• Save Gannawarra Shire Council Community Services!
    Council-run in-home aged care and NDIS services enables those in need to live independently at home. Being able to retain a sense of independence is so important for mental and emotional health. Our vulnerable relatives, friends and neighbours deserve to retain the quality care they get from highly trained council workers. In-home aged care delivered by local government is a hugely valued service. These workers are highly trained, on permanent jobs and liveable wages, who provide care second to none. Their employment conditions mean clients get the kind of continuity of care they asked for during the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality & Safety. Council’s direct delivery of this vital community service protects our vulnerable and older residents in their homes. Victorian local government has a proud history of leading the country in delivering quality services into homes in this area and it must be maintained. Any moves to cease direct delivery of this service and allow a private provider/s to deliver the service would have the following consequences: ▪ Reduced provision, lower quality and consistency of care to clients; ▪ Displacement of workers in secure, well paid, well supervised work within your local community; ▪ No minimum qualification requirements, where vulnerable clients will be forced to allow potentially untrained providers into their homes, leaving them significantly vulnerable to abuse; ▪ Loss of a holistic assessment client needs and coordinated or escalated service delivery or referral to match the changing needs of clients; ▪ Loss of integrated services due to lack of participation of private providers in local partnerships, networks and alliances.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union Vic Tas Picture
  • Keep Sydney Water in public hands!
    The waterways in and around Sydney, as well as the water we drink, are kept safe, clean and affordable by Sydney Water, which operates for the public. Making our harbour, coastline and drinking water a source of profit puts this at risk. If Dominic Perrottet and the Liberals privatise Sydney Water: • Water rates will go up by $264 a year; • Thousands of jobs will be lost; • Our pristine beaches and waterways are at risk. Don’t risk our water. Add your name to send a clear message to the NSW Premier – hands off Sydney Water!
    4,281 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW
  • Save Ballarat City Council In-home Aged Care!
    Council-run in-home aged care enables those in need to live independently at home for as long possible. Being able to retain a sense of independence is so important for mental and emotional health. Our ageing relatives, friends and neighbours deserve to retain the quality care they get from highly trained council workers. In-home aged care delivered by local government is a hugely valued service. These workers are highly trained, on permanent jobs and liveable wages, who provide care second to none. Their employment conditions mean clients get the kind of continuity of care they asked for during the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality & Safety. Council’s direct delivery of this vital community service protects our vulnerable and older residents in their homes. Victorian local government has a proud history of leading the country in delivering quality services into homes in this area and it must be maintained. Any moves to cease direct delivery of this service would have the following consequences: -Reduced provision, lower quality and consistency of care to clients; -Loss of secure jobs; -No minimum qualification requirements, where vulnerable clients will be forced to allow potentially untrained providers into their homes, leaving them significantly vulnerable to abuse; -Loss of a holistic assessment client needs and coordinated or escalated service delivery or referral to match the changing needs of clients; -Loss of integrated services due to lack of participation of private providers in local partnerships, networks and alliances.
    209 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union (Victoria & Tasmania)
  • Fair Go for Tasmania
    The public services we all rely on - schools, hospitals, health care services, courts, child protection, fire and rescue, community services and more - have now faced staffing shortages and under-resourcing for many years, leaving Tasmanians missing out. Record vacancies, and an inability to attract and retain workers threatens to deepen the crisis in our public sector. The workers that carried us through COVID and support us when we need it most are also suffering from the skyrocketing cost of living that is hurting all workers. At the same time, many of Tasmania's public sector workers including firefighters and child safety staff are some of the lowest paid in the country. But they're being insulted by a Premier who fails to recognise that with a fair pay rise. Stand with us to demand a fair go for Tasmania.
    212 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Munday Picture
    Our ambulance response times are the slowest they have ever been. Patients are waiting hours in bed block outside overburdened hospitals. And Paramedics are routinely working through their meal breaks, through fatigue, and into forced overtime. Frontline workers know what’s needed to address this crisis. We need our Government to listen, to make healthcare a priority, and to invest in real solutions to deliver better outcomes. With an election just around the corner, now is the time to put healthcare firmly at the top of the political agenda and make sure your local candidates are committed to real change. Every signature shows our politicians that NSW voters won’t stand for inaction. We deserve better than a system which leaves patients waiting and relies on Paramedics sacrificing their wellbeing. We’re demanding healthcare which delivers on response times, treats each patient with dignity, and doesn’t stand for compromise on Paramedic safety. For more info on our asks: apansw.com.au/we-deserve-better
    873 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Paramedics Association (NSW)
  • Save Our Sick Leave! Protect Entitlements for Health Workers at Peel Health Campus
    Peel Health Campus, currently operated by Ramsay Health Care, will transition back into public hands in August 2023. This is excellent news for both employees and the WA community, however, we, as health workers at the facility, have not yet been provided a commitment from the State Government that our many hours of accrued Personal leave will be recognised. By signing this petition you'll encourage the WA Minister for Health, Amber Jade Sanderson and Industrial Relations Minister Bill Johnston to continue this by honouring all accrued personal leave for Health Workers at Peel Health Campus.
