• NRL: Front up to footy players
    Without players, there is no game, and without fans, there is no profession. As a game born in the working class, there's no sport that better understands the connection between players and supporters. The RLPA is asking the NRL to treat the players with respect and return to the negotiating table – this time with a formal industrial relations mediator, which is common practice when two parties are in dispute. Despite clubs working with the RLPA, agreeing on all terms and conditions that affect clubs and players, and the RLPA not asking for a single dollar more in negotiation since December 2022, the NRL is still trying to make changes that increase their control and coercion over players, including: - Severely reducing how much negotiation the NRL has to undertake with players - The NRL dictating how many commercial partners the players and their union can have - Limiting the union's access to integrity notices, making it harder to assist players - Ownership and use of medical data, allowing the NRL to use it for any reason without express informed consent - Collection and storage of medical data that doesn't meet privacy law requirements - A range of coercive monetary controls, including reduced pay for training ground and reserve players - Adding more matches to the season schedule without agreement with the players - The NRL want to control where the RLPA can send its money on player funds and benefits Find out more at - https://www.rlpa.com.au/faqs-of-cba-dispute/
    2,777 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW
  • We need the right to clock off and switch off!
    Balancing work and home life is essential for everyone. We all want to work hard and feel rewarded in our jobs, but we also need to spend quality time with family and friends, care for our loved ones, enjoy hobbies, exercise, and rest. For too many people, the work-life balance is off. Unpaid overtime, contact after hours, excessive workloads and understaffing are systemic issues for many workers. With constant email and phone notifications, an expectation to always be switched on, and blurring boundaries between work and home life, finding the work-life balance is harder than ever. • 70% of workers in Australia are often working outside of their scheduled hours • 64% of workers have been contacted in relation to work whilst on leave – including sick leave carers leave, annual leave, or long service leave • Workers are completing an average of 4.6 hours of unpaid overtime each week – or over a full day’s work each fortnight. That’s $460 of unpaid overtime a fortnight! It is vital that workers can switch off from work and be properly paid for their hours worked – that includes being paid to be available to respond to work-related calls and emails. We need the right to clock off and switch off. • The right to disconnect is becoming a reality across the world – in countries from France to Spain, Canada, Argentina, and Ireland. • 78% of workers support the Federal Government legislating for the right to disconnect. It’s time for Australia to act. Join our campaign for the right to clock off and switch off, so we can enjoy time with our family, loved ones and friends!
    810 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union
  • Justice for Melbourne Airport cleaners!
    Cleaners have had enough. They want IKON to come to the bargaining table now and start treating their workers with respect. But IKON is refusing to bargain. Sign the petition today to call for justice for Melbourne Airport cleaners! -Melbourne Airport cleaners employed by IKON
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • Protect Workcover for all Workers
    Why is this important? These changes to WorkCover are designed to make it more difficult for injured workers to claim compensation, and that is unacceptable. The Government must listen to injured workers - not accountants - to make WorkCover work for everyone.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chloe Gaul Picture
  • End sham consultation to forcibly amalgamate Tasmanian councils
    The Government's plan to forcibly amalgamate councils and centralise services is causing chaos in Tasmanian Councils. I have a big stake in the Future of Local Government Review. I have not been adequately consulted on changes that could impact on the way I live and work and the services I rely on. Just nine face-to-face sessions gathering feedback on the impact of amalgamation scenarios are being offered and only to Mayors, Councillors and Employees. There are no confirmed details from the Government’s Board about consultation with communities, other than an indication that there may be a Public Hearing in each of the 9 catchments before the final report is due to the Minister in October. Mega Councils are being proposed in each catchment that would see Tasmanian Councils reduced to just 9. To add to the complexity, dozens of other amalgamation and shared servicing proposals have been tabled. Towns and council areas are being cut and chopped, even split in half. The support for workers to attend the scheduled sessions has been varied. All workers should be able to attend relevant catchment meeting(s) in paid time given the risks this poses to job security, employment conditions, starting locations and more. The Minister must intervene and ensure consultation occurs in every Tasmanian Council area, with workers and with communities.
    338 of 400 Signatures
    Created by ASUVicTas
  • Minister Danny Pearson, stand up for WorkCover!
    These changes to WorkCover are designed to make it more difficult for injured workers to claim compensation, and that is unacceptable. The Government must listen to injured workers - not accountants - to make WorkCover work for everyone.
