• Portable Long Service Leave for Tasmanian workers
    A PLSL scheme means that a worker's LSL entitlements follow them between different employers within the same sector, rather than an employee having to start from zero every time they move employment. Unions have been campaigning a PLSLS for workers in certain industries for a long time. Before the State Election, we reached out to most political parties and independents, urging them to support a PLSLS. Excitingly, a majority of those elected have already pledged their support for the scheme. They include the Labor Party with 10 members, the Greens with 5 members, the Jacqui Lambie Party with 3 members, and independents David O'Byrne and Kristie Johnston. That totals 20 votes out of 35.  Now, we need to rally the support of workers and the community for the scheme so we can hold the elected representatives to account and ensure the Legislative Council passes it, turning it into a reality for workers. So please sign the petition, share it on socials and encourage your colleagues, family members and friends to sign it too. 
    453 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Health and Community Services Union TAS (HACSU)
  • It's time for a pay rise in Timor-Leste
    Since 2012, Timor-Leste's minimum wage has remained stagnant at USD$115 a month, despite soaring inflation and overwhelming evidence advocating for an increase to prevent further impoverishment. The Timorese National Labour Council, with representatives from the Government, employers, and unions, reached an agreement to raise the minimum wage to USD$150 per month. Regrettably, the increase proposal was rejected by the Government. This sets a precedent that will undermine tripartism in the future, especially as it relates to fixing national minimum wages in Timor Leste. A persistently low minimum wage not only perpetuates continued poverty for low-income workers but also intensifies existing social inequality through a cycle of cheap labour. We, Australian unionists, stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters of the KSTL, urging the Council of Ministers of Timor-Leste to approve the Proposal for a Decree-Law on the National Minimum Wage, proposing an increase to USD$150 per month. This proposal has widespread support from workers and their families and can alleviate the cost of living.
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Union Aid Abroad APHEDA
  • Save our UQ Community
    Since 1961, the UQ Union Complex has served as the heart of UQ's campus community at St Lucia. Over the decades, its activities have profoundly influenced Queensland's culture and politics and hold significant historical importance. Therefore, it has always been in the community's interest to preserve and maintain the space with interior refurbishments rather than a complete transformation, which has been repeatedly proposed. Regrettably, when such repair and maintenance requests have been submitted by the UQ Union, UQ has been slow to respond or ignore the request, resulting in the exacerbation of building damage. When they do take place, they take an unacceptably long time to fix the problem (for example, the Schonell theatre). So, it is no surprise that since 2018, UQ's agenda has focused more on its interest in redeveloping the Union Complex primarily to enhance its aesthetics. Their initial attempt, likened to building a 'shopping mall' on campus, was widely criticised in 2022, leading to an announcement that they would return to 'first principles'. However, their new proposal has not undergone a comprehensive consultation process with the community. There has been a complete lack of transparency regarding the final design and the redevelopment process. Meanwhile, UQ seeks to finalise agreements through the UQ Union, insisting on maintaining confidentiality without engaging in broader consultation with the UQ and Brisbane community. What we know: UQ has been dictating space allocation within the Union Complex, which will reduce the amount of space given to our community-owned outlets. This will have a detrimental effect on the vibrant campus culture these establishments help maintain. The finalized redevelopment plans could potentially disrupt or even lead to the discontinuation of beloved establishments such as Reddo Bar, the Food Co-op shop, On a Roll bakery, and the Main Course. Furthermore, there is no provision for a full commercial kitchen to allow Kampus Kitchen to continue at its current capacity. Again, these decisions have been made without consulting the broader community, further underscoring the need for transparency and inclusive consultation. It is evident that UQ has a new vision for the future of the student commons and Union complex that appears to exclude any input from the community. Their vision risks erasing the culture and legacy of the original complex and disregarding aspects that symbolise the freedom of student expression. Moreover, it threatens to dismantle what remains of the Union Complex's role as a central hub for cultural and arts activities, including previously housing a radio station that once made it the heart of the University of Queensland.
    971 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by UQ Community
  • Demand a Melbourne Airport Rail Link Now!
