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Save our mental health services!If the Federal Coalition Government fails to immediately commit to fund community mental health programs for at least 3 years and fix the massive funding gap that has caused this crisis – the whole community is going to suffer. Thousands of experienced mental health workers will lose their jobs. Tens of thousands of people with mental health issues will be left without any support and nowhere to go. It’s a crisis, and it’s happening now. Sign the petition and share. We need every signature to call on the Government to fix this crisis. It cannot wait.1,498 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Australian Services Union
Stop Giving Carlton the Opening Match of the SeasonThe first game of the first round of the season is one of the biggest and most exciting nights on the AFL calendar. Why do Carlton continue to get rewarded with this fixture when they continue to perform poorly?2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Emmy Fitz
Support Victorians with disabilities and the people who care for themIf employers continue to be bound by the current arrangements, they will soon be unable to continue delivering key services. We’ll see large-scale job-losses, loss of expertise, disruption of services to clients and a high potential for reduction in the quality of services. Without this support, Victoria’s disability sector will likely fail to retain the skilled and committed workers required under the NDIS, potentially resulting in widespread market failure across Victoria. We need to see an investment of $46 million over 3 years, to deliver the quality NDIS that people with disabilities so rightly demanded. This represents just 7 cents in every dollar that the Victorian government will contribute to the NDIS in a single year – but the impact will be huge.184 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Clare Neal
Reverse paid parking on Marine TerraceThe City of Fremantle has recently made the decision to introduce paid parking on Marine Terrace and change time restrictions at South Beach, Mews Rd and the east side of Marine Terrace. Media releases from the Council and public posts detailed the purpose of this change is to discourage commuter and student parking, to clear up space for beach goers and increase the reliability of parking for those parties. It is our belief these changes will highly reduce the reliability and affordability of parking not only for visitors of Fremantle and commuters, but also to the university students of Fremantle, who bring life to the West End. Not only will these changes affect the welfare and livelihood of the students, it will affect their ability to attend lectures and stay all day in the city; eating at local cafes and engaging with local businesses due to time, accessibility and financial pressures. Through the surveys and testimonies of students, and the statements produced by the City of Fremantle, it has been demonstrated to the NDSA that the parking along Marine Terrace is relied upon by many of our students, whom have now seen the introduction of a daily fee with no promise of more reliable and accessible parking solutions. We also believe the introduction of this paid parking will lead to more commuters and students parking in free zones such as South Beach and local streets, only increasing the pressure in these areas for beach-goers and locals.585 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Notre Dame Student Association
Vote No to outsource aged careCouncil aged care services are trusted and well- loved achieving high customer satisfaction ratings. With a federal election imminent and a Royal Commission into aged care underway it is a bad time to consider outsourcing. Why make the decision now? There has been little if any consultation with the community. Council’s commitment to care and its accountability to the community will never be replaced. Ensure our elder’s dignity and capacity to stay in their homes. Please vote to maintain our aged care services in Council.130 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jane, ASU
I Support Australian STEMGreat societies have well run, smart public services. STEM expertise in the Australian Public Service is vital so that our country can deliver the infrastructure, technical outcomes and public policy that Australians expect and deserve. STEM professionals are under increased pressure to deliver, while across the country staffing numbers are cut, funding is slashed and the voices of our scientists, engineers and technical experts are ignored. We see the results all around us –scientific advice ignored, project overruns, waste, cost blow outs. At the same time wages are stagnating, conditions are reduced, and job security is diminishing. We need to restore STEM capacity in the Australian Public Service and create a public service where professional expertise is respected as the key enabler it is, not an overhead to be cut.65 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Professionals Australia
Stop Commonwealth Bank sponsorship of Australian of the YearIt is hard to imagine an organisation less suitable to sponsor an award which symbolises the best of Australian society. Commonwealth Bank has been found to be entirely morally bankrupt – an organisation which has for decades profited by exploiting the trust of the Australian people, enriching itself at the expense of hard-working Australians. It has swindled working people – including its own workers – and destroyed lives. This disgraced company has no business sponsoring our highest national honour.1,005 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Australian Council of Trade Unions
Save Wyndham Carols by CandlelightCarols by Candlelight at the Werribee Mansion is an annual tradition for the Wyndham community, the highlight of the Christmas calendar. Many members of the Wyndham community have grown up attending carols at the Mansion and now bring back their own families as adults. It is an important coming together of faiths and cultures in recognition of the spirit of the holiday season. Unlike in other Melbourne municipalities, Wyndham Carols by Candlelight is not hosted by Council. Unfortunately, the organising committee who usually run Wyndham Carols have provided no reasoning for the cancellation, aside from citing "unforeseen circumstances". To recognise the significance of this event to the community, we are seeking that Council step in to save Christmas by facilitating a community-led Carols by Candlelight.172 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Meghan Hopper
Support STEM Professionals at the Department of DefenceSTEM professionals of Defence, are an essential part of the Department of Defence and our work must be respected and valued. STEM professionals are under increased pressure to deliver, while across the country staffing numbers are cut, funding is slashed and your voice is ignored. We see the results all around us – project overruns, waste, cost blow outs. At the same time APS wages are stagnating, conditions are reduced, and job security is diminishing.48 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Professionals Australia
不要將我們的簽證系統私有化簽證工作應由受過充分訓練和經驗豐富的公務員負責,而不是交給以盈利爲目的的公司。 自由黨一再利字當頭,置人民和國家與不顧。對於公共事業服務,你不能指望自由黨。 讓我們告訴自由黨,我們不想看到澳洲的簽證系統變得越來越昂貴,並給我等移民家庭帶來越來越多的煩惱 – 現在就在請願書上簽字。10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Josephine
Don't privatise our visa system!This work should be done by public servants who are highly trained and experienced, not private companies who just want to make a profit. Time and time again the Liberals put profits before people and the good of our nation. You can’t trust the Liberals with our public services. Tell the Liberals that you don’t want to see Australia’s immigration system become more expensive and more difficult for migrant families like mine – sign the petition now.49 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Josephine
Protect home support servicesThere are approximately 19,000 Victorians in receipt of aged care packages and more than 14,500 on waiting lists, many of whom will be in receipt of Council delivered Home Care. Council’s withdrawal from home support services will impact on these individuals and their families increasing system fragmentation and uncertainty.177 of 200 Signatures