• Public Transport: People not Profit
    Our public transport system was privatised by Jeff Kennett in the 1990s under the promise that government subsidies would diminish. Almost two decades on, subsidies have more than doubled leaving taxpayers to foot the bill for lucrative private profits to be sent offshore while our assets fall into disrepair. With the contracts nearing expiry, this Government has the opportunity to explore more cost effective options that would protect the public interest while providing better maintenance and service delivery. Governments around the world are waking up from the privatisation induced hangover of the failing thought bubble of the 1990s and 2000s. Sucking more and more taxpayer money while offering next to no public oversight, the privatisation of a monopoly industry must be questioned and addressed. Victorians deserve better than a multinational corporation all too happy to skip stations, cancel services and poorly maintain State owned assets. Having now sucked more than $7 billion from the Victorian economy, it is high time that the Victorian government put an end to this open exploitation of taxpayer funds and explore how the public can benefit from the sustainable industry of the future.
    5,869 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by RTBU Victoria
  • Where's My Bus?
    In Sydney and wondering “Where’s my bus”? It’s probably scheduled to be cancelled by the Liberals and the NSW Government’s Bus Franchising programme. Bus franchising will mean fewer bus stops, less buses, and longer journey times as inefficient routes and stops are cut and buses consolidated to save money. The Sydney Morning Herald has reported that bus companies are pushing for bus franchising so that they can extract savings out of bus operations. As Sydney grows, our government should be improving bus services for the community, so that we can get to work and get around Sydney faster, not reduce bus stops, reduce bus numbers and make journey times longer.
    519 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW
  • Enough is enough - Bus drivers deserve protection
    Bus driver Lucy said she feared being killed for doing nothing more than her job. Now more then 74 per cent feel unsafe at work at work. At 11pm on 12 October Lucy was driving the 902 orbital Chelsea to Airport West service down Main Road, Eltham, when some coward approached her from behind and launched an unprovoked, sustained and frenzied attack on the 57-year-old as she sat defenceless behind-the-wheel. Despite receiving blow after blow, being spat on and unable to defend herself, Lucy was able to stop the bus from ploughing into innocent pedestrians and oncoming or other traffic. A passenger was eventually able to distract the assailant for long enough for Lucy to gain control of the bus and the attacker simply walked off into the night. A TWU survey of more than 500 Victorian bus drivers has shown , since first starting their jobs, more then 90 per cent of drivers now believe it has become more unsafe and dangerous because of physical assaults and verbal abuse. Since 2011 there have been 102 officially recorded physical assaults and 33 verbal attacks on drivers. The TWU and our members know the true figures are much higher. Our survey results show more then 80 per cent of respondents to the Transport Workers Union survey have said they have stopped reporting physical and verbal assault because they believe nothing gets done. Bus drivers deserve respect and protection. The TWU have made much progress over many years driving up safety and conditions and we will not stop fighting. Now we want your help as we demand Public Transport Victoria act now to introduce the highest industry standards of safety for drivers!
    311 of 400 Signatures
    Created by TWU VIC/TAS Picture
  • Fund Melbourne Metro!
    The Victorian Government has promised to invest in the Melbourne Metro Rail tunnel, which will benefit commuters as well as creating over 4,000 jobs in Victoria. But this critical infrastructure investment depends on federal funding, and the federal Liberal Government has previously refused to back new rail projects. Victoria needs shovel-ready jobs, and the Metro Rail Tunnel is an important infrastructure project for Melbourne. We call on Malcolm Turnbull to invest in jobs for Victorians and support the Melbourne Metro Rail Project!
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victorian Trades Hall Council Picture
  • Keep Us Safe - Rail Safety National Law Review
    1. Removal of RISSB from the Act: The Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB) must be removed from the Act to eliminate conflicts of interest and ensure unbiased regulatory oversight. The presence of RISSB within the Act compromises the integrity of safety regulations and undermines the safety of rail workers. 2. Establishment of a Ministerial Tripartite Body: A Ministerial Tripartite Body should be established to facilitate balanced representation and decision-making involving the government, employers, and unions. This body is essential for ensuring that all stakeholders have an equal voice in shaping safety standards and policies. 3. Adoption of Risk Management Mode, per Part 3.1 of WHS Regulation: We advocate for the adoption of a risk management approach as outlined in Part 3.1 of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation. Implementing this approach will enhance workplace safety protocols and help prevent accidents and injuries. 4. Introduction of a Caveat for ‘Prescribed Drugs’ s128: A caveat should be introduced for ‘prescribed drugs’ under section 128 to ensure that workers are not unfairly penalised for medically necessary treatments. Workers' health and well-being must be protected, and they should not face punitive measures for following medical advice. 5. Union Involvement in Development or Review of Classification Structures and Competencies: Unions must be a central component of any development or review of classification structures and competencies. This involvement ensures that worker perspectives and expertise are adequately represented, leading to more effective and fair policies. 6. Adoption of s273 WHS Act, Workers Not to Bear Cost:  Section 273 of the WHS Act must be adopted to ensure that workers do not bear the cost of compliance with safety regulations. It is essential to maintain equitable and safe working conditions, and the financial burden of compliance should not fall on the shoulders of the workers. These issues are non-negotiable for protecting rail workers' rights and safety. We need prompt and crucial action, not only for us but also our communities. The safety and well-being of everyday Aussies working in rail is in your hands. Your commitment to these critical concerns is essential to move forward and make sure we can come home to our families, friends and communities safe and sound.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Australian Manufacturing Workers Union
  • Support RTBU Newcastle Bus Drivers
    Newcastle bus drivers need your help. Newcastle’s private bus operator, Keolis Downer, doesn’t think these essential workers deserve pay rises that will keep up with the rising cost of living. Keolis Downer has offered drivers a meagre 10.5% pay increase over four years, despite inflation looking set to hit 7% just by the end of this year. Following a four hour strike on June 3rd, management told workers if they wanted extra pay they could work Sundays. Newcastle bus drivers just want to have their pay keep up with the cost of living and to be able to afford to live in the city they work in. Yet Keolis Downer refuses to accept RTBU’s very reasonable request of a 7% pay rise over 2 years. Continuing the fight, drivers went on strike for 24 hours yesterday and have turned off ticketing machines indefinitely. Now we need your help to support these essential workers. Sign the petition now to call on Keolis Downer to meet RTBU's demands!
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Courtney Hardwick
  • Bus Driver Safety Screens must be fitted to every TransLink urban bus
    The issue of bus driver assaults is not new, it has been going on for years. In Queensland for the past 10 years the issue has been researched, debated and reviewed and the need for public transport buses to be fitted with bus driver safety screens clearly identified in the 2017 Bus Driver Safety Review. Queensland public transport is administered by the government department of Transport and Main Roads under the TransLink banner. TMR/TransLink awards contracts to bus operators and it fully funds the cost of providing these services and provides funds for the purchase of buses used in these contracts. The Bus Driver Safety Review identified the need for bus driver safety screens to be fitted to urban buses under the TransLink banner. All new buses purchased by TransLink contractors must be fitted with bus driver safety screens. It will take another 21 years for the entire fleet of buses under the TransLink banner to be replaced with buses fitted with driver safety screens. Therefore, for another 21 years bus drivers working for contractors under the TransLink banner will be at risk of assault because they will be driving a bus that is not fitted with a driver safety screen. I am asking for your assistance to petition the Queensland Government to fully fund the cost of retrofitting the entire TransLink branded bus fleet.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greg Eaves
  • 128 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joel O