with the LTSU!
    As union members, we believe that having a voice in issues that affect us is a fundamental requirement for strong communities and a respectful country. We support the Uluru Statement from the Heart and, by extension, the Unions for Yes campaign for First Nations Constitutional recognition and a Voice to Parliament. We believe that all Australians will benefit from hearing the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and sharing in First Nations contributions to our national identity.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by La Trobe Student Union
    Without minimum living standards that is protected by legislation, students are able to be easily exploited by universities and private accommodation providers. There is also no protections of the student's bond being returned in an adequate amount of time. Housing is a human right, and everyone deserves to feel safe and empowered at home.
    192 of 200 Signatures
    Created by La Trobe Student Union
  • Dump Philip Lowe
    Australian workers and their families are struggling, but Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe doesn't seem to care at all. Lowe has hit us with 12 interest rate rises in just over a year. Whether you rent or whether you have a mortgage, Australians are paying more for housing while our wages keep falling behind and the cost of everything else spirals out of control. Lowe says workers need to cop the impact of inflation, and he explicitly argues against wage rises for workers at every opportunity. He's a blunt instrument and we need fresh thinking. Lowe has to Gowe.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by We Are Union
  • Minister Danny Pearson, stand up for WorkCover!
    These changes to WorkCover are designed to make it more difficult for injured workers to claim compensation, and that is unacceptable. The Government must listen to injured workers - not accountants - to make WorkCover work for everyone.
    875 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union
  • Darren Cheeseman, stand up for WorkCover!
    These changes to WorkCover are designed to make it more difficult for injured workers to claim compensation, and that is unacceptable. The Government must listen to injured workers - not accountants - to make WorkCover work for everyone.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by My union
  • Close the loopholes and keep wages moving
    Wages are going backwards and have been for 10 years. Workers’ wages are now worth less than they were 10 years ago. Add to this the cost of living and the housing crisis and many people are really struggling. Too many jobs have been contracted out or made insecure. Big companies like Qantas have used loopholes in workplace laws to drive down wages, contract out work, and take away working conditions. It's time to update Australia's workplace laws to protect workers and keep wages moving.
    10,511 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unions
  • No nuclear submarines in Port Kembla
    There is broad-based community alarm and dissent that Port Kembla is being considered as the East Coast base for nuclear submarines as part of the AUKUS agreement. There has been no consultation undertaken or consent given by our community. Port Kembla, as part of Greater Wollongong, was declared a nuclear-free city more than 30 years ago, and its status as a nuclear-free zone was reaffirmed only last year. If a nuclear submarine facility was based in Port Kembla Harbour it would require the acquisition and alienation of a massive part of the harbour and the land around it. Land which is a valuable and vital asset for our existing manufacturing, steel, land transport and maritime industries whose epicentre is Port Kembla. Delaying a decision would prolong and amplify uncertainty over exclusion zones, access to land and waterways for our emerging industries and threaten billions of dollars of investment in renewables making it a job killer. The presence of nuclear attack class submarines in our Ports would make us a nuclear target and pose an unacceptable risk to the health and safety of hundreds of thousands of people given potential exposure to hundreds of kilograms of highly enriched uranium. If its not safe for the people of New York City to have Nuclear submarines in their midst, it's not safe for the people of any city.
    621 of 800 Signatures
    Created by South Coast Labour Council