• The federal government needs to take action on domestic Violence
    Announcing the federal budget, Treasurer Scott Morrison stated that "keeping Australians safe" was one of five commitments prioritised by the Turnbull government. They demonstrated this by an increase in funding to tighten visa processing scrutiny, increase security at airports, and assist police and crime agencies to fight crime and terrorism. A WOMAN DIES EVERY WEEK AT THE HANDS OF HER CURRENT OR EX PARTNER. How can this government possibly say they are committed to keeping Australians safe when they have so heinously overlooked those so vulnerable, in such desperate need. This is not a responsible government, they do not prioritise and care for the needs of their people. Sign this petition to send a message to Canberra that the Australian people aren't okay with this and we won't tolerate it.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alana Egan
  • Close the super gap
    Women are more likely to be in insecure and casual work, therefore earning less super over their working life. They often don't reach the $450 super threshold to receive contributions, and women also receive 50% less super upon retirement. It is also a startling fact that 70% of single women upon retirement become homeless due to this Super gap.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erin Klose
  • Stop Gender Based Violence
    Australian Unions call on the Australian Government and Minister Kelly O'Dwyer to actively support the development of, and ratify once adopted, the new ILO Convention aimed at preventing violence and harassment in the world at work, including sexual harassment. We need to send a message that we won’t tolerate workplace gender violence: Not here, not anywhere. Sign the petition
    1,708 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unions Picture
  • We Will Not Be Silent - End Sexual Violence
    The Australian Human Rights Commission’s 'Change the Course' report found that in 2015/16 51% of students surveyed reported that they had been sexually harassed at University and 9% of students surveyed reported that they had been sexually assaulted at University. The report also found that Women Students, Queer Students, Trans Students, Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander Students, Students of Colour and Students with Disabilities are more likely to be sexually harassed or assaulted than any other student. But perhaps the most alarming figures to emerge from this report is that 68% of students who had experienced sexual harassment at university and 40% of students who had been sexually assaulted on campus DID NOT report the incident to the university because they didn't think it would be considered serious enough. "I didn't think they would believe me. I thought they would think I made it all up" - (Student, 21) Universities have no reason for inaction. Students will not be silent - It’s time to end sexual violence
    148 of 200 Signatures
    Created by NUS Women Picture
  • Prime Minister: it's educators who need a pay rise. Not your staffers.
    Early childhood educators are paid just half the national average wage. Our work is undervalued for one reason: 97% of educators are women. Our job is seen as “women’s work”. We’re told we should do it for the love of it, but love doesn’t pay the bills. Educating children is one of the most important jobs imaginable, we are setting children up for their future. We deserve respect and fair pay. It’s time to value every child by valuing every educator. We are DONE with asking nicely. Malcolm Turnbull has until Thursday 1 February to support equal pay, or we will escalate our campaign with nation-wide walk offs.
    781 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Sam Leaver
  • Save reproductive choice in Tasmania
    It’s 2018 and Tasmanians deserve access to safe and legal reproductive health services without needing to shoulder the burden of traveling interstate to do so. The Tasmanian Liberal Government was warned that the last healthcare service in Tasmania offering affordable surgical abortion procedures would be closing. Three services offering the procedure closed during his term. He chose to do nothing. His inaction is an action in itself. He must put aside his personal anti-choice views to do his job and provide public access to the safe and legal healthcare services that Tasmanians need.
    1,617 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by EMILY's List Australia Picture
  • It's Time to Bind!
    One third of all women and people with reproductive abilities in Australia will have an abortion in their lifetime, and over 80 per cent of Australians believe that women should have the right to choose. Access to abortion is vital to our communities, and remains one of the single greatest ways to reduce the economic and social inequality Labor aims to address. If members of parliament truly wish to serve their communities, they should support legal, safe, affordable, accessible abortion services. To get in touch with Labor for Choice e-mail [email protected].
    857 of 1,000 Signatures
  • Take Sexual Violence off our Screens
    The powers that be at 9 Network have decided to include a misogynist looking for a doormat/wife in the next series of Married At First Sight. Declaring such views as wanting to be in charge, he's the man, she has to listen, and referring to traditional roles that still exist in "other countries", he fits the perfect profile of a controlling, dominating abuser. Now, undoubtedly the program will cast him as the bad guy (which he is) and manufacture conflict around his controversial character. In doing so, 9 Network are giving a platform to views and ideals that will appeal to a certain demographic, and are capitalising off the abuse of women. This in the age of #metoo. This following the growing movement naming and exposing abusers, molesters and rapists. This when on average one woman a week is killed in Australia as a result of domestic violence. The oppression and abuse of women should never be used as a marketing tool. We're talking about lives here, and lives are far more important than ratings or network profits. 9 Network, hang your heads in shame.
