• Safe Arts and Entertainment For ALL
    We’re urgently calling on our Arts and Entertainment industry to make shows safe and accessible for everyone.  Getting infected with Covid can have dire and incurable consequences for anyone, but especially for the most vulnerable in our communities.  As an industry whose work predominantly occurs indoors and in crowded spaces, accessing Arts and Entertainment is currently a high risk activity.  This has seen many people decrease the amount of shows they attend or stop attending shows altogether. Alongside this, the constant circulation of Covid and other respiratory viruses has seen a rise in audiences buying tickets last minute because they’re not sure if they’ll be well enough to attend on the day.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  Having a good night out at a show shouldn’t have to happen at the risk of our health and, for many, our lives.  Keeping the industry open shouldn’t have to happen at the risk of the industry’s sustainability and security.  We have the tools to provide communities with safe and accessible Arts and Entertainment.  These tools include, but are not limited to: • Effective air filtration at venues • Mask mandatory performances • Ticket exchange flexibility where appropriate • Better communication regarding keeping each other safe and; • Continuing commitment to online programming We ask that producers and venues meet with us to discuss how we can use these tools and others to ensure the industry is accessible and safe for everyone so that it can flourish in a secure and sustainable way.
    298 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jenna Schroder
  • Stop wasting GPs time with sick-certificates!
    Rather than spending time recovering from short-term illnesses, workers have to take time out of their day to book appoints with a GP to obtain a medical certificate just to justify their reason for taking sick leave. Often, appointments might not be available for days, and with bulk billing on the decline many workers essentially have to pay out of pocket to evidence their own sick leave. Rather than spending most of their time writing certificates for workers who already know they're ill, GPs should be tending to people who need it most.
    25 of 100 Signatures
  • Fighting for a Fair Deal
    The medical scientists and technicians at Melbourne Pathology are only seeking a fair pay increase and the industry standards of five weeks of annual leave and access to long service leave after seven years.     But when asked to make fair increases in pay and improvements in conditions for their scientific and technical workforce, the management at Melbourne Pathology cry poor.   While they cry poor, management has had little to say when it is pointed out that the CEO of Sonic Health, the parent company of Melbourne Pathology, is among the top ten paid CEOs in Australia.    It is best practice for medical scientists and laboratory technicians to have five weeks annual leave and access to long service leave after seven years. Melbourne Pathology claims they already give their scientific workforce a competitive salary package. However, if this were true, how would Melbourne Pathology explain losing great staff to other scientific workforces.    Melbourne Pathology medical scientists and technicians would rather solely focus on helping patients and getting their important work done. Instead, they are being forced to take industrial action to get a fair deal. To see medical scientists and technicians stop work is extremely unusual given their dedication and commitment to helping patients.    The medical scientists and technicians at Melbourne Pathology are only seeking a fair outcome that recognises their skills and efforts. 
    665 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Medical Scientists Association of Victoria
  • Ahpra should act fairly and equitably
    Ahpra must operate a fair and equitable fee setting policy to enable a flexible and responsive health workforce. Failing to provide reduced fees for practitioners on parental leave shows that Ahpra doesn't 'walk the walk' when it comes to principles of equity.  Ahpra has maintained its inequitable position in recent years despite numerous individual and collective representations requesting that it change course. We need your help to make this change happen!  Ahpra advises practitioners who enquire about fee reduction during parental leave that they can apply for non-practising registration. But experience indicates this is not a viable or practical option because of how Ahpra operates. Reapplying for registration is expensive and time consuming, many practitioners would not be able to avoid paying annual registration anyway, and the period of time between reapplying for registration and actually being re-registered is uncertain and can be a period of many months - during which time the practitioner is unable to work as a healthcare practitioner because they are not registered.  There are over 877,000 Australian healthcare workers, who are a diverse, dedicated and predominantly female workforce. Providing reduced registration fees for practitioners who are on parental leave would support a self-sustaining, fair, reasonable, flexible and responsive approach to fee setting, consistent with the principles of equity.
    2,639 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by AMA Victoria
  • Child Protection in Crisis
    Statutory Child Protection is in crisis. More children are at risk of harm for longer, more children are being put on orders and in out of home care. Most reports and complaints are not looked at and early intervention opportunities are missed until it is too late requiring more damaging interventions. Foster and Out of Home Care options are minimal with many jurisdictions relying on expensive private providers to house children in motels and offices with limited access to wrap around services, placing the development of children at risk. Our state child protection services are buckling due to not enough staffing and the inability to fill case workers and other positions with adequately trained social workers and psychologists. This problem lies across all jurisdictions and requires sustained national action.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Public Service Association
  • Pay Junior Doctors for the hours we have worked!
