Rail companies already have an extensive amount of data available (data Logger/Event recorders, Driver Advice Systems, radio voice recordings, and forward-facing camera) for investigation, compliance and assessments. Adding surveillance inside the cabin of locomotives will not prevent an incident from happening. Better training, support and a ā€œno blameā€ culture will. We believe that the extended use of in-cab recording devices will have little if any impact on the efficacy of rail safety investigations and will have a significant detrimental effect on the mental health of Traincrew.
    1,841 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU)
  • Don't Leave Public Transport Workers At the End of the Queue For The Covid Vaccine
    Public transport workers in Australia deal with millions of Australians getting them to work, school and play. This puts them at a heightened risk of contracting and spreading Covid-19. For many Governments, public transport workers are an afterthought. However, with this crisis, we need Governments of all levels to prioritise providing free and easy access to the new Covid-19 vaccine before big business and greedy CEOs get their hands on it. Public transport workers keep Australia moving and we can't let them be left at the back of the queue. #DontForgetPTWorkers #Covid19 #FrontlineHeros
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) Picture
  • Save Ringwood Heritage Building
    The Blood Brothers building on the corner of Bedford and Warrandyte Roads is a local landmark. It was built in 1914 and is significant as an example of Edwardian corner shop architecture. Maroondah council wants to knock it down to build a multistorey carpark. Commuters want more carparking, but a significant heritage building should not be bulldozed to provide it. Council should be building this on current carpark sites at Ringwood Station.
    661 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Donna MacKinnon
  • Enough is enough - Bus drivers deserve protection
    Our bus drivers fear being killed or seriously injured for simply doing their job. We are aware of 9 assaults since last month alone. As our recent Bus Driver Safety Survey shows, these are not isolated incidents. There is a wider crisis engulfing our bus network where bus driver abuse has become so normalised it is simply seen as part of the job. Since March 2020, more than 40% of drivers now believe their job has become more unsafe and dangerous because of physical assaults and verbal abuse. Over 60% have been verbally abused and 7% physically assaulted in only 3 months. We canā€™t rely on ā€˜officialā€™ Government figures. The TWU and our members know the true figures are much higher. Bus drivers have stopped reporting physical and verbal assault because daily abuse is now just seen as part of the job and they believe nothing gets done. Despite repeated attempts to engage with the former Minister for Transport, Stephan Knoll, to tackle this issue he repeatedly stuck his head in the sand and ignored the desperate calls from drivers to improve safety across the bus network. Minister Knoll did not even bother to show up to the TWU Bus Safety Summit which was attended by all key stakeholders, including bus operators, driver representatives, SAPOL, and the Opposition. Bus drivers deserve respect and protection. The TWU has consistently improved safety and conditions and we will not stop fighting. Now we need your help as we demand the Marshall Government introduces the highest industry standards of safety for drivers!
    346 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Transport Workers Union SA/NT Picture
  • Upgrade to Chevallum Road
    Did you know that changes are being made to the Exit 200 Chevallum Forest Glen turnoff from the Bruce Highway? Did you know that a roundabout is being built at Chevallum Road/Rainforest Road and that this new exit will be the fastest and most direct way to travel to Palmwoods? Traffic along Chevallum Road and past Chevallum State School will increase as a result. The community needs to feel safe when they travel on or are near Chevallum Road. An upgrade is needed near Chevallum State School to reduce the risk of traffic incidents and personal injury around the school. We all know that this section of the road is already unsafe and congested at certain times of the day and we need to join together to sign this petition to let Local, State and Federal government members that our children's safety should come first and that money should be spent to upgrade Chevallum Road, in coordination with the building of the roundabout and new highway exit.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kirsten Bowman
  • Coronavirus Special Leave Provisions For NSW Bus Drivers
    The TWU seeking fairness in the transport Industry. During this pandemic, if bus drivers are required to self-isolate and are not sick OR if bus drivers are affected by Covid-19 they should be entitled to the same special leave provisions extended to drivers employed by the NSW Government. All bus drivers whose employer is contracted to Transport for NSW should be treated the same and offered the same protections during this pandemic. TWU Buses ā€“ Delivering results for all bus drivers in NSW.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Henderson
  • The Morrison government must save 16,000 local jobs and take a stake in Virgin
    Virgin Airlines have gone into voluntary administration which means time is running out to save the 16,000 local jobs, spread across Australia, including in regional airports. The Morrison government is at a crossroad where it can choose to invest tax payer money in buying a stake in an Airline that will allow Australia to avoid becoming a country with one all powerful corporate airline in control of the skies or watch as 16,000 jobs are destroyed, tax payers are lumped with an $800 million bill for unpaid entitlements and our domestic tourism industry collapses as ticket prices exploded and services are cut. The foreign shareholders of Virgin Australia are all airlines. Despite the name Richard Bransonā€™s company owns less than 10%. Around the world airlines have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and many other countries have already stepped in to save national airlines.