    3,145 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Katrina Bicket
  • Take Sexual Violence off our Screens
    The powers that be at 9 Network have decided to include a misogynist looking for a doormat/wife in the next series of Married At First Sight. Declaring such views as wanting to be in charge, he's the man, she has to listen, and referring to traditional roles that still exist in "other countries", he fits the perfect profile of a controlling, dominating abuser. Now, undoubtedly the program will cast him as the bad guy (which he is) and manufacture conflict around his controversial character. In doing so, 9 Network are giving a platform to views and ideals that will appeal to a certain demographic, and are capitalising off the abuse of women. This in the age of #metoo. This following the growing movement naming and exposing abusers, molesters and rapists. This when on average one woman a week is killed in Australia as a result of domestic violence. The oppression and abuse of women should never be used as a marketing tool. We're talking about lives here, and lives are far more important than ratings or network profits. 9 Network, hang your heads in shame.
    455 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Katrina Bicket
  • USyd: Stop promoting Charles Waterstreet's jobs to students
    These allegations follow those launched against Harvey Weinstein in the US by numerous women in the entertainment industry, and the #metoo campaign on social media, which highlights the pervasiveness of sexual harassment and assault. For young women in particular, sexualisation, harassment and objectification are all too common. Sexual harassment in the workplace isn't just harmless flirting - it is an issue of fair working conditions. The Wom*n’s Collective stands with women who have experienced harassment and assault, whether at work, at university, on the street, or in the home.
    174 of 200 Signatures
    Created by University of Sydney Women's Collective
  • Fair Pay for ANMF Nurses and Care Staff!
    We ask you to stand alongside our communities hardest workers by signing this petition demanding that Southern Cross Care Tasmania (SCCT) provide fair pay and conditions for their nursing and care staff! Aged care workers are faced with a number of tough working conditions on a daily basis; demanding overtime, inadequate staffing levels, and highly challenging emotional and physical conditions. Nurses and care staff look after some of the most vulnerable people in our community and are not being recognised for it! The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) Tasmanian Branch are working alongside SCCT members in the hope of achieving a satisfactory agreement that values the work that staff do. On Wednesday 9 August ANMF members working at SCCT sites across Tasmania commenced industrial action against their employer. This action was not undertaken lightly, however, it was the only option left for them to pursue a fair and reasonable offer from their employer. “The current offer by SCCT is simply not good enough! It is completely unfair that Aged Care Staff with Certificate III qualifications are being paid seven cents an hour less than equivalent workers employed as hairdressers under the Hair and Beauty Industry Award 2010. Meanwhile SCCT’s Annual Report for 2015-2016 reveals that the organisation is in a strong financial position and their cash position has improved considerably from the prior year, by $24 million,” said ANMF Branch Secretary Neroli Ellis. We need your help to make Southern Cross Care stand up and listen. Listen to their staff, their residents, and the community. Aged Care staff deserve better! ANMF will continue to fight for fair pay and conditions. Learn more about the campaign here: anmftas.org.au/scc
    919 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by ANMF Tas Branch Picture
  • It's Time for Action: Demand Action on Sexual Assault at UTas
    According to the Australian Human Rights Commission report released on the 1st of August, over half of all students at UTas were sexually harassed in 2016, and 6.5% were sexually assaulted Of these students the vast majority did not seek help from the university, and 0% made a formal report about the incident. While the Vice-Chancellor Peter Rathjen has since come out to say sexual violence is “never OK,” we are yet to see the university take action on any specific incident, or commit implementing a system that offers any real support to students. What students need is not more slogans, or hollow campaigns, but fast and immediate action from the university that tells that they believe us, that it’s not our fault, and that we will have justice. Sign the petition and join the UTas Women’s Collective, and Tasmanian Young Labor members, as we call on the State Government and the University of Tasmania to to commit to implementing: A standard sexual assault reporting model which recognises the rule of law Clear penalties for perpetrators of sexual assault and violence And A full-time trauma informed counsellor that specialises in harassment and sexual violence.
    249 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Heidi La Paglia