    875 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union
  • Darren Cheeseman, stand up for WorkCover!
    These changes to WorkCover are designed to make it more difficult for injured workers to claim compensation, and that is unacceptable. The Government must listen to injured workers - not accountants - to make WorkCover work for everyone.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by My union
  • Close the loopholes and keep wages moving
    Wages are going backwards and have been for 10 years. Workers’ wages are now worth less than they were 10 years ago. Add to this the cost of living and the housing crisis and many people are really struggling. Too many jobs have been contracted out or made insecure. Big companies like Qantas have used loopholes in workplace laws to drive down wages, contract out work, and take away working conditions. It's time to update Australia's workplace laws to protect workers and keep wages moving.
    10,511 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unions
  • Save Colac Otway Shire Council Community Care Services!
    Council-run in-home aged care and NDIS services provide a lifeline for our vulnerable elderly relatives, friends, and neighbors, enabling them to live independently in the comfort of their own homes. The importance of retaining a sense of independence cannot be overstated, as it plays a crucial role in maintaining one's mental and emotional wellbeing. The highly trained council workers who deliver this vital community service are second to none, and their permanent jobs and livable wages ensure that clients receive the continuity of care they deserve. Victoria's local government has a proud history of leading the country in delivering quality in-home services, and this must be maintained. Privatising this service would have disastrous consequences, including reduced provision, lower quality, and consistency of care for clients, as well as displacement of workers from secure and well-paid jobs within our local community. In addition, vulnerable clients may be forced to allow potentially untrained providers into their homes, leaving them significantly vulnerable to abuse. There would be a loss of holistic assessment of client needs and coordinated or escalated service delivery, which may result in inadequate care for those in need. Furthermore, integrated services would suffer due to a lack of participation of private providers in local partnerships, networks, and alliances. We cannot allow our elderly community members to suffer due to a lack of funding or support. We must demand that Council maintains its existing home care services, which are critical to ensuring the wellbeing of our most vulnerable community members.
    431 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union Vic Tas Picture
  • No nuclear submarines in Port Kembla
    There is broad-based community alarm and dissent that Port Kembla is being considered as the East Coast base for nuclear submarines as part of the AUKUS agreement. There has been no consultation undertaken or consent given by our community. Port Kembla, as part of Greater Wollongong, was declared a nuclear-free city more than 30 years ago, and its status as a nuclear-free zone was reaffirmed only last year. If a nuclear submarine facility was based in Port Kembla Harbour it would require the acquisition and alienation of a massive part of the harbour and the land around it. Land which is a valuable and vital asset for our existing manufacturing, steel, land transport and maritime industries whose epicentre is Port Kembla. Delaying a decision would prolong and amplify uncertainty over exclusion zones, access to land and waterways for our emerging industries and threaten billions of dollars of investment in renewables making it a job killer. The presence of nuclear attack class submarines in our Ports would make us a nuclear target and pose an unacceptable risk to the health and safety of hundreds of thousands of people given potential exposure to hundreds of kilograms of highly enriched uranium. If its not safe for the people of New York City to have Nuclear submarines in their midst, it's not safe for the people of any city.
    621 of 800 Signatures
    Created by South Coast Labour Council
  • Paid placements for all pre-service teachers
    Financial stress means many aspiring teachers struggle to manage their living expenses while undertaking unpaid teaching placements. Some ask family and friends for financial assistance, and others take on personal loans. The impact of unpaid placements is particularly severe for those with families or caring responsibilities, regional and rural students, and students from marginalised communities. Too many pre-service teachers are unable to complete their studies, making Victoria's teacher shortage even worse. Without enough teachers in our schools and kindergartens, students are denied access to the full range of learning and support programs they need.
    13,788 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Education Union - VIC Branch
  • Tasmania needs Industrial Manslaughter laws
    Each year, thousands of Tasmanian workers are seriously injured at work. Sadly, over the last decade, there have been 87 work-related fatalities in Tasmania. We believe this number would be even higher if all work-related deaths, including suicide, were included in the official statistics. Earlier this year, all WHS Ministers from across Australia voted to include an industrial manslaughter offence in our national model WHS laws. To make that a reality for Tasmania, however, requires the Tasmanian Government to legislate for them here. Unions Tasmania is calling on Minister Madeleine Ogilvie, and the Rockliff Government, to commit to industrial manslaughter laws in our state.
    822 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Unions Tasmania