    Joining this campaign for the Melbourne Airport Rail Link is vital because it directly affects our daily lives and wallets. Every day without this link, thousands of workers and travellers like us face limited transport options and exorbitant parking fees, costing us time and money. For families, it means less time at home and more stress managing daily commutes. For our community, it stunts economic growth and accessibility, keeping us disconnected from the broader opportunities Melbourne has to offer. The airport and the government's delay in building this rail link is more than an inconvenience—it's a barrier to our well-being and progress. We need your voice to ensure they hear us loud and clear: we demand better infrastructure now for a more connected and affordable future. Join us in pushing for change that will benefit all.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Transport Workers' Union - Vic/Tas
  • Remember Your Origin
    As the contract between Origin Energy, Centennial's Myuna and Mandalong mines, and the government approaches its expiration in June 2024, we call on Origin and our local state and federal representatives to remember your origins in Lake Macquarie!  Origin Energy's Eraring power station is vital, supplying about 20% of all NSW power, primarily thanks to the work from nearby Myuna and Mandalong mines. This localised supply chain not only maximises efficiency but also minimises environmental impact. Transporting coal over shorter distances reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and the resources from Myuna and Mandalong are known to produce lower sulphur emissions compared to other sites, further mitigating environmental harm. The decision to renew this contract is not merely a business transaction but a pivotal environmental and community safeguard. The Myuna mine, configured exclusively to supply Eraring, cannot divert its coal elsewhere without significant logistical and financial burdens. Without contract renewal, the risk of job losses looms large for up to 1,000 Centennial employees, and it could also impact the state's power supply. Therefore, it is imperative that the government ensures the contract's renewal, especially the supply from Myuna and Mandalong. This action will secure local jobs, promote environmental benefits, and maintain stability in NSW's energy infrastructure.
    812 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Professionals Australia
  • A fair deal for CSA teachers
    In 2024, teacher pay rates in CSA schools are well below those in NSW government and Catholic schools, who received long awaited and much deserved pay increases in October 2023. CSA’s offer consists of modest pay increases and unwillingness to give assurance that rates will not fall behind rates in government and Catholic schools. Due to the current cost of living crisis, and the lure of better pay and conditions in almost all other sectors, Christian school teachers are leaving the sector. CSA’s refusal to offer a fair deal has a direct negative effect on teachers and may pose a threat to Christian education. “Christian Schools ought to be leaders in good industrial relations. Trade Unions were commenced by Christians who were outraged by the unethical treatment of workers. It was the followers of John Wesley in England who campaigned for the rights of workers to receive fair wages.” – Graham Leo (Theologian, Author and Christian School Principal) In March 2024, teachers in CSA schools rejected the proposed offer. An overwhelming 92% outright rejected the offer in a survey run by the IEU. This comment from one Christian teacher to the IEU speaks volumes: ‘It is not appropriate that teachers in CSA schools are paid less than our counterparts in other NSW schools. I am continually disappointed (and a little insulted) that our employers do not consider it important that we are paid and valued at the same level as teachers in other school systems. We should simply be paid an equal amount. By not paying us equally, we may well lose quality teachers to other systems, and may not attract quality new teaching staff, thus devaluing our own system. Please insist that CSA simply agrees to pay us as much as the other schools in our state. Thank you for all of your hard work’. Join us in calling for a fair deal for CSA teachers! Sign and share the petition today.
    258 of 300 Signatures
    Created by IEUA NSW/ACT Branch
  • Ahpra should act fairly and equitably
    Ahpra must operate a fair and equitable fee setting policy to enable a flexible and responsive health workforce. Failing to provide reduced fees for practitioners on parental leave shows that Ahpra doesn't 'walk the walk' when it comes to principles of equity.  Ahpra has maintained its inequitable position in recent years despite numerous individual and collective representations requesting that it change course. We need your help to make this change happen!  Ahpra advises practitioners who enquire about fee reduction during parental leave that they can apply for non-practising registration. But experience indicates this is not a viable or practical option because of how Ahpra operates. Reapplying for registration is expensive and time consuming, many practitioners would not be able to avoid paying annual registration anyway, and the period of time between reapplying for registration and actually being re-registered is uncertain and can be a period of many months - during which time the practitioner is unable to work as a healthcare practitioner because they are not registered.  There are over 877,000 Australian healthcare workers, who are a diverse, dedicated and predominantly female workforce. Providing reduced registration fees for practitioners who are on parental leave would support a self-sustaining, fair, reasonable, flexible and responsive approach to fee setting, consistent with the principles of equity.