    231 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Health Services Union WA Picture
  • Every Victorian deserves sick pay
    The last few years during the pandemic have shown us what happens when Victorians don't have access to sick pay. Working as a casual in retail I couldn’t afford to cancel the few shifts I had. I’d often be forced to go in sick, because it was the difference between me paying my rent and not. This is why it's critical that the State Goverment ensures that all workers have access to sick pay and expand the industries covered by the guarantee.
    3,014 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Clare Elliot, casual worker
  • Protect, Respect and Pay Us Fairly at Ramsay Health Care!
    By signing this petition, you will be supporting thousands of critical health care workers at Ramsay Health Care, to deliver vital Health Services for the WA community. These workers are employed with Peel Health Campus, Joondalup, Attadale and Glengarry Hospitals and have not been provided a fair pay offer which will enable them to keep up with the cost of living. Ramsay Health Care needs to be encouraged to pay Health Workers enough to demonstrate they value the work they do. By signing the petition you will let the Ramsay Board know: - A 2% pay increase is not enough, and will see health workers' pay go backwards in real terms. - Health Workers have given their all, with increased workload and significant demands through COVID.  They deserve more. - A fair pay rise will retain the current workforce and demonstrate health workers are valued. - Competitive pay will help attract experienced health professionals to the Ramsay workforce. You can make a difference to the lives of WA Health Workers and their families. Support the people who have supported us and sign the petition today.
    880 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Health Services Union WA Picture
  • Reverse The Cuts to Paid Pandemic Leave
    The Covid-19 Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment has been cut despite workers still being required to isolate if they test positive. Case numbers are rising and new variants emerging. Now is not the time to turn off paid pandemic leave. This is the wrong decision. Pandemic leave is what workers need to keep the community safe. The Federal Government must make sure workers are supported to isolate and keep themselves and the community safe. If governments are asking people to isolate to keep the community safe then we need to ensure that they are supported to do that. No one should be forced to make the impossible choice between doing the right thing and paying the bills. The Federal Government should not ignore the lessons that we have learnt since the start of the pandemic. They should reverse this decision and continue to support working people during this ongoing crisis.
    4,940 of 5,000 Signatures
  • Stop the NSW Government fining striking workers
    Unions of nurses, teachers, paramedics, cleaners, transport workers, child protection workers and many more are saying their jobs and conditions are under immense stress. The NSW Government is ignoring their pleas for help. Workers have been left with little choice but to strike to force the government to listen. So the NSW Government has proposed fines of up to $110,000 for striking. It's unfair and undemocratic - workers will suffer in silence and their unions fined if they take action. But it can be stopped. The Liberals and National Government does not hold a majority in Parliament. If Labor, independents and just 3 minor parties team up they will have a majority to overturn the new fines. The vote is expected in early August - which means we have just a few weeks to act. Add your name to send a clear message to members of the NSW Parliament - you must use your vote to protect essential worker's rights.
    15,457 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Unions NSW
    Health workers are the backbone of the Victorian health system during this COVID pandemic. They are overworked. Their workplaces are chronically understaffed. The hard work of Victoria's private health workers deserves to be recognised with a $3000 payment. So let's send a strong message to ALL Victorian private health employers. Sign this HWU petition to voice your support for all private health workers to receive a $3000 Winter Surge and Retention Payment from their employer.
    2,421 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Health Workers Union Picture
  • Keep Blue Haven in the Community
    Kiama Municipal Council are proposing to sell Blue Haven Care, its aged care facility and independent living units. The original decision was made without any community consultation, and rather than rebuilding the asset that creates profit for the community some in the council seek to sell the asset off. This would lead to the loss of half the council’s employees and an insecure residential environment for close to 400 elderly residents. This action is deplorable and we seek the intervention of the State and Federal governments to ensure the service remains viable and in public hands and that financial assistance is provided to enable the ongoing viability of the service. Further, this petition also seeks that Kiama Municipal Council not take any action that could lead to the sale of Blue Haven Care without first engaging in a formal process of community consultation so the views of the public are heard.
    377 of 400 Signatures
    Created by United Services Union - USU