    11,666 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unions
  • Pacific National - Withdraw your EA changes and talk to the RTBU with the Delegates NOW
    Freight rail workers are keeping Australia moving during this challenging time. They are making sure necessities and raw materials continue to find their way to supermarkets, retail stores, pharmacies, petrol stations, flour mills, manufacturing plants and construction projects. Changes to working conditions affecting rostering can have significant effects on safety and fatigue levels. The other changes could drastically affect people's families with proposals for forced transfer. The Company's attacks on your conditions is creating an unhealthy and increasingly stressful working environment potentially causing employees to take the focus off COVID-19 issues! If Pacific National get away with this, it's a blank cheque for employers in the rail industry to use the current crisis as an excuse to avoid talking with workplace delegates and offcials about critical changes in the workplace.
    1,234 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by RTBU National Office Picture
  • Free parking for hospital staff! #Raisethegates
    I work in a public hospital and have to take public transport during this pandemic due to high parking fee charges. Many of my colleagues are in the same predicament and have to risk exposing themselves to the COVID-19 virus while they battle to provide essential healthcare services.
    241 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kay Dunn
  • Building Canberra's Infrastructure
    We know that employing qualified professionals with the right expertise is essential for community safety and improves the quality of Canberraā€™s infrastructure. The ACT Government must ensure it has the appropriately qualified and accredited professional workforce it needs to inform decision making, enable efficient investment and maintain its position as an informed purchaser. Maintaining the integrity of the Infrastructure Officer (IO) and Infrastructure Management Specialist (IMS) classifications is critical to achieving this. These classifications were created because of a successful campaign led by Professionals Australia members for better recognition of their specialist skills and knowledge. The IO and IMS classifications were meant to ensure the ACT Government could attract and retain the people it needs to deliver major infrastructure safely, on time and on budget. Right now, Professionals Australia members across the ACT Public Service have serious concerns that IO and IMS positions are routinely misclassified and often awarded to applicants who do not have the expertise that qualified infrastructure professionals, including engineers, architects and degree-qualified building professionals can provide. We know that things will only improve when Government and the community understand the vital contribution Professionals make to community safety and efficient delivery of infrastructure projects. We are prepared to work hard to achieve a better future ā€“ but we canā€™t do it without you! Add your support and help raise the profile of Australian Professionals. Tell the ACT Government that professional expertise matters!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dale Beasley
  • We want fairer parking fees at Monash University!
    The National Tertiary Education Union and the Monash Student Association, call upon Monash University to work with our student and staff communities to understand the link between campus accessibility, sustainable transport and affordable options for low income earners. We demand: Monash University articulates transparently how parking parking permit money is spent. Monash University invests in sustainable transport options such as an expanded free inter campus shuttle bus service Monash University proactively advocate for an improved bus service offering from transport hubs and the city to Monash campuses Capped permits for staff in line with their pay level Reduced costs of permits for those who study/work part-time Day parking permits be reduced to no more than $10 a day
    1,055 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Adam Fernandes Picture
  • Melissa Horne - Out of touch and out of her depth
    The Minister for Public Transport is out of touch and out of her depth. Her comments have angered the hardworking women and men who keep Melbourne's network running and her lack of action has led Victoria into a transport crisis. RTBU members do not support politicians who donā€™t support us, nor do we support politicians who are dismissive of workers and our rights. We are calling upon workers EVERYWHERE to unite in solidarity by signing this petition to call for a public apology from Minister Melissa Horne, along with her resignation as Public Transport Minister.
    1,431 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kathryn Breakwell - RTBU Women's Officer Picture