    2,639 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by AMA Victoria
  • Child Protection in Crisis
    Statutory Child Protection is in crisis. More children are at risk of harm for longer, more children are being put on orders and in out of home care. Most reports and complaints are not looked at and early intervention opportunities are missed until it is too late requiring more damaging interventions. Foster and Out of Home Care options are minimal with many jurisdictions relying on expensive private providers to house children in motels and offices with limited access to wrap around services, placing the development of children at risk. Our state child protection services are buckling due to not enough staffing and the inability to fill case workers and other positions with adequately trained social workers and psychologists. This problem lies across all jurisdictions and requires sustained national action.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Public Service Association
  • Make May 1 a Public Holiday!
    May Day, also known as International Workers’ Day, is celebrated globally on May 1st. It commemorates the historic struggles of workers and their contributions to society. Many countries recognise this day as a public holiday, allowing workers to rest, reflect, and participate in labour-related events. And New South Wales, a state that is equal last for public holidays, should recognise its historical importance by making it an official public holiday.
    2,573 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Sydney May Day Committee
  • City of Ryde Council - No Job Security and Constant Restructures, Council Workers Deserve Better!
    Local Council jobs need protecting! In the past, job seekers looked for council jobs because they knew they were secure. People pursued careers in Local Government for career enhancement, working conditions and the job security. Now it seems like a never-ending cycle of Reviews, Restructures and Retrenchments. Councils lose expertise, service delivery suffers, staff become disillusioned, and high vacancy rates make the problem worse. Local Government Jobs, Worth Fighting For!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by United Services Union - USU
  • ACAS must remain in public hands
    The Commonwealth risks the health of vulnerable elderly Australians if ACAS is privatised. The model for ACAS is changing, with the first stage of the new Single Assessment System due to be implemented as of July 2024. The Commonwealth has decided to openly tender (meaning private providers can tender for the first time) for the provision of services to support the new system, while bilateral negotiations with states and territories still are ongoing, creating a lack of transparency and certainty regarding the future of the service. The Commonwealth is leaving frontline staff and patients in the dark as to how this model will operate. This risks good public sector jobs and patient safety. The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety explicitly stated that assessments should be undertaken by assessors who are independent from approved providers. Allowing aged care providers to also conduct assessments directly contradicts the advice of the Commission and will potentially put profits before patients, with the end result potentially jeopardising patient care. Our members have experienced years of precarity and uncertainty regarding the future provision of aged care services, meaning many experienced Allied Health Professionals have already left the sector to ensure their own personal job security, while others fear for their role beyond 1 July 2024. This loss of collective knowledge and expertise could prove disastrous to ensuring that our elder Australians receive the best care in their later years. To prevent this, we demand that aged care assessment services remain in public hands, that good public sector jobs are safeguarded and that patient safety is put before profits.
    1,396 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association
  • Frontline community & disability workers deserve a 5% pay rise
    Only 7% of community and disability workers told us that their wages are keeping pace with the cost-of-living. Every day, you make life better for the most vulnerable in our communities, and it's only right that your wages acknowledge the dignity and respect you extend to others. Your dedication ensures that support reaches the most in need. Yet, for too long, this skilled and essential work has been undervalued. Without a significant pay rise this year, the gap between wages of frontline workers and the cost of living will continue to widen. Last year, action led to significant wage increases. Now, as we approach this year's Annual Wage Review, your support is crucial. Together, we have the power to make a difference. You deserve a career that offers both respect and security, with wages that reflect your skills and dedication. Sign the petition now for a 5% pay rise. It’s time for wages that truly recognise the vital contribution you make every day. Community and disability workers deserve better. Stand with us for fair pay.
    2,817 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union