    More than 60 per cent of doctors surveyed have reported making a clinical error due to exhaustion. Our doctors are fatigued, overworked, and suffering from stress and mental health problems. Overworked and underpaid healthcare staff leads to an unsafe and unsustainable healthcare system for both patients and the workers. Without proper support or work / life balance, many doctors in training are leaving the industry altogether. Victoria’s junior doctors are not asking for a pay rise - they are simply asking to be paid for hours they have already worked. Use the form to send a letter to Hon. Mary-Anne Thomas (Minister for Health), let the Victorian Government know that the wage theft from junior doctors needs to stop.
    1,199 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Salaried Medical Officers' Federation
  • Ambos DESERVE to have A LIFE TOO
    Paramedics are currently bargaining with Ambulance Victoria and the Jacinta Allan Government for a new enterprise agreement. We are asking for improvements to wages, conditions, valuing MICA, better rural resourcing, and incentivising longevity in the job. But for many members, the most important claim is simply the ability to get home after the shift ends. Our members are forced to work hours of involuntary overtime every day, either because they are ramped at a hospital, or dispatched to a case minutes before the end of shift and sometimes after their rostered finish time. That may seem reasonable in an emergency and any ambo you ask will tell you they expect to work overtime when a patient urgently needs their skills. But our call taking system categorises people who call 000 because they couldn’t afford a GP as an EMERGENCY. Ambulance Victoria have trumpeted that an ambo workplace is an inclusive, family friendly workplace. But our members work over 800 hours of forced overtime every single day. This means that picking up kids, getting to a sporting game or parent teacher interview is not a commitment any ambo can make. Members are ignored when simply requesting an on-time finish. One member was dispatched to a non-urgent patient in a health facility three minutes before the end of shift. The paramedic pleaded with Ambulance Victoria management that she had to pick up a child from daycare but was refused. Another colleague had to go to the childcare centre to take care of the baby until the paramedic finished over an hour late. Recently Swinburne and RMIT surveyed Victorian Ambulance Union members and the number of ambos looking at leaving the job in the next year has climbed to one in five. That’s already in a workforce where over half the paramedics have been in the job for less than five years. This is not sustainable for the workforce, but sadly, that’s what happens when ambos are asked to choose between their job and their family. Ambos are dedicated to saving lives. Please support us by signing this petition and help ambos have a life too.
    13,166 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Victorian Ambulance Union
  • Fair Pay for Fitness Workers!
    Some of us have been paid the same rate of $42.50 per class for 15 years service in the brand. While fees for club members and company profits go up, our pay remains the same. Cost of living is at an all-time high and we are struggling to make ends meet. GFIs are educators, community leaders and athletes who are deeply passionate about the work they do. It is time FLG recognised this and commits to a wage structure that is fair and sustainable. Union members are asking their community to stand with them and sign and share this petition.
    3,633 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by United Workers Union
  • Let's get a bin for Storey Rd Reserve, Reservoir 3073
    Storey Road Reserve is a gathering place for a diverse range of community members including; older people, local children and families, couples and singles who all rely on the park for active movement, greenspace and social connection. It's also a pocket of habitat for local wildlife in a built-up suburb. We face a public health and environmental threat due to the absence of public bins. It has led to an alarming increase in the improper disposal of waste, particularly bags of dog excrement. This situation detracts from our park's ability to be a calming green and clean space and poses a health risk. The presence of dog waste is not just unsightly; it’s a source of contamination and potential spread of diseases, which could particularly affect the young children who play in the park and community members who are immunocompromised or elderly. In addition littering of sharp waste has been observed which could cause injury and illness. Plastic waste is often dumped and this causes death and injury to local wildlife. In the interest of public health, environmental cleanliness, and community well-being, we urge the Darebin Council to install public bins in Storey Road Reserve in the next budget. We believe installing bins will encourage responsible waste disposal, thus preserving the park's hygiene, amenity and improving social behaviour. It also aligns with our community's environmental stewardship and public health values.
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jess Barry
  • Lower the limit for welding fumes now
    Too many Australian workers exposed to welding fumes are suffering from avoidable diseases such as lung cancer, occupational asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, manganese poisoning and deafness – just for doing their job. This includes both people who weld and those who work around welding. Every worker has the right to be safe at work, but we know that most workers affected feel that not enough is being done to reduce their exposure to welding fumes. SafeWork Australia can help change that by immediately lowering the limit for welding fumes exposure – but it's going to take a show of support to make that happen.
    4,045 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Manufacturing Workers Union
  • SSAF is for Students!
    Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF) at the University of Tasmania sees 81% of its funding placed into University ran departments. The current allocation of SSAF funding into University departments does not reflect the notions of Student Services and Amenities fees, being controlled by those who pay for them. We therefore call on the University to ensure at least 51% of SSAF Funding is allocated to the student association as the association that represents all students at the University of Tasmania.
    547 of 600 Signatures
    Created by TUSA State Council
  • Minister Danny Pearson, stand up for WorkCover!
    These changes to WorkCover are designed to make it more difficult for injured workers to claim compensation, and that is unacceptable. The Government must listen to injured workers - not accountants - to make WorkCover work for everyone.
    875 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Australian Services Union