• I support dairy workers!
    The dairy industry is currently facing a crisis. From fluctuating milk prices and environmental challenges, the industry is at a crossroads. As they face these challenges, workers, who are on the frontline, must be given a seat at the table. Their insights, experiences, and dedication are invaluable in shaping the future of the dairy sector. The plummeting levels of milk production in Australia to a 30-year low is not just a crisis for the dairy industry, but a pressing issue for the working class and the nation at large. Skyrocketing prices for dairy products disproportionately affect everyday Australians, especially those on fixed or lower incomes. Moreover, the dwindling milk supply has a direct impact on job security for union members who are dairy workers—both farmers and those employed in processing plants. If the industry falters, it's the workers who'll bear the brunt, facing lay-offs and financial instability, further undermining already vulnerable regional communities where many of our members live and work. This dire situation demands that union voices be front and centre in shaping any solutions. State and federal governments must consult with union representatives to invest urgently in the industry's future. The challenges of climate change, which affect both supply and worker conditions, and the unfair pricing dictated by supermarket duopolies like Coles and Woolworths, require a united, collective response. Now, more than ever, we need to mobilise to secure fair pay, conditions, and job security for our members. Our union is committed to fighting for these rights, and we urge all stakeholders to act before the industry reaches a point of no return.
    2,051 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • Fund and Fix Metro Buses
    Metro mechanics have been paid well below the industry standard for years, are receiving less training, and are quitting due to poor working conditions. That means fewer buses on the road and service cuts that leave passengers high and dry. The Tasmanian Premier, Transport Minister and Metro CEO Katie Cooper must commit to paying an industry rate for Metro mechanics. All Metro workers deserve decent pay and secure jobs – and Metro passengers deserve a bus service they can rely on. The only way to fix Metro is to fund ALL of Metro. Anything less won’t see cancelled routes restored.
    624 of 800 Signatures
    Created by The AMWU Picture
  • Exploited Worker Guarantee - Protection Against Cancellation
    Repeated studies have shown that migrant workers are being systemically paid less than their minimum entitlements. There is ample evidence that fear of visa cancellation is one of the key factors that prevents temporary visa-holders from acting on their rights at work, even if they know they are being mistreated. Only by removing the threat of visa cancellation can migrant workers enjoy the same rights and protections as everyone else who works in Australia. As part of its migration review, the Federal Government should introduce a strong, predictable, and clear guarantee that a worker's visa will not be cancelled where the worker has been subjected to workplace exploitation.
    344 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Migrant Workers Centre
  • Respect Remote Working Autonomy for Staff
    Providing truly flexible work arrangements engenders staff goodwill and loyalty by: a) trusting us to make conscientious, responsible decisions about when it is more productive to work remotely and; b) acknowledging that some of us may find it more productive to work fewer days on campus at different times, for example during school terms, over semester breaks, according to our health status or cultural commitments and/or depending on the type of work we are doing at the time. By enabling less commuting, more flexible remote working options also enhances our sustainability strategy and improves work/life balance. Whereas, the VC’s proposal to work more days from campus than from home contradicts The University’s: • commitment to “support flexible working arrangements where reasonably possible” in the latest EBA (Clause 215) and explicit commitment to “providing flexible working options for all staff”; • aspiration to be an “employer of choice for people with disability”; • commitment to “equity, diversity and inclusion throughout the University”. We, the undersigned University of Sydney employees reject the Vice Chancellor’s “general expectation… that colleagues will spend more of their time on campus than working remotely.” We instead demand that management honours its commitment in the clause 215 of the Enterprise Agreement to allow professional staff to work remotely where “the staff member is able to satisfactorily complete the requirements of the role” and to also trust academic staff to choose when and how often to work on campus, thus ensuring an inclusive, progressive, supportive and productive working environment for all of The University of Sydney’s highly diverse workforce.
    1,192 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by NTEU Members
  • Lower the limit for welding fumes now
    Too many Australian workers exposed to welding fumes are suffering from avoidable diseases such as lung cancer, occupational asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, manganese poisoning and deafness – just for doing their job. This includes both people who weld and those who work around welding. Every worker has the right to be safe at work, but we know that most workers affected feel that not enough is being done to reduce their exposure to welding fumes. SafeWork Australia can help change that by immediately lowering the limit for welding fumes exposure – but it's going to take a show of support to make that happen.
