• 6 Ways FUSA is Calling on Flinders University to Provide Greater Support and Certainty for Students
    This is why student unionism is so so important. FUSA Student President Josh has been one of the few lucky student representatives across the country to get a seat at the table during my University's planning and response discussions for Covid-19. We've had some wins but unfortunately my University just isn't doing enough to support students during these unprecedented times. Students right across the country are losing their jobs, being evicted from their homes, or rely on family support that is no longer available. We need to do more, and we can
    954 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Student Council - Flinders University Student Association (FUSA) Picture
  • #RaiseTheDSP NOW – equality for disabled people and carers
    The government cannot be allowed to ignore disabled people in the midst of a global pandemic. When the stimulus announcement was made we were shocked to learn we had been excluded. It exposes that the government just doesn’t get it – what it means for people who are disabled, and why the DSP is different to other payments. It costs more to be disabled. We are workers too, and disabled people and carers are losing income as a result of this crisis. Many disabled people are more vulnerable to COVID19 than other Australians. We face higher costs for specialised supports, healthcare, medication, housing and transport. There are many essential costs that the NDIS does not cover and during the pandemic people’s costs are only going up. The cost of support workers and other specialised services is increasing, some by as much as 10 per cent. NDIS invoice processing times are blowing out. This decision to exclude disabled people and carers exposes the government’s failure to understand our lives and needs. We must not let the government divide us into ‘deserving’ and ‘undeserving’ groups. We must demand that our leaders immediately include the most vulnerable people in our community in the $550 per fortnight coronavirus supplement. We must stand together in the fight for disabled people and carers to be treated equally.
    7,078 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unemployed Workers Union Picture
  • Give Shelley and Karen permanent cleaning roles – for everyone’s safety at TPS!
    The DOJ is putting the health and safety of COs and others in the prison at risk. Cleaning is at the front line of defense amid the Covid-19 crisis. But by keeping our prison cleaners contracted and casual, the Department is neglecting the management of this crucial job and putting lives at risk. Right now, coronavirus is threatening the health and livelihood of people all over the world, and here in Tasmania we are fighting it daily. We know that if coronavirus gets hold in TPS that isolation is not an option. An outbreak in the prison complex will decimate inmates and Officers, and must be prevented at all costs! TPS is trusting a mainland contract cleaning company to have the leadership and know-how to keep you safe! This company employs Shelley and Karen as Casuals. They have no isolation leave like you do ‒ they don’t even have any sick leave. They don’t have access to any of the systems and supports that you do, but they’re expected to keep RPC hygiene and disease free! Shelley and Karen play a vital role in ensuring the prison facilities are sanitised and virus-free. They keep employees and inmates safe. Yet they’re not afforded the respect they deserve such as job security, sick leave and a fair wage. They’re not given appropriate PPE or training in infection control. This puts us all at risk! Giving Shelley and Karen permanent roles can change this! There have been two vacant cleaning positions in the prison complex for over two years that the company has refused to fill. We need to tell TPS there has never been a more important time to employ cleaning staff and support them with the resources and training they need to keep us all safe. We demand that the DOJ directly employ Shelley & Karen immediately, give them access to special COVID-19 leave, and train them in infection control.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Ellis
  • COVID19: Paid special leave for all nurses, midwives and personal care workers
    We need to ensure that all nurses, midwives and personal care workers have access to appropriate leave during the current pandemic. This enables them avoid being financially disadvantaged when taking the necessary precautions in order to care for the community and keep us safe. Sign this petition to show your support to providing access to 15 days paid special leave for all nurses, midwives and personal care workers affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19).
    8,964 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by ANMF (SA Branch)
  • COVID-19 - Call time on Term 1
    Our union’s primary concern is that schools cannot currently meet either their legislative Work, Health and Safety (WHS) obligations or their duty of care to both their employees and students while the school term continues.
