• Government's to Ease Living Costs
    Cost of living keeps going up while wages and conditions are continually eroded away, people receiving government support are trying to get by with just $42 a day and living in poverty. The gap between wages for men and women is still around 22.8%. The dream of owning your own home has become out of reach for too many people with rentals also becoming more unaffordable, meaning the demand for public housing is increasing.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Luke Martin Picture
  • Hands off the Arts ScoMo
    You should join this campaign if you love Australian music. It has been totally defunded. If you love Australia content on TV and Film then the $70 million cut must be reversed. If you live in the country you want the $10 million back. If you enjoy this festival, the Fringe Festival Rising, music festivals, the opera, theatre, museums, art galleries; any of these events you should demand Morrison puts the hundreds of millions back in the budget. Less submarines; more gigs.
    204 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Antony Moore
  • Hospitality workers demand protection from COVID-19
    A COVID-19 outbreak at Melbourne’s historic Mitre Tavern involving nine staff occurred after an infected customer had visited the pub. Workers allege that management failed to inform them they may have been exposed to the virus until after staff members began testing positive to COVID-19. At a Melbourne cafe with close to 100 staff, workers say the venue’s Christmas party on Monday 20 December may have acted as a super-spreader event. On Tuesday 21 December workers told the union their colleagues began testing positive and informed venue management. Workers then said the venue waited until Thursday 23 December to inform all staff that they may have been exposed, and advised them to get rapid tests and isolate if positive. The venue continued operating until Christmas Eve before closing for two weeks. Staff estimate at least 50 workers became infected across the days leading up to Christmas. Meanwhile in Sydney’s Northern Beaches, a hospitality worker at a bar/restaurant has reported being called in to work while isolating and awaiting the results of a PCR test. Management also failed to tell staff at the venue when their coworkers had become infected. Workers estimate that approximately 40% of venue staff ultimately became infected with COVID-19.
    1,176 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Hospo Voice
  • More super yacht mooring
    Luckily, in Scott Morrison we have a true champion of the super-yachting-community. Scott. Sco-Mo. Maaaate. What's a few million bucks of Australians' taxes between friends? Especially since you know we have your back at the next election.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edwina Byrne
  • Reinstate Workload for Curtin NTEU Branch President
    How can the senior executive claim they want a fair and “collaborative” approach to bargaining when they have withdrawn their support of the NTEU at such a crucial time? How is it appropriate to finance management’s negotiating team with University funds, while cutting support from the NTEU during bargaining?
    223 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sian Flynne & Ryan Mead-Hunter
  • Keep COVID Protections For Essential Workers
    Paramedics have made immense sacrifices throughout the pandemic. At times, many have felt scared to go home to their families, worried they will bring home COVID-19. The amendment provided the small comfort of knowing that if the worst did happen and we did become infected with COVID-19, at least we would not have to face the stress of proving our infection occurred at work. We cannot stand by and watch while our Government turns its back on the workers that carried this state through the pandemic. We're sending a clear message that NSW will not accept the cruel and short-sighted repeal of this amendment.
    380 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Power
  • Mantle Group: Respect Your Workers
    We are aware of at least three expired agreements within Mantle Group. Young workers have been speaking out and request Mantle Group agree to: 1. Terminate any expired workplace agreements within the Group; and 2. Recognise and promote the Union in the workplace.
    173 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Young Workers Hub Picture
  • Fight the Flinders Restructures!
    It is crucial we fight against these course cuts to maintain crucial academics and prevent further cuts to our education. We’ve seen that cuts can be stopped to Italian and other courses if we fight back. These cuts not only affect flinders staff and students but the broader community. Sign this petition and share it far and wide
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FUSA Student Council
    Without these health workers, the public health system would come to a grinding halt. It's not enough to call them heroes. These workers need an annual $500 COVID retention bonus in recognition of their drastically increased workload. It's the least the Victorian Government can do. Sign this petition. Join the campaign to recognise the hard work of Victoria's non-clinical public hospital workers. The Victorian Government needs to show it values these workers.
    4,057 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Health Workers Union Picture
  • Tax avoidance and evasion costs Australia $50 billion each year
    The mega-wealthy should pay the same average rates of tax as everyday Australians, but the Morrison Government has failed to change bad laws that offer incentives and loopholes for mega-millionaires to reduce their tax to less than the average rates. The end result is that when mega-millionaires and billionaires use these tax loopholes, it costs billions of dollars each year. Tax avoidance is not a victimless crime. This is money that could fund hospitals, schools and job-creating infrastructure.
    1,843 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unions
  • Don’t Cut Emergency Payments for Australian Workers
    This decision by the Morrison Government will mean that many families are forced onto the totally inadequate Job Seeker rate of just $45 per day. Cutting off emergency payments will leave working people unable to pay rent, power bills, or buy goods and services from local businesses. We need Scott Morrison to realise that hurting workers won’t heal the economy.
    1,032 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unions
  • Tell Sydney Trains To Stop Targeting Our Delegates
    Our elected representatives need to have the ability to represent us, the members, free of harassment and the threat of disciplinary hanging over their heads like the hangman's noose. The actions displayed from Sydney Trains set a terrible precedent and will impede the movement's ability to bargain into the future due to workplace delegates being in fear of the employment.
    1,652 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Scarlett Bellette