    4,048 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Manufacturing Workers Union
  • Honour the deal
    Angelo Gavrielatos, the President of the NSW Teacher’s Federation stated: “We struck a deal not once, but twice,”. “The teachers of this state have been gutted by what can only be described as an act of betrayal. Never before has a government walked away from a deal in the way that we are experiencing now. Our message is very simple; honour the agreement,” The children of NSW are losing out on their education every day as classes are merged or left with minimal supervision due to a shortage of teachers. NSW can’t retain the teachers it has or attract the teachers it needs while these essential workers remain underpaid and overworked. The NSW Labor Government must come to it’s senses, live up to the promises it’s made workers and honour the deal. Sign the petition to show your support for our teachers and your children’s future.
    8,594 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW
  • Same Super for Brisbane City Council Casual & Trainee Bus Drivers
    Casual and trainee bus drivers are some of the lowest-paid Council employees and the current superannuation arrangements mean they get less retirement savings than others. They work just as hard as permanent employees and they deserve the same superannuation rates.
    233 of 300 Signatures
    Created by RTBU QLD Branch
  • NRL: Front up to footy players
    Without players, there is no game, and without fans, there is no profession. As a game born in the working class, there's no sport that better understands the connection between players and supporters. The RLPA is asking the NRL to treat the players with respect and return to the negotiating table – this time with a formal industrial relations mediator, which is common practice when two parties are in dispute. Despite clubs working with the RLPA, agreeing on all terms and conditions that affect clubs and players, and the RLPA not asking for a single dollar more in negotiation since December 2022, the NRL is still trying to make changes that increase their control and coercion over players, including: - Severely reducing how much negotiation the NRL has to undertake with players - The NRL dictating how many commercial partners the players and their union can have - Limiting the union's access to integrity notices, making it harder to assist players - Ownership and use of medical data, allowing the NRL to use it for any reason without express informed consent - Collection and storage of medical data that doesn't meet privacy law requirements - A range of coercive monetary controls, including reduced pay for training ground and reserve players - Adding more matches to the season schedule without agreement with the players - The NRL want to control where the RLPA can send its money on player funds and benefits Find out more at - https://www.rlpa.com.au/faqs-of-cba-dispute/
    2,777 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW
  • Justice for Melbourne Airport cleaners!
    Cleaners have had enough. They want IKON to come to the bargaining table now and start treating their workers with respect. But IKON is refusing to bargain. Sign the petition today to call for justice for Melbourne Airport cleaners! -Melbourne Airport cleaners employed by IKON
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • Protect Workcover for all Workers
    Why is this important? These changes to WorkCover are designed to make it more difficult for injured workers to claim compensation, and that is unacceptable. The Government must listen to injured workers - not accountants - to make WorkCover work for everyone.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chloe Gaul Picture
  • End sham consultation to forcibly amalgamate Tasmanian councils
    The Government's plan to forcibly amalgamate councils and centralise services is causing chaos in Tasmanian Councils. I have a big stake in the Future of Local Government Review. I have not been adequately consulted on changes that could impact on the way I live and work and the services I rely on. Just nine face-to-face sessions gathering feedback on the impact of amalgamation scenarios are being offered and only to Mayors, Councillors and Employees. There are no confirmed details from the Government’s Board about consultation with communities, other than an indication that there may be a Public Hearing in each of the 9 catchments before the final report is due to the Minister in October. Mega Councils are being proposed in each catchment that would see Tasmanian Councils reduced to just 9. To add to the complexity, dozens of other amalgamation and shared servicing proposals have been tabled. Towns and council areas are being cut and chopped, even split in half. The support for workers to attend the scheduled sessions has been varied. All workers should be able to attend relevant catchment meeting(s) in paid time given the risks this poses to job security, employment conditions, starting locations and more. The Minister must intervene and ensure consultation occurs in every Tasmanian Council area, with workers and with communities.
    338 of 400 Signatures
    Created by ASUVicTas
  • Minister Danny Pearson, stand up for WorkCover!
    These changes to WorkCover are designed to make it more difficult for injured workers to claim compensation, and that is unacceptable. The Government must listen to injured workers - not accountants - to make WorkCover work for everyone.
    877 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union