    5,932 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Independent Education Union Qld & NT
  • Help save lives and low the cost of living for low income earners
    People are dying in govt state homes due to not being able to control there body temperature because the Qld state government won’t install air conditioning into government housing. https://youtu.be/t-o-4xXMoM8 Also it’s unfair that homeowners are paying next to nothing for electricity because of solar panels and the Qld state is giving them all the rewards. For equality the low income earner should also be entitled to this as well. For those who are homeowners please read the article because there’s something in there for you that will also benefit you. Thank you and keep safe. https://youtu.be/Htfbo3A6BzQ http://3quotes.com.au/news/3-int-13-geo/index.html
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Potter
  • Coronavirus - A guaranteed wage subsidy to save jobs now!
    Working Australians have been dealt a body blow by the impact of the coronavirus. Millions of workers are facing the very real prospect of losing their job and they need the government to act. Sign our petition and tell the Morrison government it must provide a guaranteed wage subsidy to all working people immediately to save jobs. Other countries' governments have already done this. The UK government is guaranteeing 80% of people's wages. It’s time Scott Morrison gave Australian workers the same assurance that they are not being abandoned. Scott Morrison has announced a wage subsidy for Australian workers, but it excludes 500,000 casuals and over 1 million temporary visa holders. Let the Prime Minister know that it is only by keeping people in jobs that the future of Australian workers, their families and their communities can be secured. If we guarantee wages now we will keep people in jobs and out of welfare. Sign the petition for a guaranteed wage subsidy and let Scott Morrison know Australian workers need a government that puts the well-being of workers first.
    44,367 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Unions
  • Stop the privatisation of SA Pathology
    When there's a crisis, we can only rely on public pathology and health services to protect the community. Thanks to our world class public pathology service, South Australia is testing more people for COVID-19 than any state.  Tell Steven Marshall to keep South Australians healthy, and rule out any plans to privatise SA Pathology now!
    4,151 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Public Service Association of SA
  • COVID-19: Students Demand Government Response
    The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the social inequality many young people have experienced for too long. While the world tries to manage an unfolding pandemic, this crisis has led to insecurity in housing, income, and study without action from our government. This crisis will affect all aspects of the lives of students and young people. Casual workers, most of whom are students, have no guarantee that they will get paid if their workplace is to shut down or they must self-isolate. Working people need to know they don’t have to make the decision between going to work sick, or self-isolating and not being able to pay their bills. At Universities, our campuses are closing and moving online, while ongoing fears about fees and future of study, especially for international students, remain unaddressed. So many questions remain unanswered, but what we know is that if this continues, bills will stack up, evictions will occur, and income support payments will be lost. In its silence, our government is finalising a generation of inequality for today’s young people. As they move towards announcing their second stimulus package, young workers and students are begging for support. The Morrison government is yet to respond to our concerns. Instead, focusing on lining the pockets of business and giving out one off welfare payments that will fail to bring students out of poverty. Students and young people cannot continue to be left behind. This statement is endorsed by dozens of student representatives from around the country, representing hundreds of thousands of students whose livelihoods and futures are under threat. We are demanding action. The government must finally take leadership during this crisis and support the Australians who have been forgotten. Workers, students, and young people need action to protect their income, housing, and study. To fail at this now will hurt this nation for years to come.
    319 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Ranganathan, NUS President
  • Clubs Workers need urgent paid leave and ongoing support!
    We need this government to step up and ensure all workers who are unable to work because of Coronavirus have access to special paid leave, and are not left out of pocket.
    801 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union Clubs members
  • Ensure all information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic is translated by qualified professionals
    Right now all of Australia is concerned about containing the COVID-19 coronavirus and we need to make sure everyone has access to the necessary information. For our CALD communities, which includes the Deaf community, this means accurate translation and interpretation of information about the Coronavirus. It’s their right to know how to keep themselves safe. And it’s everyone’s safety too. If they’re denied access to information, they may – through no fault of their own – contribute to the spread of the virus.
    484 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Professionals Australia
  • Coronavirus: Sick & Closure Pay for Casual Teachers & ES Staff
    If Casual Relief Teachers or Casual Education Support staff are sick or required to self-isolate they will not get sick pay. This puts real pressure on our colleagues to come to work sick. If schools are required to close they will not be paid. Public health is not an individual responsibility, it is a social responsibility.
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Chris Breen